"Txoj kev xinesmas": mus txog rau lub Xya hli ntuj ib xinesmas hauv Piazzale degli Uffizi

cinema uffiziThawj thawj zaug rau lub caij ntuj sov xinesmas pom tsev hauv Piazzale degli Uffizi, hauv nruab nroog, tom ntej no mus Palazzo Vecchio.

Qhov no yog ib qhov flagship tej yaam num ntawm lub caij ntuj so Fiorentina 2017.

Ntawm 26 Lub rau hli ntuj los 19 Lub Xya hli ntuj lub zoo tshaj lub npe ntawm zaj duab xis Success ntawm tsib caug hnub Florence yuav tau muaj li ntawm ib sab tus poj Florentine tsev cia puav pheej.

Peb tes num raug coj tuaj rau lub Palazzo Vecchio ntawm tus kav nroog Dario Nardella, los ntawm tus thawj coj ntawm lub lub qhov Uffizi Eike Schmidt, yog Stefania Ippoliti, Lub taub hau ntawm Fondazione sistema Toscana xinesmas, yog Lorenzo Luzzetti (Cov Bishops) thiab E-mail Sacks, Txog lub caij ntuj sov Florence curator.

"Txoj kev xinesmas", Qhov no yog lub npe ntawm lub caij ntuj kub tsoos xinesmas hauv piazza Santissima Annunziata, ces txav mus rau lub forecourt ntawm tus Uffizi lub qhov. Tab sis, tus tsis hloov: pub dawb kom tag nrho 285 muaj rooj zaum, films nws thawj hom lus nrog subtitles Italis los yog lus Askiv, vijtsam Success ntawm daim duab lub npe, Middle East, Xinesmas thiab cov poj niam, Dej rau dej, Florence Success txawv, Success dei popoli, Kauslim Teb zaj duab xis Fest, Zoo, -Suab paj nruas Success, Premio Fiesole masters ntawm xinesmas, Balkan Florence qhia, Qhov rai uas nyob rau sab qaum teb, Zaj zaj duab xis Success.

Pib ntawm tus projections yog nyob 22.

Qhov screen (yim meters ib 4,5) yuav muab koj sab nraum qab rau cov Arno.

Lub cheeb tsam xinesmas yuav tau bounded ntawm tej tsis tab sis ntawm cov nroj tsuag.

"Sib tw – hais cob moos Nardella – tsam lub cav muab tej pej xeem lub nyob hauv plawv nroog thiab tsis pub kom tourists xwb. Lub Uffizi Gallery yog keeb kwm thiab architectural landmarks txog Florence ib tiam sis lub xyoo tsis ntev los no tau poob tus kheej thiab cov kev cai thiab kev centrality, yog vim li cas peb thiaj xav hauv zos yog hais tias lawv yuav rov qab tau muaj ".

Tus xinesmas yuav muaj ib tug saib ua ntej rau ntawm tav su 23 Lub rau hli ntuj, nrog lub ceremony ntawm tus me nyuam uas kub florins (teev 18).

THIAB’ twb tau tshaj tawm tias nyob rau hnub tom ntej yuav mus kawm ua infopoint qhia tourists txog cov tsev khaws puav pheej thiab cov Maggio musicale fiorentino.

Qhov no yog qhov kev pab cuam ntawm lub Success:

Monday, 26 Lub rau hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Lauj Schermo dell'Arte – Midsummer nights Tsab VIII

KOOB MEEJ los ntawm James Abbruzzese, Angel Milan(Ltalis, Fabkis, 2017, 57’)

Muaj nyob rau ntawm ntu Biografilm Art Biografilm Success-International kev ua koob tsheej uas nyob rau 2017, naam yuav tsum tawm hauv theaters duab uas muaj xav tus.

Muaj ntawm tus sau phau ntawv

Nyob rau hauv 2008 Angel Milan pib peb tes num tshaib plab. That's li cas Grottaglie, me Apulian hauv lub zos nyob rau hauv lub xeev Taranto, Nws yog tus scene ntawm yog ib qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws festivals ntawm txoj kev kos duab nyob teb chaws Europe, nrog rau lub yam koj nyiam uas xiav, Momo thiab Conor Harrington uas, caw los ntawm Milan nyob rau hauv nws hometown, npog phab ntsa uas graffiti. Hnub no lub Success tsis tshwm sim, tiam sis yog amazing testimonies video uas muaj nyob hauv cov yeeb yam.

