Tsev » Entries muab lo los redazione (Nplooj ntawv 68)

Dab neeg sau los ntawm mariani
Thawj tswj: Franco Mariani Franco Mariani, hoob 1964, journalist, Vatican correspondent, ib cov historians rau ntawm dej nyab Florence ntawm 1966, nws muaj ntau yam nqi ntawv xov xwm collaborates, TV thiab xov tooj cua, kho lub teb chaws thiab lub regional xovxwm heev heev chaw. Nws pib ua hauj lwm hauv journalism 1978, mus 14 xyoo, yuav sau ntawv qhia rau ob peb weeklies. Nws yog cov kws tshawb xyuas me Zecchino d'Oro nkauj thoob ntiaj teb, Nws tseem muab kev koom tes hauv xinesmas, TV, qhia, Chronicle, thiab cov keeb kwm ntawm Florence. Ntawm 1993 Nws tseem ua haujlwm hauv tv, thiab los ntawm cov 2005 txawm hauv lub xov tooj cua. Hauv journalism yog tus thawj editor in Chief ntawm ib qho chaw ua hauj lwm, Tus thawj televideo Rai regionale ib la Toscana edited nws, Lub Teletext ntawm ltalis 7, thiab nws nrhiav tau peb lub teb chaws nqi ntawv xov xwm. Nws collaborated cov qhov Rai, Rai Vatican, Mediaset, La7, Italy7; Cov no tej hauj lwm tseem, li zoo li tseem muab kev koom tes nrog tej lub regional Tuscan TV noj. Thaum kws Vej muaj heev heev lub teb chaws thiab lub regional TV broadcasting. Txij thaum cov Kwvyees li xyoo 1990 nws muaj qaim txaus qhia ntau yam hauv cov profession reporter, nrog rau lub teb chaws ntawm cov Board of Trustees ntawm cov Catholic npe ntawm cov xovxwm Italian tsoom txoov, Koom haum pom tau los Italian Episcopal sablaj, Koom Secretary cov lub National Italian nias Federation xovxwm chaw Journalists, Regional Secretary cov Catholic journalists ntawm Tuscany, Regional Secretary ntawm journalists nias cov chaw ua hauj lwm ntawm Tuscany. Muab lo 5 phau ntawv keeb kwm. Rau txoj kev yuav pab lawd tog, Thaum Easter 2012, Nws yog koomhaum, yog tub huabtais Charles ntawm ob Bourbon Sicilies, Knight ntawm nqis ntawm qhov dawb huv tub rog Constantinian kev txiav txim ntawm cov neeg dawb huv George. Nws yog tus founder thiab President of Florence Promotes, twb lub Committee Pro Ward Memorial fiorentino di Ugnano.
Al Museo Marini Santa Messa nella Cappella Rucellai

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Tsev khaws puav pheej tubrog nkoj pawg hauv lub Rucellai Chapel

Tsev khaws puav pheej Marini Marino tus Rucellai Chapel rov opens lub Liturgical rite ntawm cov pawg. Trasformato nel corso dei secoli, da Chiesa di San Pancrazio a edificio dedicato all’arte del Novecento con la collezione delle opere di Marino Marini, il Museo, forse un unicum in Italia, include al suo interno un luogo sacro che rinnova oggi […]

“Uno zombie d’altri tempi” di Gilda Di Nardo

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"Ib zombie ntawm qhov poob qab lawm" los ntawm Gilda Di Nardo

Gilda Di Nardo, hoob 1976, Rov los rau tam sim no publishing scene nrog tus tshiab tshiab hu ua "ib tug zombie los ntawm lwm lub sij hawm", luam tawm los ntawm Ilmiolibro.it. Amber, Tina, Carmela, Bokor, Mrs Davies, Andrea, Nietta, Magdalene, Pasquale, Michele, Luvkas thiab ntau lwm tus yuav sibroj siblaw rau Marco, lub protagonist ntawm zaj dabneeg. Marco yog ib tug tub hluas uas yuav ncaim ntawm Rome mus cuag […]

Il Senato ha commemorato solennemente i Sindaci Bargellini, Bausi, Lagorio

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Tus Senate muaj solemnly commemorated mayors Bargellini, Bausi, Lagorio

"Tsaug rau nqa hnub no ib daim Florence zoo nkauj nyob Senate. Kuv tau txais tus pog vim tham ntawm no nyob rau hauv cov Senate hauv kuv lub zos, muaj cov ntawm no lub gonfalone di Firenze, Thaum ib sab muaj coob tus phooj ywg, muaj coob tus neeg ntawm Florence, yuav tsum nco ntsoov peb poj Florentines yog hais tiag ib cim kev. Kuv ntseeg tias uas tsis tas li yuav tau nco […]

