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Atmosfere eteree di Lv Zhongyuan


Atmosfere eteree di Lv Zhongyuan

The painting exhibition "The world of painting the mountains and on the water" by the Chinese artist Lv Zhongyuan, organized by the Association of Chinese Artists Association in Italy and Tuscany Culture, inaugurated yesterday, 23 September, rimarrà aperta fino al 29 September in the areas of the State Archives of Florence, in Italy Viale Giovine, 6. L’arte di Lv Zhongyuan ci fa […]

Oltre Picasso

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Besides Picasso

The Pablo Picasso, the protagonist of the twentieth century, myth is dedicated to the exhibition of modern art in Florence, spaces of Palazzo Strozzi, where, together with internationally renowned artists such as Tapies, Miro and Dali explores the Spanish art of the twentieth century. The influence of Picasso's genius is evident in the works of other painters, e anche le […]

Mostre ed esposizioni a Firenze

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Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence

Date: until 28 September Event: Jacopo Ligozzi "Universalissimo Artist" (Verona 1547 – Florence 1627) Place: Palatine Gallery of the Pitti Palace Information: 055.294883 Date: until 30 September Event: Espressioni Contemporanee Luogo: Tornabuoni Arte Contemporary Informazioni: 055.289297 Date: until 30 September Event: Renato Fucini in Riccardiana. La vita e le carte di un toscano […]

Mostre ed esposizioni a Firenze


Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence

Date: until 13 September Event: Dall’Egitto dei Faraoni al Giappone dei Samurai attraverso il Medio Oriente islamico Luogo: Opificio delle Pietre Dure Informazioni: 055.26511 Date: until 28 September Event: Jacopo Ligozzi "Universalissimo Artist" (Verona 1547 – Florence 1627) Place: Palatine Gallery of the Pitti Palace Information: 055.294883 Date: until 30 September Event: Espressioni […]

Mostre ed esposizioni a Firenze


Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence

Date: until 25 July Event: Bruno Gambone. Items 1965 – 1970 Place: Galleria Il Ponte Information: 055.240617 Date: until 27 July Event: The figure of fury Place: Palazzo Vecchio Information: 055.055 Date: until 31 July Event: Cortona. Dawn of the Etruscan Princes In view restored kits de funeral Circle Sodo, […]

Al Caffè della Galleria Pananti gli spazi urbani e labirinti visivi di Francesco Vitali

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At the Coffee Gallery Pananti urban spaces and visual mazes of Francesco Vitali

Until 15 September at the Coffee Gallery in Florence Pananti, Piazza Pitti 10 / R, with orario 8,30-20, you can admire the exhibition Urban Spaces and Visual Labyrinths with photographic works by Francesco Vitali, Director, set designer and lighting designer appreciated all over the world. The author presents the visitor with glimpses of architectural elements and identifiers […]

Mostre ed esposizioni a Firenze


Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence

Date: until 20 July Event: Pontormo and Rosso Fiorentino. Divergent paths of "manner" Place: Strozzi Palace Information: 055.2776461 Date: until 20 July Event: Family issues. Living and represent the family today Place: Strozzi Palace Information: 055.391711 Date: until 21 July Event: Gio Ponti and Richard Ginori: Place an unpublished correspondence: […]

Giuseppe Penone al Forte Belvedere

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Giuseppe Penone al Forte Belvedere

In the beautiful surroundings of Fort Belvedere was inaugurated the exhibition "vegetable Perspective", a large exhibition project by Giuseppe Penone, artist known internationally. After the exhibition in the gardens of the Palace of Versailles and the installation of the permanent works at the Venaria in Turin, the artist presents his work in the park Boboli and the Fort […]

Mostre ed esposizioni a Firenze


Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence

Date: until 12 July Event: 2RC - Masters of Contemporary Art in Print Place: Sala della Minerva Academy of Fine Arts Information: 055.215449 – 347.0708738 Date: until 13 July Event: Staff of the painter Mauro Baroncini Place: Casa di Giotto Vicchio Information: 055.8439225 Date: until 13 July Event: And master sculptor Baccio Bandinelli […]

Mostre ed esposizioni a Firenze

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Exhibitions and exhibitions in Florence

Date: until 6 July Event: Small Wonders Place: Contemporary Art Space Information: 055.3249173 Date: until 13 July Event: And master sculptor Baccio Bandinelli (1493 – 1560) Place: Museo Nazionale del Bargello Information: 055.2388606 Date: until 13 July Event: Sebastiano del Piombo and painting on stone: the Portrait of Baccio Valori Place: […]