Tuesday, 27 Lub rau hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Middle East / Cov suab lus nws thiab suab Nocturne hauv dub Jimmy Keyrouz (Lebanon, Syria, 2016, 20’) v. los. Arabic; sott.ita/ENG

Inspired los ntawm cov dab neeg uas "Syrian pianist". Karim zoo ntawm lub suab paj nruag muab lub zog rau nws tej zej zog rau lub sij hawm uas poob siab. Thaum twg nws piano puas lawm los Jihdisti, Mus nrhiav txhua txoj hau kev rau nws yaj.

mus tsev yog Mike Caza(Lebanon, Fabkis, Switzerland, Belgium, 2016, 95’) v. los. Arabic; sott.ita/ENG

Acclaimed thawj zaj duab xis los ntawm ib tug hluas Lebanese Director, nrog Iranian lone actress Golshifteh Farahani. Cov protagonist Nada rov Lebanon tom qab tsov rog civil. Qhov chaw xwb uas yog tus paub zoo yog tus uas lub tsev ntawm yawg, mysteriously zoo. Ntawm cov phab ntsa tshwm sim tej yam tsausmuag, thiab Nada xav paub seb nyob tas costs. Saib ua ntej

Wednesday, 28 Lub rau hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Internazionale di xinesmas e Donne Success
ELM thiab cov Seagull Roxanne Costa thiab Lea Glob (Fr/chaw nres nkoj, 2015, 90′) v. los. Fabkis; sott.ita.

Olivia thiab Serge yog ob tsev ua yeeb yam rau ib leej twg sim ua cov hauj lwm ntawm lub Seagull Chekhov. Lawv yuav tsum tau nrog ib tug neeg nyob hauv lub neej tiag tiag thiab, nyiam nyob rau hauv cov yeeb yam, Kawm mus tos ib tug me nyuam. Olivia claims tsis tau xav txog qhov kev tshuaj ntsuam thiab xav mus ncig saib thoob ntiaj teb. Av qeeg nyob hauv lub zej zog thiab hauv cov khub.

Thursday, 29 Lub rau hli ntuj, teev 21.45

Dej rau dej Florence Indian zaj duab xis Success

Kapoor & Tug tub, Shakun Batra (Is Nrias teb,140’, 2016) o.v. Hmong; sott.ita.

Ob tug tij laug Rahul thiab Arjun Kapoor yuav rov qab rau cov me nyuam me tsev, Tom qab nws yawg lub plawv nres, rejoining kom tsev neeg. Ib sparkling khaub ncaws ntau comedy uas explores puab txoj hauj lwm ntawm lub cim qhia cov lus thiab tsev neeg secrets Kapoor.

Friday, 30 Lub rau hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Florence Success txawv
Wo willst du hin, Habibi? (koj mus qhov twg, Habibi?)cov Tor Iben (Lub teb chaws Yelemees, 2015, 70’) v. los. German/Turkish; sott. ENG

Ibrahim yog ib tug txivneej zoo yug hauv tsev neeg nyob Berlin Turkish. Txawm tias gay, muaj ntau yam teeb meem yuav lees nws nyob hauv tsev, qhov twg los tus thawj yog ib txhis decidedly mentality. Ntawm tsuas yog ib qho pab txhawb nyob rau hauv cov txheej txheem ntawm affirmation yus yog tus dab laug ua haujlwm li ib tug thawj coj theatre. Thaum twg Ibo muaj raws li Ali, ntawm ob yog ib txoj kev sib raug sincere thiab winking qhov twg Ali, Dua li ntawm qhov heralded heterosexuality, nkawd ua si nrog cov xim uas tam lub Ibo. Ib txhiab muaj kev hlub thiab ib manhood qab zib Berlin, beautifully tejyam hauv ib lub nroog cosmopolitan, easygoing, txuj kev ncau ntau kev cai.

