Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence
Queste le Mostre attualmente aperte e visibili negli orari e nei giorni indicati.
Date: until 30 January
Event: Tutto in un attimo
Genus: Exhibitions
Place: La Corte, Florence
Information: 055.284435 www.lacorteartecontemporanea.it
Date: until 31 January
Event: Oltre lo Sguardo. Saggi del tempo di mezzo Opere di Benedetta Manfriani. Sound Design Francesco Casciaro/Tempo Reale.
Place: Istituto degli Innocenti
Information: Piazza della Santissima Annunziata, 12 055.2037331 www.istitutodegliinnocenti.it
Orario lun-sab 10-16, dom 10-14
Date: from 28 January to 27 April
Event: Once in a Lifetime. Tesori dagli Archivi e dalle Biblioteche di Firenze Dipinti, drawings, acquerelli e documenti
Place: Sala Bianca Palazzo Pitti
Information: Piazza Pitti 055.294883 www.unannodarte.it
Time: mart-dom 8.15-18.50, chiuso lun
Date: until 31 January
Event: Contemporary Visions. ArtCloud#1: Seconda edizione Rassegna dedicata ai nuovi talenti dell’arte contemporanea che trovano spazio in luoghi non convenzionali
Place: Florence
Information: Multiverso Via del Campo d’Arrigo, 42r 055.4089304 www.dayoneart.com
Time: everyday 9-19, chiuso sab e dom
Date: until 23 February
Event: Robert Capa in Italia 1943-1944 78 immagini in bianco e nero raccontano la II guerra mondiale in Italia
Place: Museo Alinari
Information: Largo Fratelli Alinari, 15 055.23951 www.alinari.it
Time: everyday 10-18.30 compresi festivi, chiuso merc
Date: until 2 February
Event: I mai visti. Dietrofront. Il lato nascosto delle collezioni In mostra circa 40 works (paintings, marmi antichi, majolica, arredi…) di cui viene presentato anche il lato posteriore.
Place: Uffizi Gallery
Information: Piazzale degli Uffizi, 6 055.2646456 www.polomuseale.firenze.it
Time: mart-dom 10-17
Date: until 9 February
Event: Una novella patria dello spirito Firenze e gli artisti delle Venezie nel primo Novecento.
Place: Uffizi Gallery
Information: Uffizi Gallery 055.2388624 www.polomuseale.firenze.it
Time: mart-dom 8.15-18
Date: until 22 February
Event: The way Principe: Niccolo Machiavelli from Florence to San Casciano Exposed precious documents, manuscripts and works including the famous "Table Doria"
Place: National Central Library in Florence
Information: Piazza dei Cavalleggeri 055.283072 www.cesifin.it
Time: lun-ven 9-18, chiuso dom e festivi
Date: until 16 March
Event: Aldo Fadda. From Giorgio Armani to the Renaissance Photography Exhibition: in oltre 200 the epic images of Made in Italy. The exhibition continues at the Museo Bardini (via de ' Renai, 37)
Place: Villa Bardini
Information: Costa S. Giorgio, 2 055.2654321 www.bardinipeyron.it Orario: mart-dom 10-19
Date: until 8 March
Event: The statues hot. Mind-body-action, 1945-2013 Works 18 artists dedicated to the theme of the sculpture of the sixties to today
Place: Museo Marino Marini
Information: Piazza San Pancrazio 055.219432 www.museomarini.it Orario: everyday 10-17, chiuso mart, dom e festivi
Date: until 30 March
Event: Anthology 2014. The light and its movement: a trip to Italy from Futurism to the new experiments Works: Picasso, Army, Iras, Baldessarri, Fontana, Boetti, Pasquali, Carbon, Ionda, Husband, Pistoletto, Beecroft
Place: Tornabuoni Art
Information: Lungarno Cellini, 3 055.6812697 www.tornabuoniarte.it Orario: lun-ven 9-13 and 15-19, Sat 11-19, chiuso dom
Date: until 31 March
Event: The prodigious shoemaker. Tales and Legends of shoes and shoemakers
Place: Museo Salvatore Ferragamo
Information: Piazza Santa Trinità, 5 055.3360455/6 www.museoferragamo.it
Time: everyday 10-19.30
Date: until 7 April
Event: Horne & Friends. Florence to save a dream An exhibition that retraces the first time the story of Sir Herbert Percy Horne
Place: Museo Horne
Information: Via de 'Benci, 6 055.244661 www.museohorne.it
Time: lun-sab 9-13, chiuso dom e festivi
Date: until 27 April
Event: A Year in Art: here is the hidden treasures
Genus: Exhibitions
Place: Sala Bianca of Palazzo Pitti in Florence
Information: 055.294883 www.unannoadarte.it
Date: until 3 may
Event: The restoration of the reliquary of Pope Sixtus V
Place: Precious Stones
Information: Via Alfani, 78 055.26511 www.opificiodellepietredure.it Orario lun-sab 8.15-14
Date: until 9 may
Event: Sandro Cellanetti. Between the territories of the dream
Place: Palazzo Borghese
Information: Via Ghibellina, 110 055.2396293 www.palazzoborghese.it Orario lun-dom ad eventi
Date: until 18 may
Event: The Hat, between art and extravagance first monographic exhibition devoted to the hat. New equipment and new collections in Gallery
Place: Costume Gallery
Information: Pizza De’ Pitti, 1 055.3693214 www.cappelloinmostra.it www.pittimmagine.com
Time: everyday 8.15-16.30, da marzo fino 17.30 con ora legale 18.30
Date: until 15 June
Event: New masterpieces of the secret garden Forty works on paper by artists
Place: Otel Ristotheatre
Information: Viale Generale Dalla Chiesa, 9 055.650791 www.otelvariete.com Orario: giov-dom ad eventi
Date: until 31 July
Event: Cortona. Dawn of the Etruscan Princes In view restored kits de funeral Circle Sodo, with over 15 the tombs were found intact
Place: National Archaeological Museum
Information: Piazza SS Annunziata, 9b 055.23575 www.archeotoscana.beniculturali.it
Time: lun,sab e dom 8.30-14, mart, merc, giov e ven 8.30-19
Nicola Nuti
By the number 3 – The Year of 29/01/2014
We recommend that you, before going to visit the exhibitions, to verify the data presented, soprattutto orari e giorni di apertura, by contacting the organization directly, in quanto la nostra Redazione non è responsabile di eventuali variazioni o errate informazioni, in quanto i dati riportati sono stati forniti direttamente dai vari organizzatori.
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