Al Teatro 13 the Prize II Augusto Novelli - Third theater festival dialect

Premio Augusto NovelliThe Neighborhood 2 City of Florence, da qualche mese guidato da Michele Pierguidi, al fine di risvegliare un nuovo interesse per il teatro dialettale, understood not fit the caricature but as a form of knowledge of the roots and traditions of Florence, organized for the third consecutive year the Festival Theatre "Premio Augusto Novelli" dedicated to the great playwright born in 1867 Settignano, on the hills of Florence.
"For three years the district 2 s’impegna per riportare in auge il vernacolo fiorentino – ha spiegato il Presidente Pierguidi – e lo fa con questa rassegna, much loved by the Florentines, named after Augusto Novelli. All performances are held at the Theatre 13 Via Nicolodi, 2 . All evenings are free admission. Invitations are available at the office of District Villa Arrivabene ".
The review, for its innovative spirit found, since the first edition, a lot of interest and a great audience participation, is open to companies that have their headquarters in the City of Florence, is dedicated to the works of contemporary authors in dialect (since the war) and is based on the following charges: enhancement of the evolution of language dialect; setting in a social and cultural context historicized.
Have been selected at the sole discretion of the Committee specially appointed, three companies among those who had submitted application for participation.
The Company declared the winner by the special Commission Board, with the intention of combining visual art with the theatrical, will be rewarded with a picture of the painter Donatello Sirio Zingoni Group.
These appointments Review:
Friday 10 October at 21 Sancateatro presents "Rat Poison" by Antonella Zucchini. Directed by Franco Castellani.
Friday 17 October at 21 the Theatre of the Bond presents "MiRammento" by Giovanni Caselli. Directed by Daniele Lamuraglia.
Friday 24 October at 21 Poison the Company presents "About time no see" Philip Melli. Directed by Philip Melli.
Friday 31 October at 21 Awards Ceremony with the Egg Theatre presents "Sull'aia of So 'Gino' farce with songs and starlings Florentines with Gianni Agliati (tenor) and Alessandro Giandonato (musician).
For entering, free, you need to be with the invitation to be collected from the office of the District culture 2 Piazza Alberti.
Nicola Nuti

By the number 34 – The Year of 8/10/2014