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Sestino, l’antico comune più orientale della Toscana

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Sestino, the ancient easternmost town in Tuscany

Sestino is a small town of 1.386 inhabitants in the province of Arezzo. It is the easternmost town in Tuscany and, within the province, the most distant from the capital (79 km). Located on the borders with Marche and Emilia Romagna, place on the slopes of the central Apennines, si erge a 496 meters above sea level. Sestino è […]

Montescudaio, uno dei Borghi più belli d’Italia

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Montescudaio, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy

Montescudaio is a charming village of the Val di Cecina, located along the southern part of the province of Pisa in a typical Tuscan hills, which is just fifteen minutes from the sea of ​​the Etruscan Riviera. Undoubtedly one of the most interesting countries in this part of Maremma, not coincidentally introduced in the "most beautiful villages in Italy". Reperti archeologici raccontano […]

Alla scoperta di una città fantasma, Vetulonia

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Discovering a ghost town, Vetulonia

There are many cases of mythological cities of Tuscany, founded in ancient times and never found, buried by time and memory. One of these, a legendary Etruscan mythological held until 1887, fu invece realmente scoperta da alcuni studiosi che riuscirono a trovare nei loro scavi le prime tracce certe dell’antico centro urbano di […]

La “spumeggiante” Festa dell’Uva dell’Impruneta

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The “bubbly” Party dell'Uva dell'Impruneta

Sunday 28 September, at 14, under a scorching sun, Square Buondelmonte all'Impruneta (Fi) It was held the 88th Grape Festival. Roaring start with a concert by the group Flagship US Armed Forces of NATO. Naples, are you guys really are very good that they played and sang some songs pop / rock music of the moment. After three quarters of an hour […]

Punta Ala: storia e leggenda di un piccolo paradiso toscano

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Punta Ala: history and legend of a small Tuscan paradise

Punta Ala (Originally Punta Troia) is a village in the municipality of Castiglione, in the province of Grosseto, popular seaside resort situated on the northern slopes of the headland. Today is an exclusive tourist destination of refined beauty. Located on a strip of land surrounded on three sides by the sea and covered by a thick pine forest. It is […]

Buonconvento:  borgo medievale al centro delle Crete Senesi

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Buonconvento: medieval village at the heart of the Crete Senesi

The medieval town of Buonconvento is enclosed within a wall of brick with hanging arches at the top, realized in 1379 on the order of the Governors of Siena and funding, in origine, only two access doors along the main street of the village: Porta Senese on the north side, to Siena, che conserva ancora oggi gli […]

Poppi: borgo medioevale e rara città murata

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Poppi: and rare medieval walled city

First appointment with the new heading "Places". Today we will talk about Poppi, a beautiful Tuscan town of 6.396 inhabitants in the province of Arezzo. The town is on the list of most beautiful villages in Italy. Poppi is placed at the center of the Casentino (437 meters above sea level), before the Arno valley between the provinces of Arezzo and Florence, […]

La chiesa romana di San Marcello titolo cardinalizio di Betori

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The Roman Church of San Marcello Cardinal title of Betori

Servizio di Franco Mariani sulla Chiesa di San Marcello a Roma, in via del Corso, Casa Generalizia dei Frati Servi di Maria, Congregazione religiosa maschile tutta fiorentina, Titolo Cardinalizio dell’Arcivescovo di Firenze il Cardinale Giuseppe Betori. AND’ la prima volta in assoluto che una telecamera fiorentina riprende e presenta ai fiorentini l’interno e l’esterno della […]