On display flowers Hideko Endo

fiori di Hideko EndoSumi Flower è il titolo dell’esposizione di Hideko Endo che sarà inaugurata venerdì prossimo, 24 October at 17 Palazzo Coppini, Via del Giglio 10.

Sumi Flower presenting flowers made by the Japanese with scraps of white fabric in the shape of petals and leaves and hand-painted.

Black and white, with painted fabrics only with ink, used for the Shodo, the Japanese art of calligraphy, The works are part of a series produced for this specific occasion.

The artificial flowers symbolize the image of Japanese landscapes or flowers for the Sado, the traditional Japanese tea ceremony.

The exhibition also represents the pre-event on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the twinning between the town and the lily Kyoto occurring in 2015.

In this way, the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, in collaboration with the city of Kyoto, sponsored by the City of Florence and the Embassy of Japan in Italy, intends to promote this exceptional event.

Palazzo Coppini, wants to be the heart of relations between peoples and has been promoted by the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation and its International Institute Life Beyond Tourism which have their headquarters.

A Palazzo Coppini are permanently exhibited objects from all over the world, documenting the richness of different cultures and peoples, and the Foundation's commitment to the development of the area and its heritage, social and cultural.

L'art Hideko Endo è Nata a Kyoto nel 1960, was formed in the course of floral arrangement in 1990 and the course "Art Flower" in 1995, then becoming a teacher in "Flower Art". From 2004 chairs the course in Art Flower "Radiant Kyoto" Kyoto and the 2007 teaches the Japanese Club in New York and also in other courses in Kyoto. “Fiori dorati e Fiori tinti” al Japanese Club a New York nel 2011 and the exhibition booth of the Japanese government in the Netherlands in the Expo Florale 2012 represent some of its international exhibitions.

The Foundation is committed to the promotion of relations between Japan and Italy, ha promosso per l’occasione anche un convegno, "Italy and Japan: legal institutions in comparison ", which will take place at Palazzo Coppini next 26 November, organized by Toyo, together with the Foundation and with the support of the Italo-Japanese Comparative Law.

Cecilia Latches

By the number 36 – The Year of 22/10/2014

Hideko Enso – Sumi Flower

from 25 al 29 October
time: 10-13 and 14-17
Closed on Sundays 26 October
Free admission
Info: 055/216066