The Mercy of Florence on display at Palazzo Medici Riccardi

Mostra_Misericordia_10"A boundless charity", the Misericordia of Florence on display at Palazzo Medici Riccardi; traces the history of the arch and its link with the city of Florence with original archive and museum on the occasion of his 770 years.

Twenty-four panels made for the occasion that cover some of the most important moments in the history of the Misericordia of Florence: from the plague in the Middle Ages to the Great War, up to the present day. "A boundless charity" is an exhibition organized on the occasion of 770 years of the arch in Piazza Duomo in the Gallery of Carriages in Palazzo Medici Riccardi, opened today and will remain visible to the public until 30 may

Mostra_Misericordia_4In addition to the twenty-four panels are also on display: an ambulance years 70, the hearse "virgins", a wagon litter, the old Zana and other traditional objects from the museum and the archives of the Misericordia of Florence.

"We really wanted to celebrate these our 770 years - said Andrea Ceccherini, Administrator of the Misericordia of Florence - and by this we want to take more and more energy lifeblood to continue in our street. We do not have a goal, We are beside those who need day after day. The path for us is always the same: the proximity to the last ".

The exhibition was presented this morning in the Sala Pistelli the Palace of the Province of Florence in the presence of Superintendent of Mercy Florence, Andrea Ceccherini, organizer of the celebrations for the 770 years, Naldini Maurizio, by the President of the Province of Florence, Andrea Barducci, and the curator of the exhibition, Professor Dominic Taddei.

Mostra_Misericordia_5"The exhibition is not set chronologically but by sectors - has specified Maurizio Naldini - it seemed the best way to communicate with the Florentines and the many tourists who visit daily Palazzo Medici Riccardi. With this exhibition we wanted to document, tell our bond so deep in the city ".

The exhibition will be open from 10,30 at 19 and many of the original play, as well as many other items of historical and artistic importance, are visible in our office in piazza Duomo where there are, everyday, from 24 al 31 may, 4 guided tours and museum archives. To participate simply leave your name to book the Brothers in black robes that are in service to the exhibition the Gallery of Carriages.

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 19 – The Year of 21/05/2014































