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“1938-1945: la persecuzione degli ebrei in Italia. Documenti per una storia”

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"1938-1945: the persecution of Jews in Italy. Documents for a story "

In the basement of the Basilica of Santa Croce was inaugurated the exhibition "1938-1945: the persecution of Jews in Italy. Documents for a story ", event sponsored by the national coordination committee for the celebrations in memory of the Shoah. The inauguration was attended by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior Domenico Manzione, the presence of the Prefect Luigi Varratta, […]

La Firenze del primo Novecento in mostra all’Archivio Storico

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The Florence of the early twentieth century on display at the Historical Archive

From Thursday 15 January in the premises of the Historical City of Florence, Via dell'Oriuolo 33-35, will visit the exhibition "The Florence of the early twentieth century" in the work of Guido Spadolini. The exposure, which will remain open until 12 March, is promoted by the Fondazione Spadolini New Anthology in collaboration with the City of Florence, the Municipal Archives of Florence, the Foundation […]

La collezione di soldatini di Alberto Predieri

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The collection of toy soldiers Alberto Predieri

The valuable collection of toy soldiers belonged to Professor Alberto Predieri (1921-2001) is now visible in a permanent exhibition at the Exhibition Area of ​​the office of the Savings Bank (via Bufalini 6) that she had a gift in 2009 by the widow Mrs. Francesca. The collection, considered among the most important national, includes toy soldiers depicting characters […]

10 Arazzi restaurati di Palazzo Vecchio esposti al Quirinale

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10 Tapestries restored Palazzo Vecchio exposed to the Quirinale

The National Savings Bank has financed the restoration of 10 tapestries of Palazzo Vecchio which will be exhibited at the Quirinale in the traveling exhibition "The Prince of Dreams. Joseph tapestries Medici Pontormo and Bronzino ", where total tapestries will 20, and it was officially presented, and with great pomp, at the Quirinale Palace. "It is a […]

Galleria degli Uffizi, mostra collezione Icone Russe

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Uffizi Gallery, collection shows Russian Icons

Until February 1 2015 in the space of the Royal Post Office to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence are on display 81 Russian icons in the collections of Florence that form an important nucleus of Orthodox religious art. The "Collection of Russian icons in the Uffizi" is sponsored by the Friends of the Uffizi and curated by Valentina Conticelli, Daniela Relatives […]

Mostra su Michelangelo fino al 28 dicembre

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Show on Michelangelo until 28 December

Close with the exhibition "The immortality of a myth - The legacy of Michelangelo in the arts and teaching academics in Florence from the sixteenth century to the contemporary" celebrations for the anniversary of the founding 450mo Academy of Art and Design and the death of Michelangelo Buonarroti, that the centuries-old Florentine institution was the first academic. Scheduled until […]

L’immaginario visuale del Sessantotto

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The visual imagery of Sixty

It opens Saturday 13 December at 15.30, Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, Via Ricasoli 66, la mostra “L’immaginario visuale del Sessantotto oggi”, result of recent internship that involved students of the Florentine, under the guidance of Prof. Tommaso Tozzi dell’Accademia e della Prof.ssa Adriana Dadà del centro studi politici e sociali archivio […]

Firenze: riapre il Presepe ai Bassi

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Florence: reopen the Nativity to the Netherlands

It seemed an impossible task to achieve up to a year ago, Yet volunteers crèche parish of SS. Name of Jesus to Netherlands, via the Netherlands, Argingrosso area, in Florence, they succeeded. Implementing a decision at the same time painful and surprising taken last January, hanno smantellato completamente lo stupendo Presepe che […]

L’arte creata dai non vedenti alla Galleria delle Carrozze con “I sensi dell’arte”

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The art created by the blind at the Gallery of Carriages with “The senses of the art”

Arriving in Florence, until 14 December, in the Gallery of Carriages of Palazzo Medici Riccardi, the international exhibition of contemporary art 'The senses of the art', which will be inaugurated today, 3 December, at 16 the presence of the President of the Province Andrea Barden. Trentadue artisti non vedenti e ipovedenti provenienti da sei diversi Paesi -Italia, Slovenia, Estonia, […]

Alla Richmond University mostra di Cecilia Chiavistelli

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At Richmond University shows Cecilia Latches

Space exhibitions of Richmond University in Via Maggio 11 in Florence, from 4 dicembre prossimo - con inaugurazione alle ore 14, e fino al giorno 18, sarà esposta la mostra dell’artista italiana Cecilia Chiavistelli. L'artiste, origins of Siena, but living for many years in Florence, Oltrarno, to pay tribute to the invitation of Richmond University, presenterà una selezione di lavori realizzati […]