Cooplat woman 7.500 euro at the National Library

Biblioteca Nazionale FirenzeCooplat, Florentine cooperative services between the major companies in Italy engaged in the fields of ecology and facility management, who decided to donate 7.500 Euros for the purchase of materials and equipment for the restoration laboratory of the National Central Library, one of the top three most important libraries of Italy, where is preserved a unique heritage.

A gesture of solidarity that comes to 48 years after the terrible flood in Florence 1966, when workers COOPLAT they became protagonists of the rescue of the volumes of the Library damaged by the fury of the Arno.

That was just the beginning of a lasting relationship that still unites the cooperative to the National.

From "Mud Angels" ready to lend a hand as volunteers, employees of the cooperative obtained soon the task of taking care of the volumes flood victims.

After being trained by national and international experts, in 1967 gave birth to the Restoration Laboratory of the book, recognized as one of the largest in the world, in that 1976 became a permanent body of the Library.

Even today, are the working men and women COOPLAT perform daily cleaning and sanitizing of the Library.

"We are deeply linked to the National Library for nearly half a century - says the president of COOPLAT Fabrizio Frizzi - could not remain indifferent when objective difficulty that is experiencing. This is why we wanted to help the institute, a small but concrete 'Christmas gift' ".

"Between the National Library and the COOPLAT there is a deep understanding that has its roots in one of the most dramatic moments that the institution has experienced during its long history and it has naturally turned into a fruitful and collaborative relationship lasting, very professional and on this occasion we are grateful to COOPLAT once again on our side ", says Dr. Maria Letizia Sebastiani, executive of the National Central Library.

Founded in 1946 in Florence, Cooplat è oggi attiva in 13 regioni d’Italia dove dà lavoro a 2.843 people, where di 1.475 are members.

Closed the 2013 with a turnover of nearly the 85 million euro and over 90 million of consolidated financial statements of the group (also composed ECOLAT, Development and Insvi).

About 350 foreign workers from 42 Countries, that make COOPLAT one of the most multi-ethnic cooperatives in Tuscany.

Nicola Nuti

By the number 46 - Year II 7/1/2015