Hnub vas xaum 1 Lub Xya hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Tshwj xeeb cov kev tshwm sim: Aurora yog Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau (TEB CHAWS USA, 1927, 106’) – Mute, roj version uas nyob nrog lub suab paj nruag Kombu Project (Margherita Fort, handpan thiab didjeridoo, Tomoharu Pena, saxophone)

Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau tus masterpiece ntawm 1927, cov cov classics ntawm uas ntsiag to xinesmas khiav ntawm peb Academy txeeb, suab paj nruag los yog ib qhov Kombu, Madrid duo uas blends ntau yam kev tsim evocative xws li ntawm genders los tso cua tshiab rau txheej tshooj. Seduced yog ib tug poj niam txog lub zos, rau cov neeg pluag Ansass nws tua nws tus poj niam Indre. Tab sis npog, ravvedutosi nyob rau lub sij hawm, thov los pab rau lub neej, sawv kev nrog nws tus poj niam rau lub nroog, txog thaum daus los te loj lov.

Hnub xya 2 Lub Xya hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Premio Fiesole masters ntawm xinesmas 2017 Vittorio Storaro
Lub conformist
yog Bernardo Bertolucci (Ltalis, Fabkis, 1970,110’) v. los. Italian

Moravia tus tshiab, Bertolucci POPs tus yeeb yam los qhia tus qauv txoj (tus flashback hais tias kev ua raws li tus kabmob phab ntsa qhov twg qhib lwm yam me me flashback) uas (s)ciam teb rau lwm lub neej thiab psychoanalysis. Txoj kev ntawm thoj thiab existential rebelliousness elegance paj lug. Ntxoov ntxoo hom xiav.

Monday, 3 Lub Xya hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Lauj Schermo dell'Arte – Midsummer nights Tsab VIII

Thomas Hirschhorn – Gramsci Monument Alfredo Angel Lüdin (Switzerland, 2015, 94’)

Gramsci Monument, tribute los yog ib qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws philosophers ntawm lub xyoo pua 20th, yog tus plahaum Swiss cov artist Thomas Hirschhorn tau tsim thaum lub caij ntuj sov 2013 nyob hauv lub Bronx, nyob New York. Hirschhorn tau nyob rau tsib lub hlis uas tuaj confronting rau lub txawv txog neej thiab ethnicities, kom lawv muaj lub monument destined nyob hauv lub cim xeeb ib

Wednesday, 5 Lub Xya hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Success dei Popoli – Nights Doc

Mnemosyne – Uffizi masterpieces nyob rau hauv kev sib tham nrog documentary filmmaking

Swagger yog Olivier Babinet (Fabkis, 2016, 84’) v. los. Fabkis; sott.ita.

Tsiv documentary thiab ntawv tseeb, Swagger, peb mus rau hauv lub minds cov hluas kawm ib, los ntawm ntau haiv, zuj zus hauv ib qhov ntawm qhov uas raws tsis cuag luag degrading, qhov uas cov Fabkis tsis muab ko taw. Dua li ntawm qhov teeb meem, Cov me nyuam muaj kev npau suav thiab ambitions uas tsis muaj leej twg yuav tsis muab lawv. Yog yuav coj lawv thiab muab cia rau theem hauv tsab ntawv ntawm cov suab paj nruas Olivier Babinet, lub tsev ib tug yeeb yam uas txoj kev sib tw stereotypes nyob rau cov teb chaws Europe tuaj txog pem ntwg, hnub no feem ntau qhov chaw ntawm lub darkest Chronicle, muab peb ib vam cia rau cov hluas tiam.

Thursday, 6 Lub Xya hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Florence Kauslim Teb zaj duab xis Fest, Haemoo (Hiav txwv huab) yog Shim tejyam npawg (Kaus lim qab teb, 2014, 111’) v. los. Korean; sott.ita/ENG
Raws li muaj tseeb zajlus ua 1998, ntawm cov neeg coob ntawm ib lub nkoj nuv ntses, thiab nws txoj kev los mus nyiag nqa txhaum kev cai aliens txuag koj zaj dabneeg. Lub hom phiaj tsis thaum cov ntoo ntawm txog thirty tib neeg los ntawm ib tug pos huab tuab ntawm lub hiav txwv, ib tug huam yuaj uas txaus ntshai tshwm sim. Noj thaum muaj tus chaos tus neeg ntawm cov pab pawg neeg yau, Dong-sik, yuav tiv thaiv ib tug hluas txoj uas poob los ntawm tus tus tauj ncov loj Kang insane thiab rau lwm cov neeg ntawm cov neeg coob.

