The web against the Mafia and organized crime

Ri.VisualCross data to obtain, in seconds, a complete mapping of economic activities that connect people and society: Also this will defeat the mafia and organized crime.

It is the work that some day the prosecutor of Florence can be done as quickly thanks to a special software provided free by the Chamber of Commerce of Florence, under an agreement wanted by the Prosecutor of the Republic of Florence, Joseph Creazzo, and the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Florence, Leonardo Bassilichi.

The particular navigation system, called Ri.Visual and developed by Infocamere, drawing from the archives of the Companies Register, provides a graphical representation-visual data to allow an immediate perception of the relationship between people and businesses.

Ri.Visual is particularly useful when you want to investigate the complex interactions between different enterprises, or between companies and persons holding positions or holdings, or in pursuing goals for study and analysis of particular sectors or phenomena.

"The direct access to the information contained in the Companies Register and the possibility of cross visually data on the different economic realities in which they could hide criminal phenomena is an effective step forward in improving the investigative activity", said the public prosecutor, Joseph Creazzo.

"The database view, already provided free to Dia and Prefecture of Florence, allows to stem potential criminal infiltration that, altering the free competition, hinder healthy companies. In addition to, tools like this can also help to minimize interventions more or less invasive in companies, carrying a double benefit,"Added the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Florence, Leonardo Bassilichi.

For use in the best way Ri.Visual, as part of the delivery of credentials to access the software, Conservative Companies Registry of the Chamber of Commerce of Florence, Brunella Tarli, has agreed with the Attorney Creazzo adequate training for judicial police.

The agreement between the Prosecutor and the Chamber of Commerce of Florence is part of a larger project for the legality, which has already led the prosecution to have access to the database MUD (Single model of environmental statement) on companies operating in the production, disposal and waste management, one of the sectors with a higher risk of criminal infiltration.

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 52 - Year II 18/02/2015