Sacred Art: first course of sculpture by artists who are blind and visually impaired

The first course of sculpture for the blind and visually impaired will be held in Florence from 13 al 25 next July. Director Master Anthony Visco.

You Sergio Staino with his "Bobo" the testimonial of the first course of sculpture for artists who are blind and visually impaired.

A cartoon of the famous designer presents this initiative born from the encounter with Andrea White, blind sculptor of Bolzano, great lover of life.

The course is organized in collaboration with the Association of Art @ lter, promoter of the exhibition "The senses of Art" dedicated to sculptors blind and visually impaired, and now Pemart LTD, that organizes the Carrara sculpture symposium for the blind in August.

A sculpture course for the blind might sound like an oxymoron: the reality is that the vision of "touch" that the blind develop also opens new perspectives to the sculptors blind.

Blind people say, rightly, and sculptures see more of the blind, because they fail to meet even the most hidden eye.

"This is not an operation of pietism - explains the director of Sacred Art School Florence Giorgio Fozzati - the school has a commitment to teach, students to learn, no discounts, without commiserations misplaced. The artistic training that we propose is aimed at helping artists to express their feelings with sculpture and deepest aspirations ".

For the School of Sacred Art of Florence is a challenge and an opportunity: set a sculpture course for sculptors blind is a laboratory bench of the first magnitude, will help us to discover a new way of learning and teaching, sculpt and see. It is open to the Sacred Art School, for its teachers and students, a new landscape, to be explored.

This first edition is aimed at blind sculptors who have gained already a practice in sculpture.

The Director of the course is the Master Anthony Visco, former professor of sculpture at the New York Academy of Art and the University of Pennsylvania, and this year teacher at Sacred Art School. Will be joined by some students of the School as a tutor.

The course is open to people from Europe and the other continents, as is the case for all students of other courses.

The sculptures will be exhibited in September at EXPO Milan.

The course is free: thanks to the intervention of some sponsors, a fundraising dinner and the involvement of institutional partners such as the City of Florence, the Italian Blind Union, the Apostolic Movement for the Blind, the Ministry of Education and the MIBAC (Ministry for Cultural and Environmental Heritage), for the participant there are no fees.

Everyone is entitled to lessons, materials and work tools, at museums, food and accommodation and transport service for travel required.

To enroll in the application shall be submitted by 29 may, filling out a form downloaded from the website of the school and providing photos of previous works in jpeg.

For any information:
Sacred Art School Florence Onlus
tel:055/35.03.76 (by 9 at 13.30)

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 56 - Year II 18/03/2015