Friday, 7 Teev lub Xya hli ntuj 22.00

N.I.C. THIAB. – Xinesmas Italis txheej xwm tshiab

Cosimo thiab Nicole yog Francesco Amato (Ltalis, 2012,101’) v. los. Italian; sott.ENG.
Muaj cov thawj coj tus

Cosimo (Riccardo Scamarcio) thiab Nicole (Clara Ponsot) raws li nyob rau hauv Genoa thaum lub G8 protests thiab nws tus hlub nyob thawj pom. Tus ob tug hluas tam sim no inseparable ncig cov teb chaws Europe, tab sis rov qab mus Genoa ua hauj lwm uas pomzoo los ntawm ib tug tragic huam yuaj uas txaus ntshai compromising lawv hlub, forcing mus rau txoj hau kev uas yuav cuam tshuam lawv yav tom ntej.

Hnub vas xaum 8 Lub Xya hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Dluab thiab suab hauv qab ntuj no –-suab paj nruas zaj duab xis Success

Landfill Harmonic Brad Allgood thiab Graham Townsley (Paraguay, 2015, 85’) v. los. Mev; sott.ita

Nyob rau lub slums ntawm Paraguay, nyob rau dumps yam tsis siv lawm, yuav kis tau cov ntawv uas siv Orchestra, ib qho khaub ncaws ntau cov hluas ua si lawv seev ua nrog rau cov khoom nyob rau hauv tias pawg loj loj cov khib nyiab musicians. Yas tsim yaam tshab, hlau thiab duab los qhia uas tsim cov khoom xim thiab plig zoo ib yam li cov inspiring. Landfill Harmonic raws li lawv cov suab paj nruas adventures thiab neeg.

Hnub xya 9 Lub Xya hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Premio Fiesole masters ntawm xinesmas 2017 Vittorio Storaro
Addio fratello crudele
yog Giuseppe Patroni Griffi (Ltalis, 1971, 110) v. italiana

Ntawm qhov Elizabethan qee Peccato che foom una sgualdrina John Ford, nyob rau hauv Mantova 500 tus tij laug Annabella thiab Giovanni nyiag faus ib tug hlub incestuous. Thaum lub sij hawm ua scandal. Teeb thiab Renaissance taws tswm ciab, qhov tsaus ua plig thiab cov xim muaj xwm. Koj muab tsim Mario Ceroli, costumes Gabriella Pescucci.

Monday, 10 Lub Xya hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Lauj Schermo dell'Arte – Midsummer nights Tsab VIII

Bill Viola: Txoj kev mus rau me nyuam. Pov ntawv yog Gerald Fox (United Kingdom, 2016, 106’)

v.o.ing; sott.ita. – Muaj nyob rau ntawm ntu Biografilm Art Biografilm Success-International kev ua koob tsheej uas nyob rau 2017 – koom teg nrog Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi rau lub exhibition Bill Viola. Hauv Renaissance
Muaj cov tus sau

Yug hauv 1951 nyob New York, Ntshav yog ib qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws video nyuab rau tus tseev tsim ntiaj teb scene. Naam qhia ntawm ob qho tseem ceeb koj sib Martyrs (2014) mab liab (2016) rau lub Cathedral ntawm cov me nyuam. Paul tus nyob rau London. Cov no yog ib tug intimate portrait ntawm txoj kev thiab lwm yam nyob ntawm Viola, ib tug artist uas nkawd nyob nws lub neej ze kev twb kev txuas nrog nws tej hauj lwm.

