Tsev » Entries muab lo los redazione (Nplooj ntawv 65)

Dab neeg sau los ntawm mariani
Thawj tswj: Franco Mariani Franco Mariani, hoob 1964, journalist, Vatican correspondent, ib cov historians rau ntawm dej nyab Florence ntawm 1966, nws muaj ntau yam nqi ntawv xov xwm collaborates, TV thiab xov tooj cua, kho lub teb chaws thiab lub regional xovxwm heev heev chaw. Nws pib ua hauj lwm hauv journalism 1978, mus 14 xyoo, yuav sau ntawv qhia rau ob peb weeklies. Nws yog cov kws tshawb xyuas me Zecchino d'Oro nkauj thoob ntiaj teb, Nws tseem muab kev koom tes hauv xinesmas, TV, qhia, Chronicle, thiab cov keeb kwm ntawm Florence. Ntawm 1993 Nws tseem ua haujlwm hauv tv, thiab los ntawm cov 2005 txawm hauv lub xov tooj cua. Hauv journalism yog tus thawj editor in Chief ntawm ib qho chaw ua hauj lwm, Tus thawj televideo Rai regionale ib la Toscana edited nws, Lub Teletext ntawm ltalis 7, thiab nws nrhiav tau peb lub teb chaws nqi ntawv xov xwm. Nws collaborated cov qhov Rai, Rai Vatican, Mediaset, La7, Italy7; Cov no tej hauj lwm tseem, li zoo li tseem muab kev koom tes nrog tej lub regional Tuscan TV noj. Thaum kws Vej muaj heev heev lub teb chaws thiab lub regional TV broadcasting. Txij thaum cov Kwvyees li xyoo 1990 nws muaj qaim txaus qhia ntau yam hauv cov profession reporter, nrog rau lub teb chaws ntawm cov Board of Trustees ntawm cov Catholic npe ntawm cov xovxwm Italian tsoom txoov, Koom haum pom tau los Italian Episcopal sablaj, Koom Secretary cov lub National Italian nias Federation xovxwm chaw Journalists, Regional Secretary cov Catholic journalists ntawm Tuscany, Regional Secretary ntawm journalists nias cov chaw ua hauj lwm ntawm Tuscany. Muab lo 5 phau ntawv keeb kwm. Rau txoj kev yuav pab lawd tog, Thaum Easter 2012, Nws yog koomhaum, yog tub huabtais Charles ntawm ob Bourbon Sicilies, Knight ntawm nqis ntawm qhov dawb huv tub rog Constantinian kev txiav txim ntawm cov neeg dawb huv George. Nws yog tus founder thiab President of Florence Promotes, twb lub Committee Pro Ward Memorial fiorentino di Ugnano.
Il Grillo Canterino ritorna a luglio nelle piazze fiorentine

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Kab civliv hu nkauj rov qab rau hauv lub Xya hli ntuj hauv lub squares ntawm Florence

Nyob rau hauv 1953, nyob rau lub caij ntawm ib qho fervor tswv yim thiab thawj kauj ruam, Florence qhov RAI uas ua tuab kev pab, sau thiab edited los 2 cim loj, Amerigo Gomez thiab Umberto Benedetto, yam kev pab uas tswj los ntawm tus thawj coj ntawm cov sij hawm ntau, Nquab tsev hloov. Thiab nws tseem precisely nquab tsev hloov, lub luag hauj lwm rau lub […]

Piazzale Michelangelo: torna a nuovo splendore l’antica balaustra

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Piazzale Michelangelo: rov qab mus splendour tshiab lub ancient balustrade

Ib qho tseem ceeb taw rau lub nroog ntawm Florence thiab rau lub ntiaj teb daim duab hauv General, zuj zus thaum twg, ntau tshaj puas tau, koj yuav tsum khaws cia cov kev offerings txog peb lub teb chaws yog cov lus uas yoojyim los ntawm Piazzale Michelangelo nrog tus nom inauguration ntawm tus tshiab balustrades, at the hands of rau tus kav nroog Dario Nardella thiab Elisabetta Fabri, Presidente […]

140 scatti di Henri Cartier-Bresson esposti a Montepulciano

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140 txhaj tshuaj ntawm Henri Cartier-Bresson raug nyob rau hauv Montepulciano

lub neej, raws li tus duab – nkawd hais qhia peb cov Henri Cartier Bresson – seem tsis paub los ntawm thawj mus txhaj koob tshuaj tivthaiv tas los, dal primo all’ ultimo giorno. Mai conosciuta, eppure quell’ atomo di attimo fuggevole con la macchina fotografica puoi fissarlo e consegnarlo visibile godibile a chi lo guarderà. Un attimo fuggevole che può essere così recuperato dai nostri […]

