Vaj tswv tus menyuam nug hauv daim. Betori Beatification txheej txheem kom tsis txhob Barsotti

Processo don divo Barsotti Figli di Dio-Foto Giornalista Franco Mariani (26)Nyob rau lub tsiab peb caug St. Sergio of Radonezh, hnub Thursday, Thaum cov hu nkauj uas nyob hauv lub tsev teev ntuj ntawm San Salvatore nyob Archbishopric Vespers, zej zog cov me nyuam uas Vajtswv thov Archbishop Florence, Cardinal Giuseppe Betori,, cov lus qhib hais txog cov txheej txheem ntawm cov beatification uas lawv founder, Fr. Divo Barsotti.
Nws yog tib txog Betori xav ib tsab cai tsim twj muas solemnity in the light of Barsotti.
Cov monks zej zog tau muab Archbishop barsottiana cov lus nug txog ntawm cov lus qhib kev ua, tus yuam postulatorio, lub teev rau cov timkhawv los ntawm interrogating thiab ib daim qauv ntawm tas nrho cov writings luam tawm los ntawm Barsotti cov twg yog cov uas cov tias xyoo no cov centenary nws yug hauv Palaia, nyob rau lub xeev ntawm Pisa thiab Diocese of San Miniato, tus 25 Tim 1914.
Txiv neeb, Mystic, theologian, preacher, txiv neeb thiab great ' kws ntawv ntawm cov mysteries Vaj tswv», Barsotti muaj tsawg 500 lub npe ntawm cov phau ntawv thiab cov dabneeg, xws li lub liturgy dogmatic, ntawm sab ntsuj plig lub neej mus rau qhov monasticism Lavxias teb sab, yog Franciscan spirituality nyob hauv paj huam.
Ntawm 1955 nyob rau hauv Settignano, saum toj ntawm Florence nyob hauv ib Hermitage me me dlhau lub siab qhia ntawm Lavxias teb sab monasticism, San Sergio of Radonezh, nws liturgical cov tsiab peb caug yog lom hnub Thursday xwb, hnub xaiv lub ceremony thov solemn.
MUS “Casa San Sergio” Fr. Barsotti tuag 15 Lub ob hlis ntuj 2006.
Qhov vam cia tam sim no, Hais rau nws cov homily nyob Vespers Betori, “Yog tias lub koom txoos paub txog qhov holiness of Fr. Divo Barsotti”.
Benedict Ravano, Moderator General ntawm tus tug tub Vaj tswv, thanked Cardinal Betori rau lub zej zog tag nrho cov xim muaj.

Preparatory qhov chaw ua hauj lwm yuav nyuab heev thiab ntev dua rau ib rooj plaub uas coj precisely vim cov writings of Fr. Barsotti, tag nrho cov enclosed hauv 5 lossis loj hnyav thawv thiab los ntawm cov zej zog.

Txhua tes sau ntawv yuav tsum tau ntsuam xyuas ob Censors, — muaj theologian, thiab rau qhov cov cardinal Betori nug ben 100 Italian theologians muab lawv tshaj rau txoj haujlwm no, tab sis thaum nimno xwb ua 40 muaj yeej teb zoo heev.

Thaum tag nrho cov writings no yuav tau tso ntshav kuaj los ntawm censors ces koj yuav npaj mus nrog cov kauj ruam tom ntej thiab txog ntawm cov lus qhib hais txog cov txheej txheem.

Txog thaum hnub ntawd peb thov kom Fr. Divo Barsotti vim li cas thiaj ua ib miracle rau expediting qhov chaw ua hauj lwm ntawm lub Censors.

La Terrazza di Michelangelo koom teg nrog xov Catholic seb lub ceremony, tsuas journalists, thiab pab nrog 4 tag nrho cov kev tshwm sim yeeb yaj duab.


1) Vaj tswv tus menyuam nug kev Beatification kev qhib fr. Divo Barsotti

2) Cardinal Betori nyob rau kev thov hais txoj kev Beatification fr. Divo Barsotti

3) Nyeem ntawv thiab kos npe rau lus ceremony thov txheej txheem cai fr. Divo Barsotti

4) Zaj kwv txhiaj kawg ntawm tus me nyuam Vaj tswv rau txoj kev thov ceremony fr. Divo Barsotti

Frank Mariani

Los ntawm cov xov tooj 33 – Lub xyoo 1/10/2014

Processo don divo Barsotti Figli di Dio-Foto Giornalista Franco Mariani (20)

Processo don divo Barsotti Figli di Dio-Foto Giornalista Franco Mariani (3)

Processo don divo Barsotti Figli di Dio-Foto Giornalista Franco Mariani (39)

Processo don divo Barsotti Figli di Dio-Foto Giornalista Franco Mariani (9)

Processo don divo Barsotti Figli di Dio-Foto Giornalista Franco Mariani (4)

Processo don divo Barsotti Figli di Dio-Foto Giornalista Franco Mariani (28)Processo don divo Barsotti Figli di Dio-Foto Giornalista Franco Mariani (38)Processo don divo Barsotti Figli di Dio-Foto Giornalista Franco Mariani