Tuesday, 11 Lub Xya hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Middle East / Cov suab lus nws thiab suab
Peb yeej yog kawg li no
Mehdi M. Barsaoui (Tunisia, 2016) v. los. Arabic; sott.ita/ENG
Baba Azizi yog neeg laus thiab cov me nyuam yog hais tias lawv mus hauv lub tsev mus rau lub tsev. Nws pom nws tus ntxhais qhua rau hnub ob, tab sis yam tsis mus raws li peb xav txog tej yam. Italian Premiere

Hedi yog Mohamed Ben Attia (Tunisia, Belgium, Fabkis, Qatar, 2016, 85’) v. los. Arabic; sott.ita/ENG

Hedi yog ib tug tub nyob ntsiag to, thiab qhia rau lwm tus txiav txim rau nws. Thaum nws niam yog tuav nws kab tshoob raws li cov npoo, nws Joie tsib vivre ua rau nws poob hauv kev hlub passionately. Pib muaj raws li nram no rau tshoob, thawj thawj zaug Hedi yuav tsum ua tus xaiv. Puav pheej-winning zaj duab xis, Cov hluas Tunisian thaum lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav as phua. Italian Premiere

Wednesday, 12 Lub Xya hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Success dei Popoli – Nights Doc

Mnemosyne – Uffizi masterpieces nyob rau hauv kev sib tham nrog documentary filmmaking
Pom tsis muaj lub siab phem
ntawm tsib lub Putter Jos(Netherlands, 2014, 72’) v. los. Lus Askiv; sott.ita.

Tsov pom teev, Kanzi thiab Knuckles: cov artist, cov tus paub txog thiab cov txheej txheem. Peb liab tshwj xeeb siv human beings kom zoo thiab cov hlau lead uas nws yuav zoo dua. Pom tsis phem yog tus yeeb yam tshwj xeeb, tshaj li genera thiab hom: yog heev zoo nkauj thiab taub lus ntxaum mus rau lub intricacies ntawm tus tib neeg qab, uas yog reflected nyob rau hauv lub qhov muag los ntawm cov neeg nyob rau hauv dhau kev zoo thiab kev phem.

Nyob rau hauv kev sib tham nrog tus opera "liab txiv neej", yog Annibale Caracci (1590 CA.)

Thursday, 13 Lub Xya hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Balkan Florence qhia, Ib tug poj niam zoo (Dobra žena) Mirjana Karanović (Serbia, 2016, 91’) v. los. Serbian sott ita
Mus Milena, ib tug poj niam uas 50 xyoo, thaum paub hais tias muaj mob cancer. Tib lub sijhawm cov tim khawv uas nws tus txiv zoo meej 'tom ntej glance' phev heev yav tag los. Rau tus poj niam pib 'licas' ntawm tus paradise fake ib yam uas nws yuav tsum xav txog nyob kom txog rau thaum ntawd los. Lub directorial debut ntiag tug ntawm tus actresses nrov tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv cov Balkans, twb muab tom Trieste zaj duab xis Success and khiav ntawm lub npe ib tsab Art Success Kino.

Friday, 14 Lub Xya hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Qhov rais rau sab qaum teb, Cov Happiest Dayin txoj hauj lwm ntawm Olli Mäki yog Juho Kuosmanen (Finland, 2016, 92’) v. los. Finnish sott.ita/eng
Lub caij ntuj sov 1962. Cov Finnish Boxer Olli Mäki pib caij nyoog ua si rau lub ntiaj teb featherweight npe tiv thaiv Davey Moore. Nws tus thawj tswj tau npaj ib lub hom phiaj ntawm mas yog khaus workouts thiab cov glitterati ntawm lub nroog loj tau txais tos Olli ua ib lub teb chaws hero. Txhua yam yuav zoo meej. Tshwj tias Olli poob hauv kev hlub... Khiav ntawm tus Un Certain suav nqi zog rau cov Cannes zaj duab xis Success hauv 2016.

Hnub vas xaum 15 Lub Xya hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Zaj zaj duab xis Success nrog rau lub koom haum Confucius
Lauj kaub kub Chongqing Qing yaj (Suav teb, 2016, 94’) v. los. Mandarin; sott.ita/ENG
Peb tus phooj ywg kuj muaj ib tug raug suav tsev noj mov nyob hauv tus cua raid qub chaw. Nrhiav tau casually tias lawv zos borders lub sij hawm thaum vault neighboring. Tsis ntseeg yog hais tias koj coj kom zoo dua tag nrho qhov nyiaj ntsaub cov nuj nqis, ib leeg paub nyob hauv ib lub txhab nyiaj ntaus khoom ib tug classmate. Cov plaub yuav nrhiav tau lawv tus kheej txuam nrog ib tug liab nyiag los tiag bandits.

