Tsev »Nkag lo rau ntawm Mattia Lattanzi (Nplooj ntawv 110)

Cov dab neeg sau los ntawm Mattia Lattanzi
Nyob hauv cov register ntawm journalists thiab lub teb chaws npe ntawm zaj duab xis critics, ua ntej yuav nkag mus no editor muaj haujlwm, ntawm 2005, lwm lub teb chaws cov nqi ntawv xov xwm thiab Tuscany, Rau kev soj ntsuam nrog xinesmas kuj qhia thiab sau. Nyob rau hauv 2011 Nws mus ua uas qhia tias lub teb chaws ntawm nplooj ntawv editor 5 khoom ntawm cov ntawv xov xwm "Tsab Nuovo Corriere", yuav kaw rau hauv ntawv xov xwm 2012. Nyob rau hauv 2012 yog kis rau cov ntawv xov xwm ntxiv lub regional rau kab, StampToscana.it, raws li ib qho editor ntawm nplooj ntawv zaj duab xis thiab cov yeeb yam.
La Colonna di Santa Felicita pronta per il restauro

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Sab hauv St Felicity npaj restoration

Tus Column ntawm Santa Felicita, Nyob rau hauv lub homonymous square ntawm Ponte Vecchio thiab Piazza Pitti, yuav restored. Tus nqi ntawm lub lag luam, sib npaug zos li 25 txhiab euros, Yog financed nkaus los ntawm lub xeem tsab ntawm lub Celebrity sib ntaus hmo kuj organized ntawm Palazzo Vecchio. The Column, cov ntaub ntawv 1380 hais txog, Nyob granite nrog Corinthian peev, Yog nplooj siab rau lub exploits ntawm St. Peter martyr […]

I film in sala da giovedì 2 febbraio

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Chav dej tsos hnub plaub 2 Lub ob hlis ntuj

Cov tshiab films xinesmas caij, los ntawm cov journalist critic Mattia Lattanzi, nelle muag fiorentine da giovedì 2 Lub ob hlis ntuj tsov rog ntawm ib hom ntawv nyeem caj Hacksaw: Yeebyam, Noob nom noob tswv tsov rog: Mel Gibson Starring: Mel Gibson, Vince Vaughn, Andrew Garfield, Sam Worthington, Teresa Palmer, Rachel Griffiths, Nws Hugo, Luke Bracey films mus sib txeeb coj tuaj rau tus Venice zaj duab xis Success […]

Luce e gas: in arrivo i nuovi contatori “intelligenti”

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Hluav taws xob thiab gas: los rau lub tshiab "ntse" meters

Thiab-tis, tus tshiab tuam txhab ceevxwm Enel, nyob rau lub zog thiab roj ntus rau hauv kev pab ntawm cov tshiab hauv meters "ntse metering 2 g"; tus ntawd yog ib lub lag luam loj heev yuav tau hloov cov qub thawj cim tej txee tam sim no nyob hauv peb lub tsev thiab ntsia ntawm 2000. Lo stesso faranno o sono in procinto […]

San Lorenzo: nuove iniziative e nuovo Consiglio per valorizzare il complesso

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San Lorenzo: thawj kauj ruam tshiab thiab Board tshiab yuav txhim khu lub complex

Xyoo tshiab, thawj kauj ruam tshiab rau lub basilica ntawm San Lorenzo, uas muaj ntau dua kom txaus siab twb zoo lub extraordinary kev cai dab qhuas cuab yeej cuab tam, luag tagnrho artistic thiab kev cai. Cov ua ntej ntawd yog ntawm ntxiv mus 9 Insiederà lub ob hlis ntuj ib tug tshiab Board koomhaum ntawm qhov Ministry kuaj hauv cov chav uas tus Laurentian Opera. Sono stati confermati tre componenti […]

“Bibbia – Musica – Bibbia”, sabato 11 febbraio alle Oblate

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"Ntawv Vajtswv ntawv Vajtswv – suab paj nruag –", Hnub vas xaum 11 Lub ob hlis ntuj thaum Oblate

