Inaugurated the academic year of the Theological Faculty of Central Italy

Inaugurazione Anno Accademico 2014-15 FTIC- foto News Cattoliche Giornalista Franco Mariani (9)Opened in Florence, the presence of Cardinal Giuseppe Betori, Chancellor, the academic year of the Faculty of Theology of Central, with a keynote given by Monsignor Dario Edoardo Viganò, Director of the Vatican Television Center, Ctv, and Professor at the Luiss in Rome.

The new academic year, records the increase in new registered, growing especially among those registered for licenses in biblical theology and dogmatic theology. Among other data, emerge lowering the average age, the rise of the religious and seminarians.

Considerable increase in the number of new subscribers to Licenses, that represent the 40% of the total registered (consider that, now by the Year Academic 2006/2007, registered at the Licensing accounted for about 1/6 of new students).

Biblical Theology: 8 registered (5 ordinary, 2 overtime and 1 by the second semester). Students in the course are 14, Total subscribers 19 (But the lack off course that will renew the registration in January).

Dogmatic Theology: 12 registered (8 ordinary, 2 overtime, 1 host and 1 by the second semester). Students in the course are 19, Total subscribers 27 (ruled out the course that will renew the registration in January).

Doctorate: 3 Registration requests awaiting evaluation.

Year Supplementary: 8 registered (only two of which foreign). first cycle – nearly half of the new members (24 his 51), 87% of which is ordinary or extraordinary curriculum with particular; only 3 guest students to some courses Language or Holy Scripture.

As age, there is a lowering of the average age among the registered: 34 years (compared to 36,1 of 2013/2014), that descends to 32 if we exclude the students Guests pensioners. Noteworthy that the 45% students registered both under 30 years, Whereas License raises the average because it requires a five-year title for admission.

Remains virtually unchanged the number of foreigners who enroll in our Faculty (32,7%). This year stands out India as provenance (5 his 17 foreign), but so far most of the foreigners were from African countries.

Furthermore we increased the number of religious (13), seminarians (17) and priests (12), representing 84% of registered. To the decline in new seminarians Florence (last year accounted for half of the seminarians registered) corresponds to the entry of new seminars and the increase of those already represented (Siena: 4; Fiesole: 3; Grosseto: 3; Pitigliano: 2; Florence: 2; Florence Sez. Missionary: 1; Lawn: 1; Arezzo: 1).

The Theological Faculty of Central Studio is affiliated theological interdiocesan "Mons. Enrico Bartoletti "di Camaiore, and are connected to four high schools of religious sciences: the "Blessed Gregory X" in Arezzo, the "Blessed Ippolito Galantini" Florence, the "Blessed Nicholas Steno" of Pisa and the "Santa Caterina Doctor of the Church" in Siena.

As highlighted the Dean, Don Stefano Tarot "the Faculty opens to a size that exceeds the borders of Tuscany and Italy: you perceive this and not only in the students', especially for the Licentiate and Doctorate, where you keep the proportion of one in three new freshmen, until it touches almost 30% of our members. The Faculty is also inserted firmly in the path of the Theological Faculties Italian and Roman with the recognition dell'AVEPRO, the agency of the Holy See for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality in Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties ".

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 41 – The Year of 26/11/2014

Inaugurazione Anno Accademico 2014-15 FTIC- foto News Cattoliche Giornalista Franco Mariani (5)






Inaugurazione Anno Accademico 2014-15 FTIC- foto News Cattoliche Giornalista Franco Mariani (13)






Mons. Stefano Tarocchi Preside FTIC - foto News Cattoliche Giornalista Franco Mariani (2)