Hnub xya 16 Lub Xya hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Premio Fiesole masters ntawm xinesmas 2017 Vittorio Storaro
Npau suav ib hnub
Liv xwm Ford Coppola (TEB CHAWS USA, 1982, 100’) v. los. Lus Askiv; sott.ita

Zaj dabneeg hlub, khib lav thiab reunions, nyob rau hauv ib Las Vegas surreal rebuilt rau studio. Coppola txav "mus" ntawm classicism thiab experimentalism, tsis muaj tseeb thiab kev muaj tiag. Tag nrho immersion hauv lub colour spectrum uas yuav cov xim uas nws compose. Zaj nkauj ntawm Waits ntuag. Resounding vau rau ntawm chav lajfai box.

Monday, 17 Lub Xya hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Lauj Schermo dell'Arte – Midsummer nights Tsab VIII

Cov poj niam muaj Heroes yog JR (Fabkis, 2010, 88’)

v. los. Fabkis/Portuguese/Hmong/Thaib/khab; sott. FRA/ita

Naam yog ib feem ntawm ib qhov project pib thaum lub 2007 txoj kev Fabkis artist JR. Artist embarks lus uas nyob rau hauv’ muaj plaub lub xyoos yuav nqa nws hauv Kenya, Brazil, Is Nrias teb thiab Qhab Meem teb, ntaub ntawv teev tseg rau lub neej tus poj niam nyob hauv cov neeg txom nyem ntawm civil wars, kev kub ntxhov thiab txhua hnub battles txog txhua yam. JR cim lawv ib sab ntawm lub zog loj loj ntawd ces sticks thoob ntiaj teb.

Tuesday, 18 Lub Xya hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Middle East / Cov suab lus nws thiab suab

Xov tooj cua npau suav yog Babak Jalali (Iran, TEB CHAWS USA, 2016, 90’) v. los. Persian; sott.ita/ENG

Muaj cov tus sau

Hamid Royani nyob hauv San Francisco thiab qhia tau qhov programming ntawm Pars, xov tooj cua chaw nres tsheb hauv farsi. Nyob rau Iran, nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb novelist, Tab sis, dua li ntawm cov kev siv zog nws tej nyiaj txiag los ntawm cov xov tooj cua falter. Tsuas muaj ib cov kev tshwm sim puas zoo li tau tig tom tsim: Metallica raug caw mus ib nyob jam kho nrog lub pob zeb Afghan thawj Pab, tus Kabul npau suav. Bittersweet fable txog cov Persian diaspora, ib tug tuav cov Iranian filmmakers. Italian Premiere, muaj cov filmmaker Babak Jalali

Wednesday, 19 Lub Xya hli ntuj, teev 22.00

Success dei Popoli – Nights Doc

Mnemosyne – Uffizi masterpieces nyob rau hauv kev sib tham nrog documentary filmmaking
Tus poj vaj ntxwv ntawm Silence
Agnieszka Zwiefka (Lub teb chaws Yelemees, Poland, 2014, 80’) v. los. Polish; sott.ita

Denisa, kaum xyoo, yog ib tug qhua rau ntau yam: yog ib tug pej xeem ntawm lub yeej rog Roma nyob Poland, yog poj niam tus xav patriarchal rau hauv lub zej zog, tshwj xeeb, hais tsis tau lus vim muaj mob xiam oob qhab loj lub rooj sib hais. Tus me ntxhais nyob hauv nws lub qab ntuj: ntoob atherosclerosis, las voos thiab xim. Hlub qog charming Bollywood actresses, pom nws ib nplooj zaug hauv daim dvd uas nws muaj nyob rau hauv lub thoob khib nyiab nyob ze cov yeej thoj nam. Thaum nws seev cev nws yuav muab cov neeg uas xav, Txawm tias ib tug poj huab tais, thiab koj tsis tau hais dab tsi expresses: lawv tshai, lub siab, tab sis kuj txoj kev kaj siab nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb no.

Nyob rau hauv kev sib tham nrog qhov chaw ua hauj lwm tus Sandro Botticelli tus "me nyuam yug ntawm Venus" (1485 CA)


Mattia Lattanzi
Los ntawm cov xov tooj 164 – Xyoo IV 21/6/2017