Tsev »Archives ntawm qeb»Xov xwm (Nplooj ntawv 213)

Da oggi la Terrazza di Michelangelo

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Txij hnub no rau Terrace Michelangelo

La Terrazza di Michelangelo, Florentine qhia txhua lub limtiam thiab lub nyuas, kaw thaum lub Tribunal Florence, pib hnub no nws nthuav tawm. Muaj ib qhov publishing uas aims lug txhim khu cov excellence ntawm peb lub chaw uas zoo heev. Rau qhov project no kuv hu ua raws li cov journalist Franco Director Mack meej, in the face of nws peb caug xyoo uas journalistic, yuav ua qhov zoo tib yam […]

Aumentano del  +5,48% i visitatori nei musei fiorentini

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Yuav tsub kom tus +5,48% qhov puas ntawm Florence qhua

Hauv cov xyoo uas cia li lawm, tus 2013, qhov puas ntawm cov Polo Fiorentino tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv input tag los yeej 10 xyoo, xeeb 5.329.422 qhua, muaj ib qho kev ua kom neeg, muaj respect rau lub 2012, los ntawm 276.705 qhua, sib npaug 5.48%. Tsis tas li: hauv daim duab rau 2013 Nws tseem yog tus ntau tshaj 2007, pib xyoo dhau los […]

Nel 2013 nuovi record per la Firenze Card

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Nyob rau hauv 2013 cov ntaub ntawv rau Florence daim Card tshiab

Florence card rau 2013 kaw cov ntaub ntawv no heev. Xyoo xwb twb tau muag 88.717 cuam, nrog luag 700.000 inputs, tshaj ntawd tus 40% ntau dua li cov 2012. Qhov nruab nrab txhua hnub muag khoom loj hlob los ntawm 86 phaib (2011) mus 172 (2012) mus 244 (2013) muaj ib tug coj kev loj hlob ntawm […]

Animali in chiesa il 17 gennaio

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Tsiaj nyob hauv lub tsev teev ntuj 17 Lub ib hlis ntuj

Qee cov tsiaj txhu muaj lawv cov Patron neeg dawb huv, zoo li tib neeg. Nws yog Saint Anthony lub Abbot, nws lub koob tsheej no lom rau 17 Lub ib hlis ntuj. Rau no ntees rau ib co churches hauv Florence hnub no, lossis rau hnub Saturday thiab hnub xya, Yuav muaj tus txwj ntawm tag nrho cov tsiaj, tej zaum txawm muaj tus ceevxwm uas nyuaj […]

A dicembre inflazione stabile a Firenze

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Inflation ruaj khov rau hlis ntuj nqeg hauv Florence

Inflation ruaj khov rau hlis ntuj nqeg hauv Florence: zuj zus pem fuels thiab zaub mov, txo cov pa cua kub thiab cov chaw ntiav pw, ua tus kav khw laub. Thiab ' dab tsi los ntawm qhov Bureau kiag ntawm txheeb cais uas hais cov anticipation txog cov ntsiab muab los ntawm xam xyuas inflation lub hli dhau los ntawm kaum ib hlis emerges, thiab qhov uas yuav tsum tau hais qhia los ntawm Istat, […]

20 gennaio: i panellini della Misericordia

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20 Lub ib hlis ntuj: panellini txoj kev hlub

Tus 20 Lub ib hlis ntuj yog ib hnub tseem ceeb rau Misericordia di Firenze, vim hais tias peb noj peb caug Sebastian neeg dawb huv lub martyr lub tsiab peb caug, Patron ntawm lub koom haum los ntawm 1575. Dominican foom koob hmoov rau Petus of Verona, los yog cov martyr, yuav muaj nyob rau hauv 1244 cov venerable Arciconfraternita della Misericordia di Firenze, tus hiob Italian hlub nrog nws […]

Torna l’oro sulle Porte del Paradiso

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Rov qab qhov kub ntawm lub rooj vag uas paradise

Cov restoration Opificio delle Pietre dure nyob ntawm lub qhov rooj sab qaum teb ntawm lub baptistery ntawm Florence los Lorenzo Ghiberti Florence, mus tom qab 600 xyoos tom qab nws siv, yog tau txais qhab exceptional, tshaj ntawd cov miv nyuas. Nyob rau hauv cov av thiab nto deposits ntawm centuries tau rov emerged qhov zoo nkauj yeej Browning nyob hauv lub reliefs […]

Furto Cimitero: sparisce busto bambino alle Porte Sante

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Tojntxas tub sab: bust me nyuam disappears lub Porte Sante

Raug kev txom nyem ib tug tub sab, txawm tus raug nyiag lawm nruas, yog yuav tsum muaj kev poob plig, Thaum ib tus kawm, yog ob tog peb, ib tsab cai uas yog ntaus koj tus thawj kiag, invading koj chaw thiab ntawm koj cov kawm, thiab nws yog tus txhaum cai yog tias tus tub sab yog perpetrated tsis tas rau hauv ib lub tojntxas, tab sis tus […]

Nuovo Cardinale per Firenze

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Tshiab Cardinal los Florence

Lub nroog thiab lub Archdiocese of Florence txij hnub Sunday xwb, 12 Lub ib hlis ntuj, muaj ib tug tshiab Cardinal. Nws yog Mons. Gualtiero Bassetti, Ntawm Perugia-Città della Pieve archbishop, yug hauv Marradi, txiav txim nyob rau hauv Florence, Vicar General thiab cov Florence Bishop, ua ntej Massa Marittima-Piombino thiab ces Arezzo-Cortona-Sansepolcro. Yug 71 xyoo dhau los mus Populate, qhov chaw nyob ntawm tus municipality […]

I 104 Cardinali di Firenze

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TUS 104 Cov Florence cardinals

Nrog rau lub sij hawm teem tseg los ntawm lub Archbishop Perugia, Mons. Gualtiero Bassetti, yog 104 cov Cardinals Florentines los ua Princes hauv lub tsev teev ntuj. Hauv daim duab no yog tau los ntawm kev ntxiv cov npe peb: tus Bishops of Florence kom mus kom saib taus cardinal, qhov thib ob txhawj xeeb txog kev lub Florentines los yug, los yog txiv plig los cuag ntawm lub diocese, ua Cardinals, cov haujlwm uas yog […]