The dome of the Cathedral and the architecture of international

Corazzi mostra cupolaUntil 10 October Florence hosts the event "From the domes in the world to Brunelleschi's Dome", an investigation into the symbol of Florence whose implementation has, yet, aspects very mysterious.

Curated by Roberto Corazzi, expert in the field, with the collaboration of Barbara Corazzi, Palazzo Coppini the exhibition allows a fascinating journey to discover the static operation and the method of construction, used by Brunelleschi, to achieve this masterpiece that has left, over the centuries, many assumptions about its construction but without a final figure and without a script by the Florentine genius.

The exhibition full of plastic and scale models, enables to deepen the studies done over the years, from the oldest to the recent, allowing to determine the composition of materials, the structural aspect, material and the geometry used by Brunelleschi to realize the dome.

In addition to, attraverso foto, video and documenti, the dome is compared with other similar buildings with domes of Florence and ancient and modern from around the world, Hagia Sofia in Istanbul, Turkey in Gol Gumbaz in India, Sant'Angese from a Rome, the Friday Mosque of Isfahan in Iran up to San Pietro, a Roma.

In particular, the recent theory developed is presented Roberto Corazzi. According to the scholar, the construction of the dome is closely linked to another discovery of Brunelleschi, or that the prospect.

In practice, the same "tablets" used by Brunelleschi to study their perspective, would serve to verify the development of the dome and to control distances and proportions in phase of realization.

According to the professor, Filippo Brunelleschi would have played on a tablet, characterized by a central hole, the project he developed for the Dome. Then, exactly as it did for its prospective studies, would use a second tablet with a reflective surface to "mirror" the first drawing, looking through the hole in the first tablet.

In this way, placing itself in front of the Duomo in construction, and "adjusting" the size of the reflection through the greater or lesser distance between the two tablets, would be able to verify the compliance of the dome under construction with the same design.

Also according to Professor Corazzi, this theory could overcome the hypothesis of the use, by Brunelleschi, mechanisms bulky and difficult to maneuver for the checks on the proper progress of the work and, in particular, sull'inclinazione the Dome.

Roberto Corazzi, graduated in Architecture, former professor at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Florence, is one of the greatest scholars of Brunelleschi and the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore. Author of numerous publications, has participated in numerous international conferences organized by the prestigious cultural institutions in the world.

Palazzo Coppini wanted by the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation and its Institute Life Beyond Tourism which have their headquarters there is a place to display, permanently of artefacts from all over the world and meeting point between cultures.

Cecilia Latches

By the number 33 – The Year of 1/10/2014

Hours: Monday to Friday
from hours 10 at 13 and from 15 at 17
Free admission
Info: 055/21.60.66 –