Consigli per l’estate: come usare i traghetti

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Lub caij ntuj sov lub tswv yim: Siv cov ferries

Hnub caiv nce thiab ntau yuav siv tej nkoj nquam mus rau lub coveted Islands tuaj. Lub tswv yim no thiaj li yuav tsis txhob aggravation thiab pib ib lub sij hawm so. Peb pom lawv ua particular: * lub tuam txhab zoo tshaj plaws uas muag tau lawv tus kheej lub website, mus txog qhov uas koj yuav tau txais ntaub ntawv timetable, hais txog nqi, hais txog cov tseem khiav, sulla […]

Attenzione ad Equitalia: che fu, che è, che sarà dal 1 luglio

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Kom lub chaw ua hauj lwm ua se: uas yog, uas yog, uas yuav los 1 Lub Xya hli ntuj

Ntawm 1 Lub Xya hli ntuj Equitalia yuav ua hauj lwm zoo lawm, hloov raws ib seem Revenue dej tshwj xeeb ("Qhov nyiaj-muab") leej twg yuav siv tag txhua yam rau nws tso cai, siv cov tib cuab yeej thiab cov qauv qhia ntawv thiab cov kws enhanced powers. Qee cov chaw muaj twb txheej txheem ntawm muaj "Equitalia me me", ma tanti altri continueranno ad usufruire […]

Video e foto della cerimonia Comune di Firenze per Via Cardinale Florit

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Yees duab thiab cov duab ntawm lub nroog ntawm Florence rau ntawm Cardinal Florit

Thursday, 15 Lub rau hli ntuj, Tsiab peb caug Corpus Christi, tom 16,30 nyob rau hauv koog tsev kawm ntawv ntawm Brozzi, nyob rau hauv Florence, cov municipality muaj ncaav lub ceremony solemn ke ntawm ib txoj kev los Cardinal Ermenegildo Florit, Cov Florence los archbishop 1962 al 1977 – tab sis, along tuaj ua Coadjutor nyob rau hauv 1954, tej zaum yuav raug kom tuag – txoj cai nyob rau hauv cov ward nyob qhov twg […]

“A piccoli passi” di Paola Mattioli

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“Nyob rau hauv cov kauj ruam me me” yog Paula Mattioli

Akchoté, twb paub tias hauv lub tshav pob publishing, rov qab nrog ib phau cov paj huam tshiab, txoj cai "kauj ruam yog kauj ruam", luam tawm los ntawm Pendragon. Paola txoj paj huam yeej yoojyim koj speechless vim nws tswj qhia dawb do moods uas tsis yuav lwm tus cov lus ntshiab li. Cov paj huam sau "kauj ruam yog kauj ruam" yog […]

“Le Figlie della Corruzione” di Eva D’Amico

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"Tus ntxhais ntawm kev noj nyiaj txiag" los ntawm Eva D'amico

Eva D'amico, hoob 1991, Rov qab los rau ntiaj teb nrog "ntxhais ntawm kev noj nyiaj txiag" publishing, qhov thib ob uas ntim ntawm tus diptych luam "ntshav puas" los ntawm I.D.E. rau. Yu, lub protagonist, Bella, muaj zog, siab tawv, tau pom hais tias, unpredictable pom nws tus kheej lawm catapulted mus ua ib tug tshiab kev muaj tiag: cov lus dag. Xyuas nws tus txiv, cov neeg uas nws abandoned, yuav paub hais tias tus muam Fleur thiab Danias, […]

Consigli per l’acquisto dei gelati

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Lub tswv yim rau muas tsheb mis nyuj khov

Dab tsi nyob rau hauv cov mis nyuj khov thiab dab tsi differentiates nws los ntawm qhov muaj? Meanwhile, peb hais tias cov nab kuab Lee muaj txog 30% cua thaum muaj kev lag luam, yam tsawg kawg, tus 70%, tias, ho, tsis muaj feem xyuam rau tus nqe vim cov khoom muag yog phaus, ntim tsis. Huab cua yog siv mus muab lub khob noom cookie […]

“La mela e altri peccati poco originali” di Massimiliano Colucci

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"Cov kua thiab lwm yam kev txhaum unoriginal" los ntawm Massimiliano Colucci

Muaj koj puas xav hais tias koj txhua yam uas koj tsis tseem ceeb xav tau yuav piv tau tiag deadly txhaum? Maximilian Colucci, uas tsis muaj ntaub ntawv ntawm ib pab ntau vim hais tias nws tsis nyiam tham txog nws tus kheej, tab sis, peb paub tias nws nyob rau hauv Padova thiab siv heev heev pej xeem thauj, Nws piav […]