Il Liceo Artistico di Porta Romana sposa le candele Migone da 150 anni una garanzia

MIGONE 7-2016.cdrThe Florentine company has chosen the Artistic Lyceum of Porta Romana with its workshops and its creative students to realize and promote the event that marks its 150th anniversary activities, and use in all communications regarding the historic event.

The 9 last September, in the Great Hall of the Art School of Porta Romana in the presence of the headmaster and faculty, They were presented the works designed and realized by the students of classes IV L and B Graphic Arts section, 2nd year Specialization Commercial Art and Design Goldsmith, with their teachers, Luca Carini, Roberto Nannicini and Biagio Raniolo.

For the recurrence of Cereria Migone students have prepared the 150th logo, un Time-line illustrato a fumetti dove è ripercorsa l’attività Migone dal 1866 to this day, and a silver container for the candle anniversary with a composition of Wisteria floribunda flowers, stylized, dual-layer effect.

The celebratory logo Migone was designed by Lorenzo Niccolai, while the comic book was illustrated by Matthew Mattresses, Joel Marilli, Niccolò Toccafondi e Lorenzo Fabio Mari.

Il portacandela ideato da Chiara Franchini è un vaso traforato rappresentante il fiore di glicine, che fu piantato nel cortile dell’azienda Migone al tempo della sua costruzione e sopravvive ancora oggi come un magnifico pergolato. È stato scelto come simbolo storico un ricordo visibile del tempo trascorso, for its color and its smell.

The six students who created the event of the image project will receive a certificate from Cereria Migone, a scholarship to 500,00 euro and the possibility of an internship in the company, in a period to be agreed in the next school year.

It concluded the event the show multisensory Gipsoteca, con il tema “La rosa”, dove si sono alternate letture di poesie, on the theme of the rose by Cavalcanti De Andrè, with the conclusion of self-criticism of the Tuscan Caproni, by the students of V D, Catherine Pavarelli and Stefano Cherubini prepared by Sonia Bartoletti, teacher of literature, dances of Versiliadanza company under the artistic direction of Angela Torriani Evangelisti and live music.

Michael Lattanzi
By the number 125 – Anno III del 14/9/2016