"Ntawv Vajtswv ntawv Vajtswv – suab paj nruag –", muaj kev sib tham nrog ib tug quas los ntawm cov ntawv Vajtswv thiab tsev kawm ntawv" (BES) mus BIBLIA, Pw koom haum ntawm haiv biblical, tsis pub dhau lub moj khaum ntawm lub teb chaws sib txeeb "tus zither mus rap: Ntawv vajtswv-phau ntawv-ntawv Vajtswv", thiab yuav muaj nyob rau hnub vas xaum 11 Lub ob hlis ntuj los 10,30 nyob ore19.30 nyob hauv lub Biblioteca delle Oblate, Kev sib tham rov rau hauv pem teb hauv pem teb, ntawm dell'oriuolo 24, […]

Nuova vita per lo stemma mediceo del Giambologna

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Lub neej tshiab rau lub Medici lub tsho tiv no ntawm caj npab los ntawm Giambologna

Nyob li ntawm tus Sala Brunelleschi del Palagio di Parte Guelfa, tus celebrations rau lub restoration ntawm tus Medici sia of caj npab los ntawm Giambologna nyob rau hauv cov nyiaj siv ua haujlwm Loggia del Palagio. Cov kev Istituto ib l'arte e tsab Restauro Palazzo Spinelli of Florence nyob renovation ua hauj lwm ris los ntawm ib pab neeg kawm ntawv, hauj lwm ua ke los ntawm cov xib fwb, ntawm […]

I film in sala dal 26 gennaio

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Nyob rau hauv chav tsos 26 Lub ib hlis ntuj

Cov tshiab films xinesmas caij, los ntawm cov journalist critic Mattia Lattanzi, nelle muag fiorentine da giovedì 26 Lub ib hlis ntuj. La-La av ib hom ntawv nyeem: Comedy, Yeebyam, Suab paj nruas Director: Damien Chazelle Cast: Emma Stone, J. K. Simmons, Finn Wittrock, Sandra Rosko, Rosemarie DeWitt, John lus dab neeg, Sonoya Mizun, Ryan menyuam os dej dawb Mia yog ib aspiring actress uas, ntawm ib rooj plaub thiab sib, […]

Nuova Bandiera Italiana sul pennone di Piazza Stazione

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Tshiab Italian chij rau ntawm tus ncej chij ntawm chaw nres tsheb square

Tom qab tus denunciation lub Cuaj hlis ntuj kawg los ntawm cov journalist Franco Mariani, li ntawm Florence President yeej txhawb, hais txog cov poj Italian chij hoisted rau ntawm tus ncej chij xwmfab chaw nres tsheb uas muaj cov loj loj thiab qhov vistosissimi, hnub tsis ntev los no, Italian railways nws yog muab nws prefers rau ntawm tus ncej chij, tseem tas lub lis piam, ib tricolour tshiab. Xav hais tias […]

Celebrata la Giornata della Memoria

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Lom hnub Memorial

Yuav luag 300 ntawm tus txiv neej, cov pojniam uas muaj menyuam tau piled ntawm tej wagons ntawm lub tsheb ciav hlau thiab thauj mus Auschwitz. Yog cov 9 Kaum ib hlis 1943 Thaum twg lawv muaj crammed ua ib convoy taws mus coob concentration yeej thoj nam los ua los ntawm cov regime Nazi. Tom qab muaj 74 xyoo hauv lub teb chaws thiab no thaum sawv ntxov, on the occasion of hnub […]

Nasce a Firenze il Belvedere Vittorio Sermonti

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Yug hauv Florence, cov Belvedere Vittorio Sermonti

Nasce a Firenze il ‘Belvedere Vittorio Sermonti’, nel tratto iniziale del viale Galileo che affaccia su via Monte alle Croci. I lavori al Belvedere sono durati un anno e costati 120 nplooj euro, curati dalla direzione servizi tecnici del Comune. L’intitolazione allo scrittore, regista e dantista Sermonti, che aveva ricevuto il Fiorino d’oro di Firenze […]