T-VedO, the paintings become three-dimensional and can be seen by the blind

T-VedO 4Il progetto T-vedO prevede che affreschi e pitture diventani tridimensionali e che possono essere toccate dai non vedenti.

Un progetto realizzato dall’Università di Firenze con un finanziamento regionale, in collaboration with the Municipality of Florence, presentato durante il convegno “Museums and the web”, that collects in the Palazzo Vecchio over 330 experts in art and digital innovations from around the world, in corso fino al 21 febbraio e ideato da Laura Longo, Stefania Chipa and Ilaria D'Uva.

T-VedO 5The project has focused on two frescoes, The Raising of Tabitha in the Brancacci Chapel, and the Annunciation by Fra Angelico in the San Marco Basilica.

"For several years now - explained Professor Monica Carfagni – you can have copies tactile scale three-dimensional art objects such as sculptures, archaeological artefacts, bas-reliefs and monuments. These objects are often handmade by skilled artisans or artists, and very expensive. In the last few years have also been used advanced techniques and three-dimensional printers to achieve significant results. But the problem seemed insurmountable with paintings, especially the frescoes large, of which it is possible to create bas-reliefs, but they often do not allow a definition of detail sufficient to perceive the wonder of the original work ".

T-VedO 6The T-obvious just to see these problems: the università (Faculty of Engineering, department of mechanical and industrial technologies) has developed an innovative software that, starting from a photographic acquisition, creates a 3D model of the work and then press.

The prototypes have been made to the museum in the Brancacci Chapel and St. Mark's.

Michael Lattanzi

By the number 6 – The Year of 19/02/2014