Tsev » Entries posted by Franco Mariani (Nplooj ntawv 13)

Stories written by Franco Mariani
Inaugurata Piazzetta al Cardinale Giovanni Benelli, Arcivescovo di Firenze dal 1977 al 1982

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Piazzetta inaugurated ntawm Cardinal Giovanni Benelli, Cov Florence los archbishop 1977 al 1982

Ib me me square hauv nco cardinal Giovanni Benelli yog lub npe tis rau hnub 26 Lub kaum hli ntuj ntawm ville Oche thiab via dello Studio, Pob zeb tus muab ntawm Piazza Duomo. “In occasione del centenario della nascita del cardinale Giovanni Benelli Toscana Oggi ci ha proposto di dedicare a questa figura così importante per la chiesa fiorentina e […]

I Concerti della Liuteria Toscana

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Kev hais kwv txhiaj ntawm Tuscan Vicanin ua

Rau cov Masters ntawm cov tsausmuag ua daim duab nag hmo thiab hnub no yog nplooj siab lub Success ntawm kev hais kwv txhiaj Ntawm Tuscan yuam kev ua '700 thiab' 900. 17 Yav tsaus ntuj los ntawm lub kaum hli ntuj rau hlis ntuj nqeg, nyob rau hauv Florence, uas peb yuav hnov lus zoo li tus zoo lawm los yog restored los ntawm cov no thiab lwm yam master craftsmen. Covcans thiab tsis zoo xwb. Ntawm no fifth tsab ntawm lub Success […]

Da oggi una targa ricorda a Firenze Enrico Barfucci nel luogo in cui abitava in viale Matteotti

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Ntawm hnub no ib quav hniav commemorates Enrico Barfucci hauv Florence nyob rau hauv qhov chaw uas nws nyob hauv Viale Matteoti

Tuesday, 22 Cuaj hlis tom 12 Lub ceremony ntawm fouque ntawm cov quav hniav nyob hauv Enrico Barfucci tso los ntawm lub koom haum saib xyuas municipal coj qhov chaw raws li qhov kev thov ntawm lub teb chaws Association of State Fausto Diisoni section hauv qhov kev kuaj pom hauv lub teb chaws, thiab lwm, Ntawm tus Councillor rau Toponymy thiab Nyuas kev nco Alessandro Martini. Un giorno non casuale visto […]

13 anni fa il Cardinale Betori veniva inviato dal Papa a Firenze, ora è pronto a dimettersi

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13 Xyoo dhau los Cardinal Betori xa ntawm tus Pope rau Florence, Tam sim no nws yog npaj resign

Hnub no, 8 Cuaj hlis, nyob rau hauv 2008 tom 12 Nyob rau hauv lub Vatican thiab nyob rau hauv Florence nws yog teb tshaj tawm tias Pope Benedict XVI koomhaum ces Secretary General ntawm lub Italis Episcopal sablaj, Bishop Giusepe Betori, Archbishop ntawm Florence hloov Cardinal Ennio Antonelli hu ua los ntawm tus Pope nws tus kheej mus ncaj lub Vatican discatery rau tsev neeg. Li ntawd, 13 […]

Calcio Storico Fiorentino 2021: per la prima volta a porte chiuse ma in diretta tv in tutto il mondo

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Calcio Storico Fiorentino 2021: Thawj thawj zaug qab kaw qhov rooj tab sis nyob rau TV thoob qab ntuj

Lub keeb kwm Football pib dua: Hnub vas xaum 11 Cuaj hlis, Ntawm 16 Thaum Piazza raug Croce, Qhov kawg nkaus ntawm cov kev sib tw yuav tau ua si 2021, Txoj kev sib tw ntawm Azzurri diantA Croce thiab Verdi tuag San Giovanni uas, thawj thawj zaug, yuav tshaj tawm hauv xov nyob thoob ntiaj teb, cwj pwm thiab TV. “Quest’anno c’è una […]

15 Anniversario morte di Graziano Grazzini già Vice Presidente Consiglio Comunale Firenze

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15 Ib cov neeg tuag ntawm Graziano Grazzini, qub Vice President ntawm tus Florence City Council

hnub 6 Cuaj hlis yog hnub remembrance ntawm ib tug phooj ywg tshwj xeeb, dhau 25 xyoo dhau los, thiab uas tshuav peb ntxov 15 xyoo dhau los, tab sis nws nco qas ntsoov tseem ciaj sia nyob rau sawv daws: Garry Garrett. Ib zaug ntxiv dua ntawm cov sij hawm 12 in molti si sono ritrovati al cimitero comunale di Firenze a […]

Festa della Rificolona 2021: Pellegrinaggio e Festa alla SS.ma Annunziata

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Feast of Rificolona 2021: Pilgrimage thiab Feast ntawm cov SS.ma Annunziata

Feast of Rificolona 2021, Ua ntej tom qab qhov kev pab thaum muaj mob ceev, Nyob rau hauv cov tome hauv Piazza della Santissima Annunziata, Nrog ob peb rificolone heev tab sis muaj ib tug zoo kawg thiab yuav muaj, As Well as rau lub pilgrims uas kuj xyoo no, Txawm hais tias nyob rau hauv ib tug xov tooj me me piv rau yav tag los, Rau ob sib law liag xyoo lawv ris tawm, tom qab qhov nres tsis tseg los ntawm tus mob pandemic, […]

Festa di San Lorenzo 2021 – Compatrono di Firenze

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Feast of San Lorenzo 2021 – Patron ntawm Florence

Tus tsiaj nyaum 10 Lub yim hli ntuj yog, Nco ntsoov, ntau ntau tus hlub los ntawm cov Florentines. Hnub no peb commemorate martyrdom ntawm St. Lawrence, tub huabtais martyrs, Roman deacon thiab patron ntawm Florence. Lub fulcrum ntawm lub festivities revolves nyob ib ncig ntawm lub Basilica ntawm San Lorenzo ua nyob rau hauv lub xyoo pua plaub li ib lub rooj zaum episcopal, consecrated los ntawm cov neeg dawb huv Ambrose, ces […]

Tanta gente al funerale del Senatore Francesco Bosi, già Sottosegretario alla Difesa

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Muaj coob tus neeg hauv pam tuag ntawm Senator Francesco Bosi, Tus qub Under-Secretary of State defence

Homily thiab cov commemorations ntawm cov pam tuag ntawm Senator Francesco Bosi los ntawm tus deputy tus kav nroog ntawm Florence Giovanni Pallanti, Tus thawj coj ntawm lub Chamber of Deputies rau. Pier Ferdinando Casini, Yog thawj coj ntawm thaj av ntawd Lubcany Thaj av ntawd Eugenio Gianio, Ntawm tus Councillor ntawm lub Municipality ntawm Florence Alessandro Martini. I funerali sono stati celebrati nella Basilica della Santissima Annunziata strapiena di […]

Firenze ha festeggiato solennemente oggi il Suo Santo Patrono San Giovanni Battista

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Florence lom solemnly hnub no nws cov Patron neeg dawb Huv John baptist

Apart from cov Fochi, uas yuav tsis muaj, Florence xyoo no yuav noj peb caug nyob rau hauv ib qho yuav luag “qaug dabneeg”, tom qab tus mob kis thoob qhov txhia chaw, Nws patron neeg dawb John. Questa mattina c’è stata la tradizionale Festa degli Omaggi e il Corteo dei Ceri dove la Società di San Giovanni Battista offre come da tradizione la Croce di San Giovanni al Sindaco […]