Klimt Experience fino al 2 aprile

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Klimt kev mus txog 2 Tim

Exhibition kev Klimt, qhib kom txog 2 Tim, txhua hnub los ntawm 10 tom 19 ntawm lub qub tsev teev ntuj Santo Stefano al Ponte, tso cai rau koj "sib" cov artistic thiab cov neeg ntse heev Klimt, viennese secessionism nkaus nkaus hauv lub tswv yim nrov mus txog tej hauj lwm xws li "qhov hnia" thiab "tus ntoo uas leej txiv […]

“Colori di Versi” di Silvana Rossellini

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"Xim ntawm verses" los ntawm Silvana Rossellini

Silvana Rossellini, hoob 1983 ntawm Palermo, Nws kom nws debut nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb publishing nrog ib phau ntawm txoj cai "Xim ntawm verses" ua paj huam charming, luam tawm los ntawm cov khoom Apollo. Zoo verses uas muaj txoj kev xav yog coloring cov nplooj ntawv hauv phau ntawv yug ntawm lub nkuaj ntawm Silvana Rossellini uas, nplooj ntawv tom qab sab, puv tau ib txoj poet ntawm lub xyoo pua 20th. Cov lus, engraved nrog […]

“Lo zaino è pronto, io no” di Marco Lovisolo

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"Lub hnab ev khoom yog npaj, Kuv tsis "los ntawm Marco Lass

Marco Lass debuted nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb publishing nrog ib phau ntawv txoj cai "lub hnab ev khoom yog npaj, Kuv tsis yog"; luam tawm los ntawm Youcanprint. Tus sau narrates hauv kev mus ua si uas nws siv backpackers thiab cwj mem npaj, thoob plaws ntiaj teb, kawm ua teb chaws dawb lias thiab ntau nyob rau hauv kev lig kev cai; Kenya, Mexico thiab […]

“Carrozze di Fuoco” di Roberto Monti

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"Phab xis taws" los ntawm Roberto Monti

Bob lub tsev tam sim "phab xis taws", phau ntawv uas yug ntawm lub nkuaj ntawm Roberto Monti. Tus tshiab yog cov thawj ntim ntawm koob "inventors cov npau suav", thiab nws zoo li ib tug zoo me ntsis phau ntawv rau cov hluas thiab cov laus. Cov nplooj ntawv koj yuav khiav los ntawm cov tes, tab sis tsis txhob tus siab, vim hais tias tus me nyuam twb yuav ciaj. Nyob rau hauv […]

“Sangue sui binari” di Francesco Bonvicini

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"Ntshav ntawm lub lem" los ntawm Francesco Bonvicini

Francesco Bonvicini, hoob 1973, nyob thiab ua haujlwm nyob rau London ua ib accountant thaum lub caij pib pes khov thiab ua hauj lwm pheejyig npaum licas, thiab publishes tshiab, phau "Ntshav ntawm lub lem". Tus tshiab pib nrog cov tua neeg uas Eugen Theler, ib tug neeg indigent tas tsis muaj chaw nyob chaw ruaj, los yog tsawg kawg yog li no mas, chiv, thiab, vim li no, […]

“Lascia che dimentichi l’oggi fino a domani” di Roberta Patellaro

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"Cia kuv nco txog hnub no mus txog rau tag kis" Roberta Palfreyman

Roberta Palfreyman yug nyob rau Rome hauv 1993 los ua nws debut nyob ntiaj teb nrog tus tshiab publishing "Cia kuv nco txog hnub no mus txog rau tag kis". Zaj dabneeg yuav siv sij hawm koj rov qab rau hauv lub sij hawm ntawd Miskas, nyob rau tej lub xeev California, nyob rau hauv lub San Francisco degli anni ' 60, qhov chaw uas sawv daws nrhiav kev kaj siab lug, hlub thiab txoj kev ywj pheej ntawm […]

“Emozioni e felicità – La nuova guida per capire se stessi e gli altri” di Alberto Bonizzato

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"Cwj pwm txawv thiab zoo siab – tus tshiab qhia kom to taub lawv tus kheej thiab lwm tus" los ntawm Alberto Balog

Alberto Balog, hoob 1964, luam tawm rau hauv panorama editorial "cwj pwm txawv thiab zoo siab – tus tshiab qhia kom to taub lawv tus kheej thiab lwm tus", luam tawm ua human resources Advisor khoom. Tus sau yog txuj ci siab xav vim nws yog me me thiab loj hlob dhau lub xyoo no cov kev tshawb fawb heev heev, tshawb fawb thiab thiaj hauv lub tshav pob ntawm pej xeem cov kev sib txuas lus. Phau ntawv […]