The case of Giuseppe Nardini Nardini

11caso nardiniThe elements of a book that strike me during reading are always different: the pace, adjectives, dialogues, descriptions, details and so on.

The last book I've had the pleasure of reading I was struck by his spontaneity, è scritto da Giuseppe Nardini e il titolo è “Il caso Nardini”. It is an autobiographical story? Yup. It is a true story? Yup, is all documented. It's worth reading? Yup, among other things does not have a cover price because it is to offer free, so it's a must-have book in your library.

Giuseppe Nardini was born in 1953 Terni, family workers, hath been moved to Abruzzo in the 60s and currently lives in Scafa, in the province of Pescara.

Why do I speak of his book? Why talk about Italy that many know but few have the courage to tell. I will not summarize the novel Nardini, but it is clear that his personal struggle and social is really an example for all of us.

Joseph worked assiduously in an industry for several years, one day discovers that the liquid, highly polluting, from the plant at which he served, were expelled into the conduits in the surroundings and clearly in the sea, then refuses to take place this action under his eyes and by that time it will open an internal struggle with the "Professor" of the said company.

Through the book you can learn about its history, told through his words and lived by his eyes, a story that everyone should know, a courage that we should all have; the book is full of names of politicians who helped, those who have turned their backs and those who have done worse.

The masterpiece in question is no longer in circulation but if any reader would want to delve into this fantastic story contact me at the link in my blog, and find a way to let you have this wonderful book and tangled Giuseppe Nardini.

Eleonora Marseille

By the number 48 - Year II 21/01/2015