Tsev »Archives ntawm qeb»Miv (Nplooj ntawv 18)

Piazza San Firenze: installata statua di Helidon Xhixha

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Piazza San Firenze: ntsia pej thuam ntawm Helidon Xhixha

Pem lub taub hau lub qub tsev hais plaub, nyob San Firenze piazza, yog mus kawm ib tug pej thuam cov Albanian thiab Italis tu Helidon Xhixha. Qhov no yog ib qho exhibition nrog rau lub qhov Uffizi, uas mus txog 29 Lub kaum hli ntuj hosts Boboli tu ib tug neeg ua hauj lwm ntawm tswv. "Nyob rau hauv no meem uas vaj tse centuries peb ntawm architecture, lub Bargello […]

Il nuovo percorso tattile del Grande Museo del Duomo

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Tshiab tactile kev ntawm tus poj Cathedral tsev cia puav pheej

Tsev khaws puav pheej ntau ntawm cov Duomo Florence tau pom ib tug tshiab tactile kev tsim not only rau cov dig muag thiab visually tsis hnov lus, tab sis rau txhua qhov, with a view to Cov menyuamuas. Lub qub npe xaiv mus qhia rau qhov chaw nyob, Touchable, muaj li ntawm cov lus Askiv tau thiab kov, xws li "deft so", xav tau […]

Leonardo da Vinci in mostra a Montepulciano

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Leonardo da Vinci exhibition hauv Montepulciano

Cov fortress thiab Poggiofanti teb rau Montepulciano yog tus ob seats uas mus txog 17 Cuaj hlis party exhibition Leonardo da Vinci: Visions. Ib qho exhibition los ntawm lub zos Montepulciano thiab lub Foundation cantiere internazionale d'Arte di Montepulciano, yog Workers haujlwm Civita, qhov uas koj xav tias cov Leonardo investigates uas. Ntawm […]

Da Vinci Experience a Santo Stefano al Ponte fino all’8 ottobre

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Da Vinci kev hauv Santo Stefano al Ponte kom txog rau thaum lub kaum hli ntuj 8

Da Vinci kev, tus tshiab multimedia exhibition uas ua los ntawm Crossmedia nyob rau qhov chaw kom txog rau thaum lub kaum hli ntuj 8 2017 zuag qhia tag nrho cov Deconsecrated lub tsev teev ntuj uas Santo Stefano al Ponte nyob Florence, ob peb kauj ruam ntawm Ponte Vecchio. Nplooj siab rau tus ntse heev ntawm Leonardo, kom nws paub thiab eclecticism nyob rau hauv ntau disciplines, zus unprecedented xav mus ua tus continuation ntuj […]

Mostra sul campione di ciclismo Gastone Nencini in Consiglio regionale

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Saib rau ntawm cycling tau tau zus ib Gastone Nencini rau Regional Council

THIAB’ tau hu ua tus khiav 'tag', Gastone Nencini, cov tub puv uas mob siab rau thiab siab tawv Tuscany thiab cov Mugello, tus khiav ntawm ib ncig saib ntawm ltalis, '57 thiab ib ncig saib tsib France hauv' 60. Lub yees duab exhibition yog nplooj siab rau nws “Gastone Nencini, lub dag lub zog thiab lub plawv”, edited los ntawm nws tus ntxhais Elizabeth koom teg […]

Fino al 9 luglio “Nero su nero”, laboratorio domenicale per bimbi e famiglie

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Mus txog 9 Lub Xya hli ntuj "dub rau dub", Sunday Rhiav rau cov me nyuam thiab cov yim neeg

Nws hu ua ' leej twg ntshai dub?ib txwm siv rau cov me nyuam thiab cov yim neeg nce rau Villa Bardini txhua txhua hnub Sunday tom 11, mus txog 9 Lub Xya hli ntuj, on the occasion of tus exhibition ' rau dub dub. Fontana thiab Kounellis nyob hauv lub Galliani. Tus exhibition yog tus thawj thiaj yuav nyob rau kev siv cov xim dub Italian painting thiab sculpting […]

Papiri e antichi reperti: a Bagno a Ripoli rivive l’Egitto

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Papyrus thiab ancient artefacts: nyob rau hauv Bagno ib Ripoli relives rau tim lyiv teb chaws

May 11 rau lub Oratory Ponte kom ib Ema hu ua tom qab lub martyr, Koj mus yuav cov "Neeg dawb huv Catherine ntawm tim lyiv teb chaws-lub tim lyiv teb chaws ntawm St Catherine" ncaav exhibition cov municipality thiab cov Istituto Papirologico "g.. Vitelli, University of Florence; exhibition qhib kawg 7 Tim. Ib co yuav teev cia 60, lom zem ntau pom thawj zaug txij thaum […]

Gli orari di Pasqua e Pasquetta dei Musei Civici Fiorentini

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Sij hawm Easter thiab Easter hnub Monday txog rau Musei Civici Fiorentini

Cov sij hawm Easter thiab Easter hnub Monday txog rau musei civici fiorentini: Tsev khaws puav pheej ntawm Palazzo Vecchio Easter teev 9.00 – 23.00 Easter teev 9.00 – 23.00 Teev Torre Easter 9.00 – 21.00 (ntawv tshem tawm thaum los nag) Tsev khaws puav pheej 20th xyoo pua Easter teev 11.00 – 20.00 Easter teev 11.00 – 20.00 Raug Maria Novella Easter teev […]

Mostra di Giorgio e Maurizio Galimberti: “Tributo a Mitoraj”

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Exhibition ntawm Giorgio e Maurizio Galimberti: “Tribute mus Mitoraj”

Ib qho exhibition txoj cai "homage los Mitoraj", Tsug kaum peb loj tej hauj lwm, nruj me ntsis dub thiab dawb, tsim los ntawm Giorgio Galimberti no exhibition uas yuav tuaj ib tug tshawb xyuas ywj retracing yam Igor Mitoraj. Tom qab ib tug tsim MOC, xaiv thiab framing, Giorgio Galimberti qhia tau hais tias tus txiv tseem ceeb ntawm ib cov ua ib schema […]

“Dialogo tra colori”, personale di Grazia Danti

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"Kev sib tham ntawm cov xim", cov neeg ua haujlwm uas hlub Giving

"Kev sib tham ntawm cov xim" yog tus neeg ua haujlwm tshiab uas cov neeg pleev kob Grace Giving uas opens hnub no, Wednesday, 29 Lub peb hlis ntuj feeb 19 nyob La Loggia Piazzale Michelangelo hauv Florence lub tsev noj mov, thiab uas yuav nyob twj ywm rau zaub thoob plaws ua ntej lub plaub hlis. Nees nkaum paintings, ib nrab ntawm qhov uas yuav kis kab mob thawj zaug, ua tsaug […]