Tsev » Entries posted by Franco Mariani (Nplooj ntawv 57)

Stories written by Franco Mariani
Cardinale Betori consegna al Comune il Messaggio di Pace di Papa Francesco

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Cardinal Betori tus me nyuam mus rau municipality tus Pope xov ntawm kev sib raug zoo

Tab sis yog nws nyob rau ncua sij hawm ntawm yuav luag ob thiab ib nrab hnub hli, Tuesday, 14 Lub peb hlis ntuj, tus Pope xov ntawm kev sib raug zoo, feeb ntau lub cardinal Archbishop of Florence tus me nyuam nyob rau lub ib hlis ntuj rau tus cob moos, Aldermen, Pab cuam, Neeg zej zog presidents los txog hauv zos Palazzo Vecchio. Lub ceremony yog nyob rau hauv lub cuab lub Palazzo Vecchio thiab Lorenzo […]

Opera del Duomo: si chiude con un bilancio l’era del Presidente Lucchesi

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Opera del Duomo: muab kaw uas siv tus President Lucchesi

Lub xeem xovxwm sablaj hnub plaub 9 Lub peb hlis ntuj uas ntsaws thawj coj ntawm lub Opera del Duomo Franco Lucchesi, flanked los ntawm sawv daws, thiab qhov no mus tas rau lub sij hawm, pov lawv cov nyiaj txiag tseeb, Dab tsi 2016, thiab sawv daws kawg ntawm lub sij hawm kawg dell'Opera di raug Maria del Fiore, uas hnub Saturday, pom lub inauguration ntawm tus tshiab sawv daws uas proceeded los xaiv tus tshiab […]

Il Cardinale Elia Dalla Costa presto Venerabile

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Cardinal Elia Dalla Costa sai Venerable

Cov cardinal Archbishop of Florence, Mons. Giuseppe Betori, Muaj cardinal Secretary of State Parolin, tus 2 Lub peb hlis ntuj, Rau lub clergy thiab journalists tam sim no nyob rau hauv lub Seminary tshaj tawm tias kawg ntawm lub hlis plenary ntawm lub Bishops thiab Cardinals ntawm lub Vatican Congregation rau cov neeg ntseeg yuav pronounce rau lub Heroic Virtues ntawm Cardinal Elia Dalla Costam muab cov lus txiav txim […]

Conferenza Stampa a tutto tondo del Cardinale Parolin Segretario di Stato Vaticano

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Nias sablaj ntawm txhua trades ntawm lub Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin

Txuas mus xyuas fiorentina, kawg 2 Lub peb hlis ntuj, lub Cardinal Secretary of State, Mons. Pietro Parolin, tuav ib lub rooj sib tham ntawm spirituality (pom peb lwm yeeb yaj duab featuring muab ib) rau lub zwj fiorentino, hauv rhiav, kuj qhib rau muam/viv ncaus thiab muab cov neeg, thiab muaj kev koom tes los ntawm ob peb journalists. Qhov kawg ntawm lub rooj sab laj, thiab ua ntej […]

Il Cardinale Segretario di Stato Vaticano parla al clero fiorentino

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Lub Cardinal Secretary of State hais lus rau cov zwj fiorentino

Kawg 2 Peb hli ntuj Cardinal Secretary of State, Mons. Pietro Parolin, Nws rau hauv seminar ntawm Florence rau cov zwj fiorentino thaum ib sab ntsuj plig sib tham ncaav tau los ntawm cov Archdiocese nyob “Evangelii Gaudium” Liv xwm. Ntawm lub rooj sab laj, kuj qhib rau muam/viv ncaus thiab muab cov neeg, Nws kuj kawm rau cardinal Archbishop of Florence, Mons. Yos Xes […]

Tutto pronto per la 22ma edizione delle Piaggeliadi

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Zoo neej taus mus qhov 22nd ib tsab ntawm tus Piaggeliadi

22 xyoos uake, hauv cov kev ua si rau lub commune ntawm cov Florence uas muaj lub tswv yim ntawm tej Florence sab hnub poob npaaj cov Piaggeliadi 2017, miniolimpiade par excellence, cov qib yam grassroots ua si nws ceeb nroog thiab lub regional theem, thiab cov uas qhia tseem kab txawm hauv lub teb chaws tiaj – cov […]

A Firenze convegno sull’ex Ministro Lelio Lagorio, una vita per le Istituzioni

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Florence kev sib tham nrog rau tus Minister Lelio Lagorio, rau tsev koom ib lub neej

Hnub vas xaum 18 Lub ob hlis ntuj, nyob rau hauv ib lub hlis thiab 12 hnub tom qab lub disappearance Minister qub thiab Parliamentarian Lelio Lagorio, nyob Palazzo Medici Riccardi, nyob rau hauv lub xeev, cov kev sib tham li “Lelio Lagorio, rau tsev koom ib lub neej”, los ltalis dawb dab. Vice President nyob rau hauv lub xeev, Tus kav nroog ntawm Florence nyob rau hauv 1965, thawj zaug ntawm thaj av ntawd Tuscany hauv tsoom txoov 1970, Minister ntawm […]

Inaugurato l’Anno Accademico 2017  della Facoltà Teologica

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Txoj kev kawm ntawv xyoo inauguration 2017 cov kws qhia ntawv theological

“Conventino tsab: ntawm kev muaj tiag abandoned nyob kev muaj tiag thiab redeveloped”, nrog cov ntsiab lus no rau Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Cov Archbishop Florence thiab cov neeg pej xeem nrog Chancellor txog tus kws qhia ntawv Theological ntawm ltalis hab txhawb, qhov chaw tshiab hauv piazza Tasso, inaugurated txoj kev kawm ntawv xyoo tshiab 2016/17. “Tus zaj ntawm toj ntawm Careggi nyob Oltrarno – hais Betori – è una novità che offre […]

“Francesco e le donne” del Vaticanista del Tg 2 Enzo Romeo

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"Liv xwm thiab cov poj niam" ntawm tus Vatican correspondent ntawm cov Tg 2 Prashant Rai

Prashant Rai, journalist, vaticanista e caporedattore agli esteri del TG2, affronta la questione del ruolo della donna nella Chiesa (e nella società) secondo papa Francesco, attraverso una serie di figure femminile fondamentali nella vita di Bergoglio: la nonna, la mamma, la sorella minore, le fidanzatine, la prof marxista, rau lub npe rau ob peb tug cia li. Il libro è […]

Per la Misericordia canzone di Beppe Dati con l’ultima interpretazione di Niki Giustini

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Kev hlub nkauj los Beppe Dati nrog cov txhais lus tseeb ntawm Niki Garcia

Cov poj Wordsmith Beppe Dati muab Misericordia di Firenze ib zaj kwv txhiaj, zoo nkauj, uas tau muab ces muaj yees duab zoo, txhais los ntawm ib co tuaj pab dawb, thiab uas xaus nrog lub suab ntawm Niki Garcia, nyob rau hauv nws txhais lus kawg no, txaij nim txaij tuag prematurely 3 Lub ib hlis ntuj 2017. “Thiab tus vaj tswv […]