Tsev » 2017 » Lub Xya hli ntuj » 12

I film nelle sale da giovedì 13 luglio

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Tsos nyob theaters txij hnub plaub 13 Lub Xya hli ntuj

Cov tshiab films xinesmas caij, los ntawm cov journalist critic Mattia Lattanzi, nelle muag fiorentine da giovedì 13 Lub Xya hli ntuj tsov rog – ntiaj chaw ntawm lub apes ib hom ntawv nyeem: Azione, Taug txuj kev nyuaj, Fantascienza Regia: Matt Reeves cam khwb cia: Woody Harrelson, Sara Canning, Judy Greer, Andy Serkis, Steve Zahn, Ty Olsson, Aleks Paunovic, Max Lloyd-Jones, Amiah Miller xalav, Sib dhos […]

Cino Tortorella, “c’è vita dopo la vita…non abbiate paura”

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Cino Tortorella, “Yog lub neej tom qab lub neej…Tsis txhob ntshai”

Hnub no nyob hauv peb phau ntawv devoted seem peb tuaj ib tug yeej tshwj xeeb, ib qho autobiography ntawm cov ua cim uas tshuav peb ob peb lub hlis dhau los, Cino Tortorella, ib lub npe thiab lub lav. Ib tug phooj ywg rau kuv, Kuv twb muab ib lub sij hawm zoo, peb paub los lawm ua ntej, ib yam li cov Italians, Tsaug rau TV, thiab […]

I manoscritti di Antonia Rendesi sulla Divina Commedia esposti al Museo Casa di Dante

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Cov neeg hauv lub Rende Antonia thawj rau zaub tom Museo Casa di Dante tus Divine Comedy

Lub neej tshiab nimno tus sau. Antonia neeg Rende, niam thiab niam tsev, Nws muab nws 5 xyoo rau tes-Hour tus hymns pua ntawm qhov Divine Comedy. Scrolls kaum tsib, neb ib leeg twg ntawm kev centimeters ib puas rau caum, uas mus txog 24 Kaum ib hlis yuav tsum admired ntawm Dante lub tsev, ntawm raug Margherita 1 nyob rau hauv Florence. “L’amore per Dante nel manoscritto […]

Saldi estivi: partenza con brio

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Lub caij ntuj sov muag khoom: pib nrog brio

Yav tom ntej debut hauv Tuscany rau lub caij ntuj sov muag khoom 2017, Nws qhib teb tau hnub vas xaum 1 Lub Xya hli ntuj. Qhov no yog hais qhia los ntawm lub lub regional President of Federmoda-Confcommercio Federica Garcia: "Tus turnout hauv khw rau no thawj zaug lis xaus tau heev nyob hauv ob lo lus uas peb nrov seaside hauv dej. Daim ntawv hais tias muaj tej tug poj expectation rau the part of […]

Cimitero delle Porte Sante: a settembre lavori di messa in sicurezza

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Tojntxas ntawm lub qhov rooj uas dawb huv: phiaj hauj lwm rau lub Cuaj hlis

Tseem ua hauj lwm hauv lub phiaj thiab upgrading ntawm lub tojntxas monumental ntawm lub qhov rooj uas dawb huv, qhov twg rau lub Cuaj hlis yuav pib ua hauj lwm rau banisters, stairs thiab railings (161, 000 euro nraud) lub bastion Southwest hais "qub Gallery Bastion", kaw tawm 30 xyoo, Thaum kuv nyuam qhuav tas pab ntau ntxiv nyob rau hauv lub tojntxas ntawm […]

L’Azione del Silenzio in scena alla Certosa

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Qhov kev txiav txim ntawm lub Silence ntawm lub Certosa

Tom qab cov amazing tau zoo ntawm cov 2007, nrog luag 200 replicas, ua los ntawm Compagnia delle Seggiole captained los Fabio Babel lyrics thiab xaiv los ntawm Giovanni Micoli, lub xyoo sib law liag eleventh rov mus ntsib lawv hauv lub Certosa del Galluzzo: lus mus txog qhov chaw thiab lub sij hawm nyob rau hauv ib lub monasteries ntawm richest […]

Toscana terra felice per le specie aliene invasive

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Tuscany ntiaj teb zoo siab rau tus alien hom

157 invertebrates, 47 vertebrates, 363 nroj tsuag: yog kawg 567 tus hom alien hauv Tuscany. Nkag tau los ntawm tus txiv neej ntawd los yog txhob txwm sab nraum koj cheeb tsam hauv keeb kwm, tus alien hom qhia tam sim no nyob rau hauv cheeb tsam no yog, muaj ib feem tseem ceeb ntawm ib puag ncig thiab biodiversity, tiam sis yuav tsum tsis: qhov xwm ntawm cov nqi kev […]

Spettacolo: Sen. Di Giorgi “ecco legge attesa 40 anni”

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Qhia: Sen. Darrah “Ntawm no yog txoj cai nyob tos 40 xyoo”

"Thaum kawg teb sab ntawm tus yeeb yam nyob yuav tau muaj organic thiab unified ntxawg moj khaum. Nws yog ib txoj cai uas lawv nyob tos 40 xyoo, ntawm tus txheej txheem ntev uas pom ua phem rau tag nrho cov Culture Committee ntawm lub Senate". Yog lub xeev Senate Vice President Rose mab liab Darrah, Rapporteur ntawm tus tshiab […]

“Zenrico, o il suo clone?” nuova versione in scena il 12 luglio a Ponte a Ema

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“Matrix3445, los yog nws tus clone?” tshiab version rau 12 Lub Xya hli ntuj hauv lub Ema Ponte

“Matrix3445, los yog nws tus clone?” Lub monologue ntawm Massimo Blaco thiab Henry Zoi brainchild ntawm Henry Zoi, rov nrog tus tshiab version rau 12 Lub Xya hli ntuj, tom 21,30, cov Oratory uas raug Caterina, nyob rau hauv Ponte lub Ema, lub ntsiab lus teb ntawm lub caij ntuj sov RIPOLESE 2017. "' Matrix3445, los yog nws tus clone?' yog lus nyob rau theem tam sim no – qhia rau […]

A Vittorio Storaro il Premio di Fiesole “Maestri del Cinema”

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Tus nqi zog ntawm Vittorio Storaro Fiesole “Masters of xinesmas”

Yuav mus Vittorio Storaro, cinematographer (Thawj coj ntawm photography) khiav ntawm peb Academy txeeb, cov kabmob ai Premio Fiesole Maestri del xinesmas 2017, prestigious puav pheej uas muab los ntawm lub nroog ntawm Fiesole nyob hauv lub tswv yim nrog rau cov teb chaws syndicate ntawm zaj duab xis Italian critics pab pawg neeg thiab cov Fondazione Sistema Toscana, nyob rau hauv cov kev taw qhia artistic txog Gabriele Rizza. Lub ceremony yuav muaj sijhawm teem hnub Wednesday 26 Lub Xya hli ntuj tom […]

Nplooj ntawv 1 ntawm 212