Besides Picasso

picassoThe Pablo Picasso, the protagonist of the twentieth century, myth is dedicated to the exhibition of modern art in Florence, spaces of Palazzo Strozzi, where, together with internationally renowned artists such as Tapies, Miro and Dali explores the Spanish art of the twentieth century.

The influence of Picasso's genius is evident in the works of other painters, and also its themes, expression of its commitment to the art and its relationship with life, have been a guide for much of the last century.

Ninety, fra pitture, masterpieces of great value, sculptures, drawings, engravings and a film chronicling the history and the evolution of the poetry of Pablo Picasso and many other Spanish artists.

These include some preparatory drawings made for the masterpiece Guernica, also present in a film directed by Carlos Saura and Antonio Banderas as Picasso, which is slated for release on the occasion of the exhibition in Florence.

On the creative process, with designs for "Le Chef-d'oeuvre inconnu" by Honoré de Balzac in the trial between genres and techniques, in this review are many elements that characterize the concept of Picasso and all the modernity.

Cecilia Latches

By the number 31 – The Year of 17/09/2014


Picasso and the Spanish modernity
Strozzi Palace
20 September 2014 – 25 January 2015
Time: 10 – 20 il giovedì fino alle 23
Prenotazioni 055/24.69.600
Fax 055/24.41.45

Info: 055/26.45.155