Picture Italy &Co: the quality of Made in Italy in Florence

Immagine Italia &CoAgain the bet Italian dedicated to excellence in production of household linen and underwear-lingerie; In fact, all confirmed for the edition 2015 to be held, always eats, in the spaces of the historic Fortezza da Basso in Florence on 6, 7 and 8 February 2015.

Designed and built by the Chamber of Commerce of Pistoia, with the support of public and private partners, Picture Italy &Co., is found also for the 2015 as the ideal platform for expression of quality production of Made in Italy.

The undisputed choice of the location Florentine, ideal attraction for operators around the world, helps position Picture Italy &Co. between appointments essential for international business reference.

Businesses know.

For any information www.immagineitalia.org

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 46 - Year II 07/01/2015