Tsev »Archives ntawm qeb»Miv (Nplooj ntawv 19)

Artisti dal mondo all’Iclab per il G7 della cultura

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Nyuab ntawm lub ntiaj teb no mus Iclab rau lub G7 ntawm haiv

Qhov exhibition chaw Iclab ntawm Florence nyob viale Guidoni 103 yuav host, on the occasion of lub G7 ntawm haiv, yuav muaj nyob rau hauv Florence 30 thiab 31 Lub peb hlis ntuj, exhibition tus cai "Nyuab ntawm lub ntiaj teb no mus Iclab rau lub G7 ntawm haiv". Cov painting exhibition, duab puab thiab photography, kev txhawb los ntawm Tuscany Culture, ntawm Romualdo del Bianco […]

Mostra fotografica “Divine creature” al Museo dell’Opera del Duomo

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Diam duab exhibition "Divine creatures lawm" ntawm tus Museo dell'Opera del Duomo

Ib ntus exhibition chaw seem ntawm lub Opera del Duomo tsev cia puav pheej vaj tse ib exhibition uas tsis tshua muaj kev zoo nkauj, "Divine Creatures", uas, thawj thawj zaug, saib rau pej xeem, 10 koj photographic tej hauj lwm uas revisit muaj coob masterpieces Art dawb huv, qhov muaj tus cim imagined los ntxias, poj niam, tus txiv neej thiab cov me nyuam muaj kev tsis taus. Tej hauj lwm revisited-masterpieces los yog Caravaggio, Lodovico Cardi […]

Ultimi giorni per la “La Piazza. La nostra piazza”

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Hnub hnub rau "La Piazza. Peb lub xwmfab"

Hnub hnub rau lub exhibition “Cov Square. Peb xwmfab” uas yog ntawm lub tswv yim ntev ntawm pawg neeg rau kev lub nroog ntawm Florence thiab rau photography pawg "lub dome", Nws muab ntawm lub nroog muaj tsib caug xyoo tej hauj lwm rau cov tswv cuab thiab cov nqi foundations. Tus exhibition ntseg ib Diam duab sau ntawv […]

“Il segno dell’Artista” di Domenico Viggiano a San Marco

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"Lub kos npe ntawm tus artist" los ntawm Valz nyob hauv San Marco

Mus txog 29 Lub peb hlis ntuj, ntawm lub cuab exhibition nyob ntawm Ricasoli 68, angolo Piazza San Marco, yuav tau qhib qhov exhibition "lub kos npe ntawm tus artist", edited by Prof. Valz, Hais Secretary ntawm tus Accademia delle Arti del Disegno. Cov Accademia delle Arti del Disegno yog tswv, cov nws collections, ib tug tseem ceeb sau los ntawm graphics, thiab with the purpose of plaug pej xeem […]

Visioni latenti fino al 12 marzo

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Visions dormant kom txog rau thaum pw 12 Lub peb hlis ntuj

Lucia Baldini thiab Gloria Romoli, kev pab txog ob, nrog cov neeg pleev kob Rebecca Hayward, mus txog 12 Lub peb hlis ntuj muaj lawv tej hauj lwm nyob hauv txoj cai ruaj Gama nyob Corso Tintori 6, cov sij hawm thaum 17 tom 20. Qhov peb ntxias, United tau ib leeg ib, kab lus evocative – Qhov kev pom zoo nkauj exalts dab tsi yog qhov pom – investigating cov poj niam tus ntug, […]

Klimt Experience fino al 2 aprile

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Klimt kev mus txog 2 Tim

Exhibition kev Klimt, qhib kom txog 2 Tim, txhua hnub los ntawm 10 tom 19 ntawm lub qub tsev teev ntuj Santo Stefano al Ponte, tso cai rau koj "sib" cov artistic thiab cov neeg ntse heev Klimt, viennese secessionism nkaus nkaus hauv lub tswv yim nrov mus txog tej hauj lwm xws li "qhov hnia" thiab "tus ntoo uas leej txiv […]

San Valentino sulla Torre di Arnolfo

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Valentine rau tus Arnolfo ntauwd

Ieri, in occasione della festa di San Valentino, i Musei Civici Fiorentini e l’Associazione MUS.E, grazie a Golden View e in collaborazione con il Conservatorio di Musica Luigi Cherubini di Firenze, hanno proposto un evento speciale per tutte le coppie: nqi ntawm tus nqi 15 euro è stato possibile visitare in esclusiva il camminamento di ronda […]

A Fiesole apre lo Studio del Maestro Sauro Cavallini

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Fiesole qhib tshawb txog kev npaj Sauro Cavallini

Nrog lub xyoo tshiab pib, qhib rau qhua los ntawm cov sij hawm teem tseg txoj kev tshawb no yog Sauro Cavallini, sculptor so yug., tab sis mus tu Fiesole, tso tseg rau ntawm 28 Lub Xya hli ntuj 2016 thaum muaj hnub nyoog 89 xyoo, thiab nws cov hauj lwm nto moo tshaj plaws, cov monument rau lub neej, stands pem lub taub hau lub Palace ntawm tus sawv daws cov teb chaws Europe hauv Strasbourg. Prenotandosi tramite il sito web www.saurocavallini.it, si potrà […]

“A Sud delle Montagne”: 11 Artisti cinesi contemporanei fino al 28/2  al Museo del Duomo

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"Sab qab teb ntawm lub roob": 11 Ib ntus suav nyuab mus txog rau thaum 28/2 Ntawm cov Museo del Duomo

"Sab qab teb ntawm lub roob" 11 Artisti cinesi contemporanei (“South of the Mountains” 11 Contemporary Chinese Artists) è il titolo della mostra promossa dall’Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore e organizzata in collaborazione con Trealm Art. Inc. e Huaxi Culture Company, qhib kom txog 28 Lub ob hlis ntuj, pub dawb, nello spazio esposizioni temporanee del Museo dell’Opera del Duomo a Firenze. […]

Fino al 26 febbraio alle Cascine il sabato e la domenica mostra su alluvione 1966 e su Firenze Resiliente

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Mus txog 26 Lub ob hlis ntuj thaum Farmhouses rau hnub Saturday thiab hnub xya qhia txog dej nyab 1966 thiab rau Florence Resilient

Muab cov recollection ntawm lawm lub txug tej yaam le yees tshiab yog tus taw ntawm tus tshiab teg num ntawm lub municipality nrog rau lub koom haum ntawd Promotes Florence, thaum hnub so hauv lub ib hlis ntuj thiab lub ob hlis ntuj, yuav pom cov dab neeg los ntawm cov dej nyab hauv uk 50 xyoo dhau los uas hauj tseem muaj ntau yam uas koj yuav muab rau lub nras hnub no rau […]