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Stories written by Mattia Lattanzi
Enrolled in the register of journalists and the National Union of film critics, before coming to this editor has worked, from 2005, with other national newspapers and Tuscany, In addition to dealing with cinema also show and record. In 2011 He became editor of the national show of pages 5 editions of the newspaper "Il Nuovo Corriere", the newspaper closed in may 2012. In 2012 is passed to the regional information newspaper on line, StampToscana.it, as an editor of the film and show pages.
I film in sala dal 17 luglio

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In room movies 17 July

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 17 July. Transformers 4 – L’Era dell’Estinzione Genere: Action, fiction Director: Michael Bay Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Stanley Tucci, Kelsey Grammer, Jack Reynor, Frank Welker, Nicola Peltz, Sophia Myles, T.J. Miller, Li Bingbing, Han Geng, Abigail Klein, […]

I fiorentini riscoprono il pellegrinaggio a piedi: domenica 7 settembre Impruneta-Firenze

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The Florentines are rediscovering the pilgrimage on foot: Sunday 7 September-Impruneta Florence

The Florentines, the more time passes, more rediscover the pilgrimage on foot. In fact it is already in its fourth edition, the Marian Pilgrimage, by 14 km to walk, by Marian Basilica of Impruneta to the Marian Basilica of the Santissima Annunziata in Florence; will be held on 7 September, day of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A pilgrimage that […]

La nuova stagione del Puccini all’insegna di un teatro estremamente vivo

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The new season of Puccini, set in a very live theater

The Teatro Puccini in Florence presented the program of the new theater season 2014/15: ben 30 shows, between new and proposed, that are structured in four areas that have always characterized the programming of Puccini: satire, prose, dance and music, teatro off. And in times of crisis also subscriptions will be less onerous than […]

Al via i lavori per il nuovo Pronto Soccorso di Ponte a Niccheri

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Work begins for the new Emergency Department of Bridge Niccheri

At the end of the work, Florentines and a good part of the metropolitan area to the south of Florence will have another new Emergency Department of the Hospital Bridge Niccheri, one of the 5 points of health emergency of the Health of Florence: ben 5 mila metri quadri su due piani. Jobs, che dovrebbero iniziare il prossimo settembre, will cost 23 million euros, […]

Il Carcere: prima, dentro e dopo secondo Casa Caciolle

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The Prison: first, in and after the second house Caciolle

The Opera Madonnina del Grappa has hosted and organized, together with the Association House Caciolle, the seminar "Prison: first, in and dopo ", with the aim to focus attention on the mechanisms that lead to crime and imprisonment, well as the quality and conditions of life that still characterize those detained, and perspectives that can […]

I film in sala dal 10 luglio

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In room movies 10 July

These new films cinema season, presented by the journalist critic Michael Lattanzi, in the halls of Florence from Thursday 10 July. Mai così vicini Genere: Comedy, Drama Director: Rob Reiner Cast: Michael Douglas, Diane Keaton, Sterling Jerins, Frankie Valli, Yaya DaCosta, Paloma Guzmán, Frances Sternhagen, Andy Karl Ci sono milioni di ragioni per non provare […]

Da sabato 5 luglio al via i saldi estivi

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From Saturday 5 July starts the summer sales

At the start, Saturday 5 July in Florence the summer sales. After another season of lean traders are hoping that the slight increase of confidence on the part of consumers is heard finally on receipts. Federica Grassini, President Federmoda Confcommercio Tuscany says "Sales in general for the summer season this year have suffered an average decline of […]

Sempre più fiorentini emigrano all’estero

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More and more people migrate abroad

From 2000 to date are 5.277 the Florentines who have transferred their residence abroad. A real “brain drain”: in only 2013 Florentines were transferred abroad 590, in 2000 were 307. In 14 years the favorite destinations were the United States (724), the United Kingdom (638), France (485), Switzerland (400). […]

Inflazione: Firenze esente a giugno

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Inflation: Florence free in June

Annual inflation nowhere in Florence in June; is to reveal the Municipal Bureau of Statistics: the monthly change is +0,2% as in May, the annual variation is zero while in May it was +0,3%. To contribute to this figure were, compared to the previous month, especially variations in Divisions Services Hotels and restaurants (+1,6%), […]

Sul sagrato del Duomo concerto-festa sudamericana per Sant’Ignazio

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On the Parvis of the Cathedral concert-party South to Saint Ignatius

The evocative atmosphere of the popular festivals organized the Jesuits in their missions of the ancient province of Paraguay - typical to those immortalized by the movie Mission - will be offered to the Florentines, as part of the music festival "O flos colende", On Thursday evening, 3 July at 21.30. Atmospheres that will be for the first time exceptionally recreated, […]