Weekends with Ambulances Vintage

It promises to be an interesting weekend, from the point of a blast from the past, As in the old town will be flooded with numerous historical ambulances thanks to the mercy of Florence who organized what is the first ever gathering of this kind

It is "D'epoca 770" and will feature service vehicles, cars and ambulances, that have been in operation since 1950 al 1980, offering an insight into the social and cultural life of a very special, As the only, Italian history.

The gathering of historians means of rescue is the last of the events planned for the celebration of 770 years of the Misericordia of Florence and will culminate with a parade through the streets of the city center on a Sunday 21 September starting at 10,30.

A full program of events which starts on Saturday 20 September at 10,30 with greetings from the Superintendent Andrea Ceccherini in the Hall of the Palazzo Strozzi Pegaso Sacrati – seat of the Presidency of the Region of Tuscany, with the City of Florence, l'event sponsors – to the Authorities present and representatives of the Associations participating with their vehicles at the event.

Saturday, the stand of the Italian Post Office located on the square in front of Cathedral Square will be able to purchase the cancellation stamp designed especially for the rally with postcards and postmarks made for the occasion.

Even the Historical Archives of the Misericordia of Florence will take part in the event by showcasing the Hall of the General Body ancient documents, photographs and catalogs of car manufacturers, in the decades, have provided the means to the Sodality.

The archiviste await visitors from 11 at 13 and from 14.30 at 16 on Saturday 20, ready to answer questions from visitors, in addition to, in the same time slots you can also visit the adjacent museum.

All 17 is expected to show the Uffizi Bandierai the Historical Parade of the Florentine Republic and the 18 there will be a reenactment of an emergency service with a simulated crash of the seventies with Servo and driver really the service at that time.

Sunday 21 at 9,30 will be present, before the Mercy Seat of the Piazza del Duomo, components Group Kennelclubs della Misericordia of Florence with four dogs to publicize their activities and answer questions from curious.

During the morning there will be the delivery of a plaque to all the associations that, with their means, attended the event.

IT'S, in addition to, scheduled a special plate for the Association geographically more distant.

All 10.30 the historical vehicles will leave for a parade in the historic center with the following itinerary: Piazza Duomo - Via Proconsolo - Piazza San Firenze - Piazza dei Giudici - Via oF Saponai - Piazza Mentone - Lungarno Diaz - Lungarno Anna Maria Luisa Dei Medici -Lungarno Acciaiolis - Ponte Santa Trinita - Lungarno Guicciardini - Carraia Bridge - The Way of the Piazza Goldoni Vigna Nuova - Via Strozzi - Via Brunelleschi - Via Dei Pecori - Piazza San Giovanni - Piazza Duomo

On the occasion of "D'Epoca 770", were prepared numerous gadgets for those who want to preserve a memory of the day that will be on sale outside the headquarters in Piazza Duomo.

The Company has made Rio di Pesaro 150 model, DRAWING in limited, ambulances FIAT model 519 of 1934 and model FIAT 238 of 1974: small jewelry painstaking and entirely Italian production.

The Company will make available EDM 35 models of the Ambulance 162 (Duchy of 2014).

Some of the vehicles that will be on display

- Alfa Romeo – Romeo 2° del 1959: Ambulance or the fire brigade

- Fiat 238, 1° Series 1974 Misericordia of Florence (Fratelli Mariani bodybuilder)

- Fiat 1800 Family of 1970 Green Cross of Viareggio (Fitter Larini and Brocchini)

- Fiat 1800 Family of 1963 Green Cross of Padua (Fitter Boneschi)

- Fiat 1100 Elr the 1951 Green Cross of Padua

- Alfa Romeo – Romeo 2° del 1960 Green Cross of Padua

- Fiat 900T del 1978 of Mercy Antella (Fratelli Mariani bodybuilder)

- Fiat Campagnola the 1985 of Mercy Antella (Fratelli Mariani bodybuilder)

- Moto Guzzi Falcone 1959, motolettiga of Mercy of Livorno

- Alfa Romeo Matta's A.R.51 1955, ambulance Mercy of Prato

- Alfa Romeo F12 del 1967, ambulance or fire brigade Flashing Blue Onlus

- Alfa Romeo F12 Mezzanine of 1979 ambulance or fire brigade, Group of historic Florence Fire Department

- Fiat 125 S of 1971, ambulance body Fissore P.A. G.A.U.

- Fiat 1100 The ELR 1952 White Cross ambulance Foligno (bodybuilder Garavini)

- Fiat 2300 of 1962, Ambulance volunteers at the rescue of Rapallo (bodybuilder Iotti)

- Citroin ID 20 of 1968, VOLUNTEER AMBULANCE bodybuilder CARRIER FRANCE

List of voluntary associations and individuals who participate in "D'Epoca 770":

- White Cross Foligno
- Confraternity of Mercy of Prato
- Misericordia Livorno
- Mercy Antella
- Mercy Antella
- Green Cross Viareggio
- Green Cross Alexandria
- Pia Opera Croce Verde Padova
- Pia Opera Croce Verde Padova
- Pia Opera Croce Verde Padova
- Pilato - Ofisa
- Rescue volunteers Rapallo
- Public Assistance Gau Genoa
- Club Blink Blu ONLUS
- Club Blink Blu ONLUS
- Club Blink Blu ONLUS
- Group Firefighters Historical Florence
- Red Cross Field Morone
- Volunteer Ambulance Corps Angera
- Carrozzeria CEVI
- Croce Bianca Milano
- Croce Bianca Milano

Nicola Nuti

By the number 31 – The Year of 17/09/2014

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