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Giorno della Memoria: medaglie ai deportati nei lager nazisti

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Day of remembrance: medals deported to Nazi concentration camps

In occasione del Giorno della Memoria a Firenze si è svolta nel Memoriale di Santa Croce la cerimonia di consegna delle medaglie d’onore del Presidente della Repubblica ai deportati della provincia di Firenze nei lager nazisti durante l’ultimo conflitto mondiale. Were 28 i riconoscimenti di quest’anno conferiti dal Prefetto Luigi Varratta e dai Sindaci dei Comuni […]

App comunale per comportarsi in caso di emergenze naturali

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App municipal behave in case of natural emergencies

The problem of the Florentines, as all Italians, unlike other citizens of foreign countries, such as America, is to not know what to do in case of fire, floods, earthquakes or other natural disasters. This is why the City of Florence has decided, as well as to acquire, as required by the Act, by […]

Partecipa al concorso la più buona Schiacciata alla Fiorentina

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Join the competition the most good Crushed to Fiorentina

The Cenacle of Sparecchiatori, and the Center of Socio Cultural Elderly Fuligno during Carnival 2015, under the patronage dell'Arg, Ass. Agricultural Journalists, Power Supply, Environment, promuove l’VIII edizione del concorso “La più buona Schiacciata alla Fiorentina”, reserved not only to bakers, confectioners, restaurateurs but also to housewives, housewives and home of Florence and the province. Un’iniziativa […]

Saldi: vendite in forte un calo

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Sale: strong sales in decline

Dopo il susseguirsi di notizie positive sull’andamento delle vendite in occasione dei saldi, Now it seems there is a big drop. Takes stock of the situation, the general manager of Confcommercio Tuscany Franco Marinoni: "In the early days of sales optimism salt: on the one hand the enthusiasm of consumers, che finalmente possono permettersi di acquistare qualcosa a prezzi […]

Madre Maria Agnese Tribbioli verso la causa di beatificazione

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Mother Mary Agnes Tribbioli towards the cause of beatification

The 27 February 1965 Mother Mary Agnes Tribbioli died in Florence, where he was born 20 April 1879. Professed religious and founder of the "Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph the Worker Pie", now present in various regions of Italy, in India, Brazil and Romania, Mother Tribbioli had at heart the evangelization and service of the most […]

Geotermia Toscana: 2015 si apre con nuovo record assoluto

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Geothermal Tuscany: 2015 opens with new record

It stops the run of the green Tuscan geothermal Enel Green Power, which continues to score primates positive for renewables and for the region's economy. The 2015 geothermal, In fact, opened with a new record on the production from geothermal sources in the calendar year 2014: the 33 centrali geotermiche in […]

Confcommercio: dare sostanza e contenuti alla riqualificazione dell’Oltrarno

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Confcommercio: give substance and content to the redevelopment of the Oltrarno

Oltrarno: il progetto di riqualificazione del Comune appare “con poca luce e molte ombre” ai commercianti della zona. This was revealed by a questionnaire distributed by Confcommercio Florence to a sample of operators in the area. To begin, the intervention, as "appreciable", is considered "incomplete". According to traders fail is in fact an "overall project", in […]

Paolo Fresco nuovo Presidente della Scuola di Musica di Fiesole

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Paolo Fresco new President of the School of Music in Fiesole

Paolo Fresco is the new President of the School of Music in Fiesole, lo ha annunciato il Sindaco di Fiesole, Anna Ravoni, which gave the delegation the illustrious countryman. The Advocate Fresh, former President of FIAT and manager of international renown, after spending most of his life abroad, elected his residence in Fiesole, where […]

Nuove tensioni nel matrimonio civile, se ne parla a Firenze

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New tensions in the civil marriage, he speaks in Florence

"New tensions in the civil marriage" is the theme of the international conference of the study to be held in Florence next Friday, 23 January at the Sala Banner of the Regional Council of Tuscany, Via Cavour 4. Among the topics of discussion the agony of civil marriage, legal recognition of cohabitation and new forms of conjugal, il ruolo […]

Cardinale Betori: nelle carceri condizioni disumane

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Cardinal Betori: inhuman conditions in prisons

For Cardinal Giuseppe Betori "oppression and violation of human dignity take many forms in our society. Among them, the inhuman conditions faced by our prisons, which do not ensure the dignity of the person and the possibility of redemption to detainees ". “Si tratta – ha proseguito l’Arcivescovo di Firenze – di garantire condizioni di vita dignitosa […]