Mayor Elections: you vote only Sunday 25 may from 7 at 23, in contention 10 candidates

poltrona sindacoAttention: you vote only Sunday 25 may from 7 at 23, and that for municipalities.

Reduced, because of the stability law, traditional days for voting, from two, --Sunday and Monday, one only, Sunday, and timetables, no longer until 22 but at 23.

Other news: the ballot for the elections to be held immediately after the closure of the polling station at 23, ending at late night, While that for the municipality will begin at 14 by Monday, 26 may, to finish the dinner time.

But let's get to the candidates for mayor to less than 46 from municipal elections to elect the new tenant of the Palazzo Vecchio to the next 5 years.

Let's see who I am, in strictly alphabetical order, the 10 applicants today officially in the running to become the next Mayor of Florence.

miriam amatoMIRIAM LOVED candidate of the movement 5 Stars. Born in Catanzaro, business expert, two exams from BA in psychology, married with two children. It was chosen through an internal selection took into account the skills and the attendance of meetings and Meetups. Among programmatic priorities: no to Tav, Yes to public water, just to underground and bins to kerbside collection. Does not have a predefined programme because "the program will write the citizens" and offers to this online consultation 30 days before submitting administrative acts to the city.

laura bennatiLAURA BENNATI candidate for the civic list a city in common. 35 years, employed in a call center, After the escape from the project initiated with Dawn, perUnaltracittà and Civil Action, decided to run alone. In its programme the under crossing Pl, Yes to public water and essential public services, waste collection door to door, and an economy based on reuse and recycling.

tommaso grassiTOMMASO GRASSI candidate for left ecology and liberty and Communist Refoundation. Fiorentino, 28 years, Avid vegan, is member of the Municipal Council of Florence from June 2009, While in the legislature of 2004 had been elected District Councillor 5, to Rifredi, Novoli and Piagge. In July 2011 He joined the Council in common joint group of Florence. By January 2012, decided to join the leftist ecology and Freedom. Most recently he was the leader of the mixed group - SEL in the City Council. Animal Rights, always attentive to environmental issues, among the most fervent opponents of Mayor Radhakrishnan. Among its proposals, a progressive tax that zero municipal taxes for the incomes of less than $ 28,000 by taking on those exceeding 75.000 euro.

paolo manneschiPAUL MABBETT employed by the municipality of Florence, Ha Funny, Judo teacher, Azzurro in Italy, Pre Olympics, writer of books on health, is the candidate of the civic list Florentine Republic, the list created with the intent to restore dignity to our families. Their motto is "it is not right nor to the left". Comes from Florence in love with Florence and determined to get involved to change the fortunes of the city. The list starts from the Centre and gathers all the people dissatisfied by this disappointing today's policy.

dario nardellaDARIO NARDELLA candidate for the Democratic Party. He was born in Torre del Greco (Naples) the 20 November 1975, but in the 1989 He moved to Florence. Two sons, a diploma in violin, a BA Honours in law and a PhD in public law and environmental law. Currently a University Professor in cultural heritage Legislation. The last Prodi government (2006-2008), He was legal adviser to the Minister for relations with Parliament and institutional reform, Vannino Chiti. In 2004 enters Municipal Council of Florence, Re-elected in 2009, subsequently enters the junta delegation with Renzi economic development and Sport, appointed Deputy Mayor. In February 2013, After resigning, He was elected to the Chamber of Deputies. The 17 February though the Mayor Matteo Renzi, After receiving from the head of State in charge of forming the new Government, in his last act as Mayor, forces him to resign from Parliament and to return in Florence as Deputy Mayor Regent until the elections of new mayor.

cristina scalettiCRISTINA SCALETTI candidate for the civic list for Florence there are. Born on 14 July 1968, Italian father and French mother, two sons, It also has a past by athlete, specialist in high jump. Degree in Medicine, specializing in Immunology and Allergology, He has a doctorate and the role of University researcher. His political career began in 2009 the Junta Renzi, as a high-altitude Environment Councilor Idv. The following year, entering the Regional Council as Councillor for culture, trade and tourism. In 2013 leave the Idv and enters the Democratic Centre of Bruno Tabacci. The President of the Giunta Regionale Enrico Rossi did not renew the delegation last February after the last Government reshuffle, preferring to make room for the former Deputy Mayor of Florence Stefania Saccardi, nominating its vice, such contact by Radio in the region. Hence his decision to apply to the Palazzo Vecchio.

gianna scatizziGIANNA SCATIZZI candidate for the new Center Right. He was born in Sesto Fiorentino, but for work resides in Florence for many years. Is divided between the two cities since Florence is home to one of his two businesses, commercial art sector, While the sixth one, production of herbal supplements for adults and children. She has a degree in chemistry and three children. It was municipal councillor in Sesto Fiorentino and SME Manager Toscana for the Alleanza Nazionale. In 2008 She was appointed President of "Women Enterprise Florence", the women's movement of Confartigianato, the following year he became President of Confartigianato, with confirmation in 2013. And 'president of Artex.

marco stellaMARK STELLA candidate to Italy Force. Class 1971, a master's degree in political science and a son. For business deals with marketing and advertising. In 1999 He was elected District Councillor in Italy Strength, in 2004 Enter Palazzo Vecchio Italy with Force, where is re-elected in 2009 among the ranks of the Pdl. Today is the parent company to Italy Force. Florence Hall also attacked the Administration on degradation and movida, and is one of the first to ask for more controls in the squares, thing that guarantees to ensure a proper if elected Councillor. It was alongside the hawkers in the redevelopment of San Lorenzo and in the fights to keep the benches next to the basilica.

achille totaroJANZ TAN stands for brothers of Italy. Born in Florence on 24 September 1965 from parents from Puglia. Two-time town councillor in Florence, in 1995 and in 1999, Regional Councillor twice in Tuscany, in 2000 and in 2005 with Alleanza Nazionale, in 2006 arrives in Rome, before the Senate with AN e in the 2008, always in the Senate, but with the people of freedom, that will leave in 2012 to join the Brothers of Italy - the center-right National.

ATTILIO ARMANDO TRONCAATTILIO ARMANDO TRUNCATES is the candidate of the workers ' Communist Party. The maturing of the PCL's decision to present own lists in local elections, After many years of absence for the city of Florence, arises from the need to fight alongside those who are exploited and want to share the path of workers, unemployed, students and the weaker population against which the mortification of being abused and harassment has become, Unfortunately, a daily rule.

It is very likely, Since the split both in left center right Center, you will go to a runoff, how it came to pass, for the first time in the history of the city Florence, in 2009, When Renzi failed to defeat in the first round, the candidate for Mayor Giovanni Galli, backed by the center-right.

We recall once again that for the first time in the history of Italian election in decades will vote only Sunday 25 may, by 7 at 23, at the same time as the European elections and the renewal of District Councils.

The runoff, at the same time, 7-23, If anyone will be elected mayor in the first round, will be held Sunday 8 June, with polls immediately after the close of voting, to get the name of the new mayor just after midnight.

Is required to vote on the electoral card and an identity document.

You do not vote, After the law passed by Parliament in recent weeks, for the election of the province, having been established Florentine metropolitan area.

Frank Mariani

By the number 19 – The Year of 21/05/2014