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Quando a Firenze esistevano 7 stabilimenti balneari

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When in Florence there were 7 bathing establishments

In 1800 a Florence view, then, the excellent quality of the water of the river, There were several bathrooms, real bathing establishments equipped where the Florentines could go to cool off by jumping, without major problems, in Arno. The most popular was called "Vagaloggia", in front of where today sits the Palace Favard, American Consulate area. […]

Il Papà di Stenterello che riposa in Ognissanti

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Stenterello's father resting in Ognissanti

In piazza Ognissanti, that before the advent of Radio in the Palazzo Vecchio had become the meeting point of the Florentine Carnival reborn, also internazionalizzatosi, He finds, in the cloister of the Church of the same name, the tomb of Louis Del Buono, the creator of Stenterello, the traditional Florentine masking. Even the same Eugenio Giani, He did revive the Carnival […]

Il Barone di Munchhausen che sfamò Firenze assediata nell’agosto 1944

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The Baron Munchhausen that it fed Florence besieged in August 1944

Monday, he celebrated the world day of remembrance, in remembrance of the Holocaust of the Jewish people to extermination camps by the Nazis. A day to remember. AND’ important not to forget the sacrifice of children, men and women, as it is important not to forget their stories, as well as the many stories of people who, […]

26 gennaio: rifiorisce la Colonna di San Zanobi

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26 January: rifiorisce la Colonna di San Zanobi

Starting at 9 of 26 gennaio nella pedonalizzata piazza San Giovanni, prima di piazza duomo, alla colonna di San Zanobi, rivivrà, secondo una tradizione consolidata grazie alla cura dell’ufficio cerimoniale del Comune di Firenze, l’omonima rifiorita in ricordo di quella miracolosa che avvenne in occasione della traslazione del corpo del Santo, vescovo della città, chiamato […]

Il Carnevale a Firenze

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Il Carnevale a Firenze

Firenze ha sempre festeggiato il carnevale. Al tempo dei Medici erano famose certe mascherate allestite dalla corte che “andavan per la città fino a notte inoltrata, con suoni e canti, lumi di torce, come se fosse di pieno giorno”, riportano le cronache dell’epoca. Era ancora lontano l’idea d’inventare i corsi, sia di carrozze, first, that […]

Pausa Pranzo: a Messa a San Carlo

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Pausa Pranzo: a Messa a San Carlo

La chiesa di San Carlo dei Lombardi si trova in via dei Calzaiuoli davanti ad Orsanmichele, qualche metro prima di arrivare in Piazza della Signoria. Costruita a partire dal 1349 fu dedicata alla madre della Madonna, Sant’Anna, in ringraziamento per la cacciata del tirannico duca di Atene avvenuta il 26 July 1343. Fu completata nel […]

Papa Giovanni XXIII sepolto a Firenze

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Pope John XXIII buried in Florence

If I told you that Pope John XXIII is not buried in St. Peter's, but in St. John, the baptistery of Florence, Surely you give me the crazy saying that, as the Vatican correspondent, should well know that the body is, After his Beatification, on display inside St. Peter's Basilica. Well instead […]

Riprendono i viaggi alla scoperta dei segreti del Teatro La Pergola

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Resuming travel to discover the secrets of Teatro La Pergola

New appointments in 2014 visiting-show at the Teatro della Pergola "In his Movement is stopped", staged by 9 years and happily passed the milestone of 200 over 10,000 spectators and replicas. The success of this particular journey into theatre and below the Citadel de La Pergola is in fact […]

Alla scoperta della Firenze di Arnolfo

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Discovering Florence by Arnolfo

You are curious to find out how it was Florence between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries, the expansion of the city wall, of the great basilicas, Santa Maria del Fiore and Palazzo della Signoria whose form still remains shrouded in mystery? Or know what political forces marked the Florence of that time, What economic energies the […]

Gli Indignati sono nati a Firenze nel 1338

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The Outraged were born in Florence 1338

In recent months many Outraged took to the streets to protest against the economic crisis and the few interventions, restrictive and often costly, facts, but especially for those not facts, from those who govern to overcome it. Well, few people know that the Outraged are actually born 676 years ago in Florence when the 1 November […]