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25 marzo all’Obihall IV Convegno Nazionale sulla Dislessia

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25 March Obihall IV National Conference on Dyslexia

Dyslexia is classified among the Specific Learning Disorders (DSA) as the difficulty that some people have to read quickly and correctly. This difficulty is not due to reduced intelligence quotient by the person concerned, or by lack of education or other sensory deficits. There is talk of: DISLESSIA – se il soggetto ha […]

Venerdì 27 marzo la Via Crucis dei Giovani della Diocesi di Firenze

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Friday 27 March, the Way of the Cross Youth of the Diocese of Florence

Friday 27 marzo si terrà la tradizionale Via Crucis dei Giovani della Diocesi di Firenze, which this year will focus sull'esortazione Papa Francesco "We need bridges, not walls!”. The departure is scheduled at 21 from Florence Cathedral, then the Via Crucis will wind along Via Roma, Republic Square, Via Calimala, Loggia del […]

Centenario Prima Guerra Mondiale: convegno e mostra della CRI

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Centenary of the First World War: conference and exhibition of the CRI

The geopolitical situation and the outbreak of the Great War, the organization and mobilization of the Italian Red Cross with the existing logistics equipment, up to the hospitals of war and to surgical facilities, sono alcuni dei temi che saranno trattati il 26 and 27 Marzo nel Convegno “Il Corpo Militare della CRI nella Grande Guerra: una storia fatta […]

Mons. Tiripani Vicario Generale Card. Dalla Costa, “Giusto fra le nazioni”

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Mons. Tiripani Vicar General Card. Dalla Costa, "Righteous Among the Nations"

Mons. Mario Tirapani was recognized "Righteous Among the Nations" by Yad Vashem in Jerusalem for saving, hosting them in their own home, three Jewish persecution during the German winter 1943-1944. Fu il Cardinale Elia Dalla Costa, also appointed in 2012 "Righteous Among the Nations", wanting in 1941 Mons. Tirapani as Vicar General of the Archdiocese, […]

Turismo: stranieri, Firenze meglio di Venezia e sotto Roma

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Tourism: foreign, Best of Venice and Florence in Rome

The data covers the entire year 2014: in comparison with other Italian cities, Venice and Rome, show a positive trend in all the values ​​taken into account, from arrivals in absolute terms the average daily expenditure of tourists. The only drawback, further reduction in the average stay in the bank of the Arno. È quanto emerge dallo studio di […]

Scout CNGEI di Firenze alla Marcia della Memoria e dell’Impegno a Bologna

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Scout CNGEI of Florence to the March of Remembrance and Commitment in Bologna

There were also scout the lay of the Florentine CNGEI 21 March, Bologna, for XX March of Remembrance and Commitment organized by Libera. About 40, between cubs, Scouts, rover and leaders, departed early in the morning from Florence at a time the capital of Emilia, where they took part in the march organized by Libera. Mattia […]

Calano le rapine in banca

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Fall bank robberies

Sharp decline in bank robberies, lowered into 2014 and compared to the year before, 80.8% in the province of Florence, and 87.5% in the capital. Even more positive results when compared with the national decline, which amounted to less 37%. “Dati sorprendenti – ha commentato il Prefetto Luigi Varratta – che confermano quanto sia importante lavorare […]

Contratto per il fiume Arno

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Contract for the River Arno

The 2015 is an important one because it will be approved in December, after an extensive phase of public information and consultation, the Plan of water management in accordance with Directive 2000/60 / EC and the management plan for flood risk under Directive 2007/60 / EC. Two Plans that Europe requires all Member States to […]

Regione-Caritas: cibo per tutti combattendo gli sprechi

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Region-Caritas: food for everyone fighting waste

"Saying, do what, participate to feed the world "is the theme of the study day, discussion and planning for the right to food in Tuscany, which was held Friday 13 March in the Great Hall of the Seminary of Florence. Opened the proceedings Mons. Riccardo Fontana, Cet delegate for charity. After the greetings of Stefania Saccardi, […]

Al via il 13° Florence Korea Film Fest

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Launch of the 13th Florence Korea Film Fest

It will be the European premiere of "Roaring Currents" Kim Han-min, the blockbuster which soon earned the distinction of most watched film of all time in South Korea and that tells the epic battle fought in 1597 between the Korean and the Japanese fleet, to usher in the thirteenth edition of the Florence Korea […]