Pet therapy: attachment to animals

libro attaccamento agli animaliA Palazzo Medici Riccardi, in Florence 30 ottobre si terrà la presentazione del primo libro scientifico sulla “pet therapy” nell’ambito di una giornata di studio con i massimi esperti internazionali in materia.

How do the human beings and animals to develop strong links between their? What makes it possible for animals to promote a therapeutic effect on men? In addition to, how can we use this knowledge to better interventions assisted with animals?

The relationship between man and his puppy home is very important in the development of emotion regulation, social skills and mental health in children, as well as in adolescents and adults.

The deep bond that binds men and animals also has a corresponding neurophysiological: petting a dog or cat, In fact, increases the level of oxytocin, hormone-feeding and valuable in the early stages of life, at the base - as shown by the scholars - the bond of attachment and caregiving between man and animal.

But the "pet therapy" in Italy is still in the growth phase, with experience in the area and often inhomogeneous, Unfortunately, the use of excessive approximation.

The 30 October will be presented in Florence the first book dedicated to the "pet therapy", one of a kind: in "The attachment to the animals" (di Turner, Beetz, Julius e altri, Hogrefe editions, 2014), una squadra di esperti biologi e psicologi integra e coniuga sofisticate conoscenze.

The authors have created a scientific basis for integrated assisted therapy animals, foundation that will serve to facilitate the development, implementation and evaluation of new and effective interventions.

The Italian translation of "The attachment to animals" is curated by Dr. Francesca Mugnai, massima esperta di “pet therapy” in Italia, responsabile per la AOU Meyer di Firenze del progetto di “pet therapy” in ospedale e referente di una fattoria terapeutica.

The book presents a detailed picture of the experience of interventions assisted with the animals in our country.

The presentation of the book will be brought forward by a day of study a limited number of, con la lectio di Denis Turner e Andrea Beetz, oltre agli interventi del medico anestesista Laura Tadini Boninsegni e del medico veterinario Marco Verdone.

The conference will take place on the morning of 30 Luca Giordano October in the Hall of the Palazzo Medici Riccardi in Florence. Registration by 15 October

The presentation of the book (Admission is free) will be held at the same venue at 15.

Participate, In addition to professors Dennis Turner and Andrea Beetz and to Dr. Francesca Mugnai, also the director of the Library Riccardiana Giovanna Jokes and Jacopo Tarantino Publisher Hogrefe.

Information: o 339/59.68.253

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 32 – The Year of 24/09/2014