Tsev »Archives ntawm qeb»Yees duab (Nplooj ntawv 26)

Bilancio di fine anno del Cardinale Giuseppe Betori

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Cardinal Giuseppe Betori tus year-end nyiaj txiag

Cardinal Giuseppe Betori Archbishop Florence tus kawg ntawm-lub xyoo nyiaj siv nrog journalists, nyob rau hauv lub rooj sab laj tsoos Christmas nyeem npaj ua ntej. Rau journalists, Betori qhia sawv daws tus caw rediscover, Ua Christmas, tus cwj pwm ntawm cov muam thiab cov cim, qhib kev rau lub neej. Nws kuj hais li cas nws yuav tsum xyuas tau Careggi lub maternity ward nrog Library: “Nws tseem zoo saib […]

Gli Auguri di Natale 2019 del Sindaco Dario Nardella ai fiorentini

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Xav Christmas 2019 Tus kav nroog Dario Nardella mus rau lub Florentines

Yees duab ntawm lub rooj sab laj tsoos Christmas thiab xaus rau xyoo txais tos ntawm qhov tus kav nroog ntawm Florence nyob nrog rau ntawm lub kaum tsib ntawm Palazzo Vecchio. Kom ciali zoosiab cob moos Dario Nardella tus sib tham nrog Florentines thiab txog ntawm pej xeem cov tub ceev xwm, kev cai dab qhuas thiab cov tub rog, yuav tau muaj cov procession uas cov koom pheej Florentine nrog cov Florentine Madonnas historic, nkauj […]

Ferzan Özpetek e Edoardo Leo presentano a Firenze “la Dea Fortuna”

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Ferzan Zpetek thiab Edoardo Leo tuaj hauv Florence “Tus vajtswv poj niam hmoov zoo”

Director Ferzan Zpetek thiab Edoardo Leo actor hais lawv zaj duab xis tseeb nyob hauv Florence, “Tus vajtswv poj niam hmoov zoo”, kuj ua si los Stefano Accorsi. Txhua yam nws tau ua li cas thiab puas muaj nyob rau hauv cov xinesmas Zpetek yog tam sim no nyob rau hauv nws cov hauj lwm tseeb, Nws yog ib qho lub xa mus rau lub “Yav tag los” tus thawj coj rau cov, territories thiab dab neeg […]

Le speciali luci di Firenze per il Natale 2019

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Florence tus tshwj xeeb teeb rau Christmas 2019

Tshwj xeeb Christmas decorations nyob Florence hauv nroog muaj txog Christmas 2019. Soundtrack entrusted rau nkauj ntawm qhov kiag tub ceev xwm ntawm Florence nrog cov Florentines nyob rau hauv cov Palazzo Vecchio rau 19 Hlis ntuj nqeg 2019 rau tus cob moos zoo xav. Video footage thiab cov duab Jaime Macias. Hais ncaj ntsaim Mariani yog tooj 276 – Xyoo VI ntawm 18/12/2019

Inaugurato dal Comune di Firenze a Careggi il Largo Luigi Tonelli

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Largo Luigi Tonelli qhib los ntawm lub nroog ntawm Florence nyob Careggi

Florence them tribute rau ib tug tswv cov tshuaj, Prof. Prof.. Luigi Tonelli uas nws yog lub npe tis tom qab Careggi Largo Luigi Tonelli. Uas tsab cai no cov municipality muaj nplooj siab ib qho chaw lub npe rau ib cov neeg phais Italian loj tshaj, muaj yam 75 nplooj pab ntxiv tau, xa mus 60 thousand hauv Florence. Yam tsawg kawg ib tug ntawm tsib Florentines […]

Il volo di Babbo Natale in Piazza della Signoria dalla Torre di Arnolfo

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Raug lub davhlau mus Piazza della Signoria ntawm tus ntauwd Arnolfo

Su iniziativa del Comune di Firenze e di Confcommercio e con la collaborazione di EdiliziAcrobatica, Hnub xya 22 dicembre Babbo Natale e gli elfi acrobatici sono scesi dalla Torre di Arnolfo per regalare cioccolata e caramelle ai bambini. L’appuntamento in piazza della Signoria, nei pressi della Torre di Arnolfo di Palazzo Vecchio era aperto a tutti […]

Corona,scettro e collare di Cosimo I in mostra a Palazzo Vecchio grazie all’orafo Paolo Penko

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Yas,sceptre thiab collar ntawm Cosimo kuv rau zaub tom Palazzo Vecchio tsaug cov Sherilyn goldsmith Paolo Penko

Nyob Palazzo Vecchio tsev cia puav pheej, mus txog 15 Lub peb hlis ntuj 2020, koj yuav qhuas tus exhibition “Nyob rau hauv lub palace Cosimo. Cim ntawm cov hwjchim”, highlighting qhov sib txuas los Palazzo Vecchio thiab Cosimo kuv tsib’ Cov kws kho mob (1519-1574), uas yog qhov ib sixteenth uas muaj tus yug. Koomhaum Duke ntawm Florence rau cov 1537, qhov tseeb, Cosimo kuv siv nws xwb […]

Il corpo del Beato Ippolito Galantini esposto in Duomo nel quarto centenario della morte

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Lub cev Blessed Hippolytus Galantini dlhau theem teev tseg nyob hauv lub Cathedral ntawm cov plaub centenary nws tag sim neej

“Ib tug tub qhe los ntawm Vajtswv txoj lus rau tus uas muaj lub consciences ntawm cov tub, cov neeg hluas thiab cov laus, yuav tsum deserved los ntawm cov archbishop ntau lub npe ntawm tus tub txib of Florence”. Nrog cov lus Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Archbishop of Florence, txais tos cov mortal seem hauv lub Cathedral, incorrupts, ntawm Blessed Hippolytus Galantini, ob peb lub hlis uas yuav nyob tsau […]

La piccola Zecchina d’Oro fiorentina Irene Lucarelli festeggiata al Quartiere 4 del Comune di Firenze

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Tus me Florentine Golden Zecchina Irene Lucarelli lom thaum lub Quarter 4 lub municipality ntawm Florence

Ntawm lub ntees kev txais tos zoo tsoos Christmas los yog tus neeg ntawm Villa Vogel, lub tsev hauv paus ntawm koog tsev kawm ntawv sawv daws 4, President Mirko Dormentoni lom me pej xeem Irene Lucarelli, ib leeg 4 xyoo, leej twg Vej lub 62 Golden Mint nrog zaj kwv txhiaj “Anthem tus qav taub”, thiab leej twg nyob hauv koj lub npe rau ntawm tham tsam 4. Shooting […]

Presepe del Consiglio Regionale della Toscana per il Natale 2019

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Nativity scene ntawm lub lub Regional Council of Tuscany txog Christmas 2019

Li ntawd, nyob rau hauv lub rooj zaum uas sawv daws lub regional ntawm Tuscany yog xav pom Christmas: nrog tus exhibition-yeeb yam ntawm tsib cribs. “Raws li ib lub Regional Council – Txawm hais tias cov thawj coj ntawm lub Tuscan los ua ke Eugenio Giani – peb tso ib tug tuam thoj xov, vim lub txaj thaiv npoo ntawm lub plawv peb kev lig kev cai thiab yuav tsum tuab pej xeem tej lub. Poob rau Tuscany […]