Toys: tips for shopping, no al “Made in China”

bambolotti-made-in-chinaChristmas comes and arrive toys, many toys available in stores that reproduce the security issue, seen that 80% of toys imported into the EU are made in China, and the 70% pirated products circulating in Europe is of Chinese origin.

And we all know – detects the ADUC, the Association for the rights of users and consumers – that "Made in China" products is equivalent to almost always scarce and very dangerous.

The rules on toy safety, for children under the age 14, were laid down by law.

Must be indicated on the packaging, in Italian:

- CE marking (European Conformity);
- the name of the manufacturer or importer;
- an indication of the age of the child;
- the instructions for use.

The marking is affixed on toys from manufacturers or importers and should certify compliance with the standards of European security.

The vast majority of toys coming, as mentioned, from Asian countries where the guarantee of compliance with European standards is unsatisfactory.

Absurd situation for which the CE label is not a guarantee of safety but a simple legal guarantee.

In Italy there are private bodies that carry out tests and issue the relevant certificate, such as, the Institute for the quality mark (IMQ), doing tests on toys.

Accept the checks Institutes unfortunately it is not mandatory for manufacturers and importers to which the consumer, paying salty a toy for their children, advise you to be very careful, before causing irreparable damage to small consumers.

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 44 – The Year of 17/12/2014