To basket "The pills of Hercules"

Le pillole d'ErcoleBy Friday, 30 January to basket Theatre will stage the play "The pills of Hercules", hilarious comedy by Vincenzo De Caro.

The show will be repeated Saturday 31, e a febbraio nei giorni 1, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21 and the 22, midweek at 20,45 mentre la domenica alle ore 16,45.

"The pills of Hercules" is a comedy riambientata in the hectic period of the 20s accompanied by fever of Charleston.

The history of this funny play revolves around two doctors, one of whom invented "the pill of Hercules", a portentous found medicine, extremely aphrodisiac.

But what would happen if the pill was used to win a bet?

If you then add a gallery of colorful characters and a loving wife the result will be highly effective and will give rise to a chain of hilarious events.

"The pills of Hercules" is a lively comedy, a mechanism dramaturgical high pace in which intrigues, misunderstandings and twists generate an explosive mixture of comedy.

The history of Viagra did not begin in 1986 England, but in the 1904 in France, thought and then processed by two playwrights, Charles Maurice Hennequin e Paul Bilhaud, under the name of "The pills of Hercules".

The text still shows a surprising freshness of dialogue and works like a bomb ticking, where at any moment the story is complicated and can produce situations so paradoxical and complicated that it seems impossible to the viewer, between a laugh and the other, that everything returns to normal, arriving to an happy ending.

Tredici attori professionisti e tredici realtà teatrali diverse che Vincenzo De Caro ha messo insieme per realizzare un progetto diretto come la visione di un film dove lo spettatore non smetterà mai di vedere dettagli su dettagli.

“Il mio obbiettivo registico - commenta De Caro – is always the same: from retail to get the word ".

Also in this work De Caro works as always with his right arm Angelo Shank who edited the images and the choice of music this time with Nicola Cavina.

Interesting collaboration with dancer Angelo Egarese the Florence Dance Center for the occasion has designed some choreographic moments for actors.

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 49 - Year II 28/01/2015

Pills of Hercules
A production Upper Room Youth
in collaboration with the Florence Dance Center
Director: Vincenzo De Caro
Sets and costumes: Marcello and Cecilia Ancillotti Micolano
Musical selection: Angelo Shank and Nicola Cavina
Choreographer: Angelo Egarese
With Aldo Innocenti, Lorenzo Lombardi, Serena Police, Romina Bonciani and Pietro veined, Cristina Bacci, Vanni Monsacchi, Claudia Migliorini, Deborah Castellucci, Francesco Magnelli, Michael Cimmino, Debora Petracchi, Silvia Bertini

Ticket prices 15 euro.
Reduced 13 euro, Coop (Sunday pomerigio), under 18 e over 65.
For reservations 055/294609

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 49 - Year II 28/01/2015