Thursday, nyob ntawm Teatro Puccini Nada nyob rau hauv "Scompagine"

Nada"Nyob rau hauv ib chav tsev kaw, ib tug poj niam yog tos ib lub lag luam uas yuav rho tawm los ntawm lub siab thiab ntawm lub qhov muag menyuam lwm koj, nws confidant hallucination uas nws ib txwm kuj yog ib txoj kev sib raug ntawm cov nyiam es paub thiab cov ceg". Thiaj li sau rau Nada Malanima incipit ntawm nws "Scompagine", lub monologue hu kom: "comedy yeebyam".

Rau qhov scene, ib tug poj niam, nyoog siab heev tab sis indefinable, nailed mus rau ib lub rooj zaum tiag tes qub, Nws favourite obviously, koj hais, thiab nug txog rau peb: Kuv nyob qhov twg? Mam li pib qhia, nyob rau hauv kev sib tham nrog rau nws tus kheej uas nws hlub thiab loathes ib tug tsi.

Qhov txaus li no zaj dabneeg, ib sim neej, nws: hlub thiab terrors, leej txiv nws tus ntxhais thiab tus txiv neej dub (Yog thiag, txivneej plaub dub!), mus txawv tebchaws tiag thiab xav txog tej yam kev mus ua si, ib "sib yuav tua", cov kev kho, tsev kho mob, hasty lus ntawm "psicoqualcosa". Yog, vim ntev peb twb paub lawm hais tias cov poj niam no tsis muaj cov qeb "suab siab", tab sis ib feem ntawm cov "tsim kom to taub lub cev" thiab uas ntawv nws ntau heev uas puas lawm. Nws mam li ua: zaum ntawm nws cov rooj zaum motorized, ntes tus scene thiab roaming, muab in comparison with ib lub neej nyob, rau hauv thiab tawm, dangerously thiab kaj siab lug.

Nws, hais tias, yog tos "tub hom" uas qhia txog nws tus kheej uas bothers kuv. Nws yog undoubtedly tau ib tug ntaub ntawv ceeb toom, tiam sis tus tuav to taub thiab yim uas qhia hais tias, heev, focal point peb yog nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no, lub yeej muaj cov ua yeej tsawg kawg yog ob tug: Peb xav thiab kuv mloog.

Cas yuav tu lub clash? Tiag tiag rau lwm yam nws yuav tau sacrificed? Nws hais thiab nug txog rau peb: Nws yog preferable yuav zoo tab sis cov muaj mob lawm los yog mob lib tab sis puas noj qab nyob zoo?

Nrog nws cov Nada "Scompagine" muaj ib tug sawv daws golden: lub txoos creation ntawm ib cim, idiosyncratic thiab ntev li ntawm, nyob rau saum toj thiab tib neeg. Nws muaj pej xeem cov sij hawm tuaj fim extraordinary tus pojniam no, uas muab piv nrog rau cov lus nug unforgettable, muaj ntau tshaj consensual u thiab cov tswv yim uas tsim muaj vibrating txhua yam uas nphav, txhua yam nws hnov los yog pom.

Mattia Lattanzi

Los ntawm cov xov tooj 49 – Xyoo II 28/01/2015


"Scompagine" los ntawm Nada Malanima
teeb thiab cov khoom ntawm Violated

costumes ua Antonio Marras
qhia los ntawm Alessandro Fabrizi
Daim pib
Qhov kev lag luam € 20,00
II sector € 16,00
(ua ntej muag cov nqi tsis nyob)
Lub Puccini Theatre (Friday thiab Saturday ntawm 15.30 tom 19.00)
Lub Regional Circuit Court Box Office.
Hauv internet purchase hla
Infoline: 055.362067 – 055.210804 – teatro.puccini
Twitter @ TeatroPuccini