“When darkness falls” Massimiliano Beauty

1calabuioWriting a book is a highly complicated, different elements come into play, But writing a novel thriller is even more.

Today I'll talk about "When darkness falls", una storia molto intrigante scritta da Massimiliano Bellezza. Lui, aeronautical engineer, class 1979 was born in the province of Turin and "When darkness falls" is his second novel, edited by Butterfly Editions.

The story is presented from the start pressing, rich in details, the use of verbs hits very varied, with the passing of the pages you realize that it is not a thriller all because it is a story that goes beyond the imagination.

The protagonists are 5 teens, thugs of the city of Salem, after this adventure in an abandoned school, not combine more pranks around because ...? Eh, this you have to find out by reading the story of Maximilian Beauty.

Beauty began writing in 2004, it was a story for a local contest. Subsequently, a year later, has thought elaboration of his first novel, still remained in the drawer. It's a spy story, set in the United States, whose final version is dotted with many rocks related to the topic.

In 2007, Massimiliano Beauty has opened the doors to his first novel, "Cruel Fate - story of a young". The text arrived in the publication 2010, three years later. Edited by Robin Editions, is a teen drama. "Destino Cruel" was a long work experience, also strong emotionally, of which he is proud.

The author explains that he likes to create suspense, anxiety, tensions and people troubled, exactly as the "monster" of "When darkness falls"; all factors that fascinate him. Love the thriller and will continue to do so. Also is there any other novel that's cooking and hopes to publish as soon as a new book which will always be the figure of the "monster" of "When darkness falls", a controversial figure and somewhat left.

Massimiliano Beauty is contrary, generally, Paid publishing and is just fine with its present editor, Butterfly Editions.

Eleonora Marseille

By the number 51 - Year II of’ 11/02/2015

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Cover Price 9,90 euro, Butterfly editions, please click on the two links: Amazon - Ibs