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La bellezza nei bronzi ellenistici in mostra a Palazzo Strozzi

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The beauty in the Hellenistic bronzes on display at Palazzo Strozzi

In collaboration with J. Paul Getty Museum di Los Angeles, the National Gallery of Art in Washington and the Archaeological Survey of Tuscany, kicked off the exhibition "Power and pathos. Bronzes of the Hellenistic world "in the prestigious Palazzo Strozzi. The show hosts, until 21 June, Palazzo Strozzi in Florence, an […]

Giorgio Pagnini a Ganzo con “Verso il basso”

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George Pagnini Ganzo with "Down"

Ganzo, school restaurant and experiential educational workshop in Via dei Macci 85 / r host until 14 April, the exhibition of photographs taken by George Pagnini, entitled "Down". The exposure is visible from 12 at 24. Pagnini, he graduated in architecture in Florence where he lives and works. Born in Sardinia, but lives his […]

Mario Schifano “Orizzonte Nr. 2” alla Galleria Alessandro Bagnai

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Mario Schifano "Horizon Nr. 2"Galleria Alessandro Bagnai

At the Galleria Alessandro Bagnai, presented the exhibition of Mario Schifano (Homs, Libya, 1934 Rome, Italy, 1998), Depending on "Horizon", cycle display by Lorand Hegyi, and which will remain open until 18 April. The exhibition aims to bring to public attention some great figures in the history of the last decades, they can still be […]

Notturni 231 a Palazzo Bastogi venerdì 20 marzo

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Nightlife 231 Palazzo Bastogi Friday 20 March

Inoffensivi, lying, horizontal, I remember our first months of life, when he was still foreign to the upright position, typical man in business, are the Night 231, the subject of the exhibition of the artist Cecilia Latches and professionally is divided between art and journalism. We spend about a third of our lives in a state of physical rest and unconscious. […]

Italia Metafisica di George Tatge: 66 opere esposte fino al 22 marzo

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Italy Metaphysics of George Tate: 66 works on display until 22 March

"Italy Metaphysics" by George Tate: an exhibition of signs, symbols and sacred geometries, inspired by Italy built, marked and altered by human intervention, display until 22 March to Villa Bardini. An initiative of the Foundation Bardini Peyron Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, under the auspices of the City of Florence and the collaboration of the Regional Council of Tuscany […]

Firenze com’era nei dipinti di Fabio Borbottoni

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Florence as it was in the paintings of Fabio Borbottoni

Florence as it was in the views of the painter Fabio Borbottoni (1823-1901), thanks to the exhibition "Florence: 'Photograph' of a city history and current. The Collection Borbottoni and other views from the Art Collections Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze "featured at Spazio shows Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze up to 5 April entrance book. The initiative, clean out […]

USA: prima mostra di sculture di Donatello dell’Opera del Duomo Firenze

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USA: first exhibition of sculptures by Donatello dell'Opera del Duomo in Florence

The monumental sculptures by Donatello, as well as major works by Filippo Brunelleschi, Luca della Robbia, Nanni di Banco, and other artists exhibited for the first time in the United States, in an unprecedented exhibition at the Museum of Biblical Art (Mobi) a New York City. Sculpture in the Age of Donatello: Renaissance Masterpieces […]

Ganzo: Mostra di Jean Marc Montel

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Ganzo: Show of Jean Marc Montel

Ganzo, school restaurant and experiential educational workshop in Via dei Macci 85 / r host from Wednesday 18 February, the exhibition of paintings by Jean Marc Montel, 18 works by the artist of the Sardinian mother and French father. Its double origin inspired the particularities of his works dedicated to nature in a synergy of colors and […]

Anniversario Elettrice Palatina: visite gratis e incontri alle Cappelle Medicee

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Anniversary Electress Palatine: free visits and meetings at the Medici Chapels

This year the 18 February will be celebrated the anniversary of the death of the Palatine - last descendent of the Grand Ducal Medici dynasty - which took place in Florence 18 February 1743. For the occasion, the Medici Chapels Museum will remain open from 8.15 at 13.50 with free admission. At 11 pregrammata is the deposition of the floral to […]

All’Archivio di Stato mostra su Firenze Capitale

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State Archives shows Florence Capital

Until 6 June the State Archives of Florence hosts the "A Capital and its Architect. Political and social events, urban and architectural. Florence and the work of Giuseppe Poggi ", staged on the occasion of the celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of Florence, capital of the Kingdom of Italy. It was created with the decisive contribution […]