Prostate: New laser to erase the pain during surgery

laser verde prostataTurning, at least in Florence, nella cura e nel trattamento dell’Ipertrofia prostatica benigna (IPB), that implemented by Villa Donatello and the Cancer Center Fiorentino (CFO), that have adopted an important new technology called "Green Light".

A green light that erases the pain, dissolves fear of surgery and a long post operative, and allows a quick return home.

It is in practice a laser that has the characteristic of being able to treat BPH in a completely non-invasive, without scalpels and incisions.

The machine has the peculiarity of emitting a green light and use, and is the first and only example in Florence, besides being one of the few in all of Tuscany.

Will be used for a condition coma the IPB, which affects about 80% of men over 50 years - just think that every year only in Italy are practiced over 40 thousand surgeries IPB - and can significantly affect the quality of life because of its symptoms.

"Green Light" uses a technique absolutely futuristic, exploiting the action of a powerful laser that vaporizes with millimeter precision only the excess prostate tissue, transforming it into steam bubbles.

Not being a practical invasive, the use of this tool brings several advantages: most of the patients go home the day after surgery, resuming normal activities after just one week; Furthermore this method allows to operate also high-risk patients such as those with cardiovascular disease.

"The benefits for the patient are truly remarkable - explains Dr. Gavazzi, Head of Urology of the CFO - starting with a low risk of bleeding, because you do not practice any more cutting, a significant reduction of pain and postoperative complaints and then a very rapid recovery of the work activities. Add to this a very low risk of infection. Also of note that this is an intervention however definitive, you make while awake, with a spinal anesthesia, safeguard sexual potency and fertility and lasts for an average of half an hour to an hour and a half depending on the situation. It is a remarkable turnaround for the treatment of a pathology intended to have a considerable weight on quality of life, because of symptoms which go from the need to urinate frequently, even at night, up to urinary retention ".

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 51 - Year II of 11/02/2015