Tsev » 2017 (Nplooj ntawv 44)

Il Cardinale Elia Dalla Costa presto Venerabile

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Cardinal Elia Dalla Costa sai Venerable

Cov cardinal Archbishop of Florence, Mons. Giuseppe Betori, Muaj cardinal Secretary of State Parolin, tus 2 Lub peb hlis ntuj, Rau lub clergy thiab journalists tam sim no nyob rau hauv lub Seminary tshaj tawm tias kawg ntawm lub hlis plenary ntawm lub Bishops thiab Cardinals ntawm lub Vatican Congregation rau cov neeg ntseeg yuav pronounce rau lub Heroic Virtues ntawm Cardinal Elia Dalla Costam muab cov lus txiav txim […]

Conferenza Stampa a tutto tondo del Cardinale Parolin Segretario di Stato Vaticano

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Nias sablaj ntawm txhua trades ntawm lub Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin

Txuas mus xyuas fiorentina, kawg 2 Lub peb hlis ntuj, lub Cardinal Secretary of State, Mons. Pietro Parolin, tuav ib lub rooj sib tham ntawm spirituality (pom peb lwm yeeb yaj duab featuring muab ib) rau lub zwj fiorentino, hauv rhiav, kuj qhib rau muam/viv ncaus thiab muab cov neeg, thiab muaj kev koom tes los ntawm ob peb journalists. Qhov kawg ntawm lub rooj sab laj, thiab ua ntej […]

Al via la 22ma edizione musicale di “O flos Colende”

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Tus 22nd ib tsab cov suab paj nruag “Los yog flos Colende”

14 teem, 13 concerts thiab ib pawg lom los Cardinal Archbishop Giuseppe Betori, cov suab paj nruag los Léo Delibes and fiorentina dawb huv kev lig kev cai, tsim tseg rau daim ntawv thov raws 2017 O flos colende (2 Lub peb hlis ntuj- 8 Cuaj hlis), suab paj nruas xyuas ntawd lawm nruab nrab yog ib fixture ruaj khov rau tag nrho cov kiv cua thiab xyoo no mus txog nws […]

Il Cardinale Segretario di Stato Vaticano parla al clero fiorentino

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Lub Cardinal Secretary of State hais lus rau cov zwj fiorentino

Kawg 2 Peb hli ntuj Cardinal Secretary of State, Mons. Pietro Parolin, Nws rau hauv seminar ntawm Florence rau cov zwj fiorentino thaum ib sab ntsuj plig sib tham ncaav tau los ntawm cov Archdiocese nyob “Evangelii Gaudium” Liv xwm. Ntawm lub rooj sab laj, kuj qhib rau muam/viv ncaus thiab muab cov neeg, Nws kuj kawm rau cardinal Archbishop of Florence, Mons. Yos Xes […]

Pasqua: in Quaresima 1 toscano su 3 aumenta consumi pesce, vendite +50%

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Easter: muaj thiaj tau qiv 1 Toscano ntawm 3 ntses noj qab, muag +50%

Nyob hauv thiaj tau qiv lub toscano ntawm peb qab kev noj cov khoom uas ntses, muaj muag dhau ib feem pua ntawm 30% tsis tas li ntawd, thiab nyob rau hauv cov Easter lis xaus kuj 50%. Tom qab cov Christmas thiab lub caij ntuj sov hnub caiv, Qhov no nws yog lub sij hawm peb xyoo thaum Italians noj ntau tus ntses khoom, Txawm […]

Al Museo Marini Santa Messa nella Cappella Rucellai

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Tsev khaws puav pheej tubrog nkoj pawg hauv lub Rucellai Chapel

Tsev khaws puav pheej Marini Marino tus Rucellai Chapel rov opens lub Liturgical rite ntawm cov pawg. Trasformato nel corso dei secoli, da Chiesa di San Pancrazio a edificio dedicato all’arte del Novecento con la collezione delle opere di Marino Marini, il Museo, forse un unicum in Italia, include al suo interno un luogo sacro che rinnova oggi […]

Visioni latenti fino al 12 marzo

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Visions dormant kom txog rau thaum pw 12 Lub peb hlis ntuj

Lucia Baldini thiab Gloria Romoli, kev pab txog ob, nrog cov neeg pleev kob Rebecca Hayward, mus txog 12 Lub peb hlis ntuj muaj lawv tej hauj lwm nyob hauv txoj cai ruaj Gama nyob Corso Tintori 6, cov sij hawm thaum 17 tom 20. Qhov peb ntxias, United tau ib leeg ib, kab lus evocative – Qhov kev pom zoo nkauj exalts dab tsi yog qhov pom – investigating cov poj niam tus ntug, […]

Il Cardinale Parolin a Firenze per gli Incontri di Spiritualità per il Clero

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Cardinal Parolin nyob Florence rau Spirituality rau lub zwj

Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, yuav muaj ib tug qhua rau hnub plaub 2 Lub peb hlis ntuj feeb 10,30 lub seminary (Lungarno Soderini, 19) rau lwm tus ntawm qhov yuam kev nce ua tus Diocesan catechetical chaw ua hauj lwm hauv Florence xyoo no raws li nws cov ntsiab hab txhawb lub spirituality ntawm liv xwm "Evangelii Gaudium" Apostolic Exhortation. Nyob cuag cov rooj sib tham rau koob […]

“Uno zombie d’altri tempi” di Gilda Di Nardo

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"Ib zombie ntawm qhov poob qab lawm" los ntawm Gilda Di Nardo

Gilda Di Nardo, hoob 1976, Rov los rau tam sim no publishing scene nrog tus tshiab tshiab hu ua "ib tug zombie los ntawm lwm lub sij hawm", luam tawm los ntawm Ilmiolibro.it. Amber, Tina, Carmela, Bokor, Mrs Davies, Andrea, Nietta, Magdalene, Pasquale, Michele, Luvkas thiab ntau lwm tus yuav sibroj siblaw rau Marco, lub protagonist ntawm zaj dabneeg. Marco yog ib tug tub hluas uas yuav ncaim ntawm Rome mus cuag […]

I film in sala da giovedì 23 febbraio

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Chav dej tsos hnub plaub 23 Lub ob hlis ntuj

Cov tshiab films xinesmas caij, los ntawm cov journalist critic Mattia Lattanzi, nelle muag fiorentine da giovedì 23 febbraio zoo kawg thiab phab ntsa Genere: Azione, Fantasy, Avventura Regia: Yimou Zhang cam khwb cia: Matt Damon, Willem Dafoe, Pedro Pascal, Andy Lau, Jing Tian, Eddie Peng, Xuan Huang Una squadra d'elite viene scelta ib affrontare una battaglia ib […]