Tsev »Archives ntawm qeb»Xov xwm (Nplooj ntawv 50)

Da Palazzo Vecchio invito alla Fondazione S. M, Nuova ad aprire il corridoio sotterraneo ospedale-biblioteca Oblate

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Ntawm Palazzo Vecchio caw cov S Foundation. M, Tshiab qhib cov underground txoj kev hauv tsev khomob-qiv Oblate

Qhov Culture Commission, chaired los Fabio Giorgetti, thaum lub caij mus ntsib ib tug thawj coj ntawm cov raug Nuova Foundation, Giancarlo Landini, relaunched hauv lub tswv yim uas nws ua tau qhov underground zaj rov txuas tus raug Maria Nuova tsev cia puav pheej puas siv tau, tom lub tsev kho mob thiab cov tsev qiv ntawv hauv lub Oblates. "Raws li ib tug kiag no," tawg lossis dam President Fabio Giorgetti, "Kuv […]

A San Valentino oltre 1.200 coppie festeggieranno le nozze d’oro a Palazzo Vecchio

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Valentine's hnub dhau 1.200 niam txiv yuav nquam paj nquam nruas golden tshoob nyob Palazzo Vecchio

Cov "Golden Weddings ntawm the Palazzo Vecchio" rov qab muaj dua no xyoo, teg num tus noj peb caug nyob rau hauv lub tsev ntawm Florentines thiab rau hnub Valentine lub milestone tseem ceeb ntawm cov 50 xyoo kev sib yuav: tsuav yog li 1200 Couples nyob hauv Florence uas sib yuav nyob rau lub 1970 thiab cov uas raug caw los ntawm tus kav nroog Dario Nardella mus nquam paj nquam nruas, Friday, […]

Al via il restauro della Vergine della SS.ma Annunziata: rimossi i gioielli che adornano la Madonna

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Restoration ntawm tus ntxhais nkauj xwb rau qhov SS.ma txhaj pib: tshem tawm cov jewels adorn Our poj niam

Cov jewels uas muaj adorned Our poj niam rau centuries hauv xeeb tub rau hauv lub tuam tsev ntawm cov Chapel ntawm tus dawb huv Annunziata depicted, nyob rau lub Basilica ntawm lub npe tib, raug tshem tawm thiab ruaj hauv ib vault yuav tso cai rau cov restoration ua. Tus zoo zoo nkauj tshooj, xws li ib yas, ib txoj saw thiab ib lub hnub qub, yuav nyob hauv cov yas kom txog 5 lub hlis ua ntej […]

VIDEO – La sfilata dei Carri del Carnevale di Viareggio 2020

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YEES DUAB – Cov parade ntawm Carnival of Viareggio 2020

Nrog lub tshuaj Burlamacco chij-raising ceremony rau hnub Saturday 1 Lub ob hlis ntuj qhib lub tsab 2020 ntawm Viareggio Carnival ntawd lub xyoo no pom nyob rau theem ntawv uas Vladimir Luxuria uas xav kom muab daim tshiab tshiab ntawm zaj kwv txhiaj “Txom nyem”. Txawm lub ntuj, Txawm lub caij copious, uas tau tsim ib co txaav mus li ob wagons […]

Celebrata la Giornata della Memoria

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Lom hnub Memorial

Ntau cov me nyuam kawm ntawv los ntawm tej lub tsev kawm ntawv Florentine kawm lub ceremony, Uas muab qhov chaw ntawm Palazzo Medici Riccardi mus noj peb caug cov "hnub ntawm Remembrance 2020". Cov menyuam ntxhais thiab cov tub hluas ntawm lub koom haum Cellini, Cov tsev kawm ntawv qib high school "Castelnuovo" thiab cov suab paj nruas high school ntawm lub "Alberti Dante" lub koom haum siab tshaj. Lawv kev koom tes yog xav xav los ntawm lub prefect Laura Lega vim "tus […]

Le tasse Imu e Ici illustrate dal Cardinale Giuseppe Betori assieme all’8×1000

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Lub imu thiab Ici se illustrated los Cardinal Giuseppe Betori nrog rau 8×1000

Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence, piav tau qhov ncaj ncees ntawm parish me me ntawm lub toj Florentine, on the occasion of qhov sib ntsib pastoral uas pib hauv 2014 thiab uas yuav xaus rau 2021, se Imu thiab Ici yog dab tsi, thiab lub 8×1000, thiab dab fallout no nws muaj lub tsev teev ntuj Italis thiab cov parishes ib tug neeg. Kev yees duab nthuav rau […]

La Cappella della Madonna di Fatima a Quarate frazione di Bagno a Ripoli

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Tus Chapel of Our pojniam of Fatima hauv zos me Quarate ntawm da dej hauv Ripoli

Tsis txhob Renato Bellucci, pastor qub ntawm St. Bartholomesin ib Quarate, thaum lub caij nws lub caij hauv no parish, yuav luag ntawd kub ntev li 20 xyoo, hauv ib chav uas nyob ib sab rau hauv lub tsev teev ntuj, qhov muaj tug mob muaj chaw me me, nws muaj carved tawm tus chapel uas 13 tej zaum 2018 muaj nplooj siab xav Our pojniam of Fatima. Nyob rau hauv qhov chaw uas zoo heev nws yeej tau muaj […]

MyNet leader per la pubblicità in Toscana

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MyNet ua advertising hauv Tuscany

Xov xwm rau cov MyNet pab uas in light of cov mloog cov ntaub ntawv ntawm koj pab pawg neeg cov radios, nrog 195,000 listeners nyob rau nruab nrab hnub thiab 805,000 rau 7 hnub, yeej muaj qhov chaw ntawm Tuscany tus xov tooj cua pawg rau sab saum toj rau 2019. Qhov tseeb, mloog xov tooj cua Mitology 70-'80 tuaj yuav qhia rau qhov chaw nyob rau hauv peb cheeb tsam ntawm cov suab paj nruag radios nrog 119 txhiab listeners thawj rau nruab nrab hnub […]

Napoleone Bonaparte a Firenze: Il Giglio simbolo del Comune cambiato e il titolo di Bonnes Ville

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Napoleon Bonaparte nyob Florence: Tus duab cim qhia Lily ntawm cov municipality uas hloov thiab lub npe ntawm Bonnes Ville

On the occasion of tus kuav rov qab txog txoj cai ntawm Napoleonic lub 1811 uas lub nroog Florence tiv thaiv kab mob lub npe ntawm lub "Bonnes villes" ntawm tus faj tim teb chaws thiab nyob rau hauv ib ntawm yug Napoleon Bonaparte 250th, Hnub vas xaum 18 Lub ib hlis ntuj, Nyob rau hauv cov cuab ntawm caj npab hauv lub Palazzo Vecchio, sablaj "Napoleon Bonaparte nyob Florence. Tus Lily thiab cov ' Bonnes […]

Firenze ricorda sacrificio Agente di Polizia Fausto Dionisi ucciso 42 anni fa dai terroristi

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Florence chaw txi tub ceev xwm tua Fausto Dionisi 42 xyoo dhau los ntawm cov neeg phem

Nyob rau hauv Florence Fausto Dionisi commemorated, Xeev tub ceev xwm, Medaglia d’oro al Valor Civile, ucciso il 20 Lub ib hlis ntuj 1978 davanti al carcere delle Murate da alcuni terroristi, militanti di Prima Linea, messi in fuga durante il tentativo di far evadere alcuni compagni. Dopo la deposizione di un mazzo di fiori del Capo della Polizia […]