“Immortal” di Katiuscia Napolitano

immortal-marsella-copiaKatie Napolitano, class 1990, He made his debut in the publishing world with "Immortal", published by Holden Caulfield Editions.

The protagonist is the vampire Sally, whose story alternates between present and past: today, a succession of countless hunting nights and passion alongside beloved William; yesterday, the origin of his curse and powers of his best friends. In the background, an ancient feud between the clans of vampires and witches company could return through a new conflict, threatening the eternal routine of two immortal lovers.

The style is light, clean and correct. As today the theme of vampires is to be determined, not unreasonably, quite repetitive, the author makes good use to offer an enjoyable read, intense and flowing.

"Immortal" is a story that we read all in one go and that drags the reader into the sensual and dark vortex of an intense love. Love for the hidden creatures become much more than a feeling: it is power, a spell is able to conquer that destroy; the absolute reason to live forever, to remain what they are forgetting the curse that stains their souls. immortals. Recommended for all lovers of the occult world, which never fails to give us fascinating stories.

" 'Immortal' was born nine years ago, I was only seventeen years old - says the writer - all is dall'immaginarmi party scene (not reveal which), then the beauty was reunited all the pieces to get right to that scene. My love for the magical world and writing did the rest! I love and I feel connected to all the characters in this story. Then, so as not to hurt anyone, I choose Sally, la protagonista, because it is the one that resembles me the most ".

"In recent years it flooded a real 'vampiro-mania', thanks to works like 'Twilight', ‘Underworld’ e ‘Vampire Diaries’, who revisited in various keys the classic figure of the Vampire - admits Kaiuscia - my vision of the undead par excellence seems to lie halfway between the classic and the modern. In fact I am the daughter of my time and the vampire craze, but my love for this figure arises first of all from the TV series 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'. My literary references on the character instead are Stoker and Ann Rice ".

"For the future - he said the young author - is ready my new novel, I finished, It is under review, and it is quite different. It is indeed a novel training to women. Sometimes, though, the idea of ​​a sequel to 'Immortal' knocks on the door!”.

“Immortal” di Katiuscia Napolitano, 4 stelle su 5.

Eleonora Marseille
Blog Eleonora Marsella

By the number 134 – Anno III del 16/11/2016