Tsev »Tagged nrog Posts» arcivescovo (Nplooj ntawv 17)

Papa Francesco andrà sulla tomba di don Lorenzo Milani

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Pope Francis yuav mus rau hauv lub qhov ntxa uas tsis txhob Lorenzo Milani

Tuesday, 20 June Francis Pope yuav mus nyob rau pilgrimage Barbiana, nyob rau hauv lub xeev Florence, thov Vaj tswv rau lub qhov ntxa uas tsis txhob Lorenzo Milani. Qhov kev mus saib yuav muaj sijhawm teem rau lwm yam thiab unofficial. Cardinal Betori expressed zoo kawg thiab kev kaj siab lug ntawm lub tsev teev ntuj Florentine rau no, ed è grato al Santo Padre per questo […]

La Diocesi di Firenze inizia il Cammino Sinodale

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Tus kav thaus liv Roman Diocese of Florence pib lub Synodic

Il Cammino sinodale della Chiesa fiorentina sull’Esortazione Apostolica di Papa Francesco “Evangelii gaudium” indetto dal cardinale Giuseppe Betori si è aperto ufficialmente sabato sera, 22 Tim, con una Veglia di preghiera nella chiesa di San Giovanni Battista all’Autostrada. In quell’occasione è stato consegnato il “mandato” agli animatori che, dopo i gli incontri di formazione in seminario, sono pronti per mettersi a […]

Pasqua 2017: Lo Scoppio del Carro a Firenze

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Easter 2017: Scoppio del Carro nyob Florence

Thaum Easter, nyob rau hauv piazza Duomo, Hnub xya 16 keeb kwm reenactment muab chaw rau tim lub Scoppio del Carro, tus hiob Florentine folk kev lig kev cai lawm tso cia rau riam 9 centuries thiab xav kom ua raws li tus exploits ntawm tus Florentines hauv lub Crusades thiab lawv xa mus rau lub nroog. Cov historic commemoration yog kawm los ntawm tus kav nroog Deputy Cristina Gamboa, […]

Corteo Storico della Repubblica Fiorentina e Scoppio del Carro per la Pasqua 2017

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Parade Florentine koom pheej thiab tawg ntawm lub laub rau Easter 2017

Thaum Easter, nyob rau hauv piazza Duomo, Hnub xya 16 keeb kwm reenactment muab chaw rau tim lub Scoppio del Carro, tus hiob Florentine folk kev lig kev cai lawm tso cia rau riam 9 centuries thiab xav kom ua raws li tus exploits ntawm tus Florentines hauv lub Crusades thiab lawv xa mus rau lub nroog. Cov historic commemoration yog kawm ntawm Deputy cob moos […]

Veglia Pasquale del Sabato Santo a Firenze con Fuoco Scoppio del Carro 2017

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Easter Vigil rau hnub Saturday ntuj hauv Florence muaj hluav taws kub Scoppio del Carro 2017

Easter Vigil ntawm ntuj hnub Saturday hauv Florence muaj hluav taws kub Scoppio del Carro 2017, presided over by Cardinal Archbishop Giuseppe Betori, preceded ntawm cov Parade ntawm cov koom Florentine pheej uas muaj escorted, nrog tus chij ntawm cov municipality thiab City Council President Catherine Biti, tus dos ntawm tus Sepulchre ntuj ntawm lub tsev teev ntuj ntawm Piazza del Limbo al Duomo […]

Omelia del Cardinale Betori ai politici fiorentini per la Pasqua 2017

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Cov Cardinal Betori Florentine politicians rau Easter homily 2017

Li qub txhua xyoo, ua ntej lub limtiam dawb huv, cov Archbishop Florence ntsib politicians thiab Catholics muab kev koom tes hauv lub neej kev noj peb caug nrog lawv cov Paschal precept. Tsuas tias xyoo no cov dawb huv pawg, nyob rau hauv cov chapel ntawm Archbishop lub Palace lom, Nws yog “ntsib” nrog koj mus Florence cov lub National Secretary ntawm tus […]

La visita del Cardinale Tagle a Firenze

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Qhov mus saib ntawm Cardinal Tagle nyob Florence

Hnub Wednesday tuaj xyuas hauv Florence, kom, ntxov ib lub rooj sib tham ntawm sab ntsuj plig uas muaj kev Zwj fiorentino, Thaum tav su nws lom pawg dawb huv nyob hauv lub Basilica of San Lorenzo rau cov zej zog neeg Filipino loj, lub Archbishop Manila thiab President of Caritas Internationalis, Philippines Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle. Yeeb yaj duab thiab duab txog […]

Cardinale Betori consegna al Comune il Messaggio di Pace di Papa Francesco

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Cardinal Betori tus me nyuam mus rau municipality tus Pope xov ntawm kev sib raug zoo

Tab sis yog nws nyob rau ncua sij hawm ntawm yuav luag ob thiab ib nrab hnub hli, Tuesday, 14 Lub peb hlis ntuj, tus Pope xov ntawm kev sib raug zoo, feeb ntau lub cardinal Archbishop of Florence tus me nyuam nyob rau lub ib hlis ntuj rau tus cob moos, Aldermen, Pab cuam, Neeg zej zog presidents los txog hauv zos Palazzo Vecchio. Lub ceremony yog nyob rau hauv lub cuab lub Palazzo Vecchio thiab Lorenzo […]

Il Cardinale Elia Dalla Costa presto Venerabile

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Cardinal Elia Dalla Costa sai Venerable

Cov cardinal Archbishop of Florence, Mons. Giuseppe Betori, Muaj cardinal Secretary of State Parolin, tus 2 Lub peb hlis ntuj, Rau lub clergy thiab journalists tam sim no nyob rau hauv lub Seminary tshaj tawm tias kawg ntawm lub hlis plenary ntawm lub Bishops thiab Cardinals ntawm lub Vatican Congregation rau cov neeg ntseeg yuav pronounce rau lub Heroic Virtues ntawm Cardinal Elia Dalla Costam muab cov lus txiav txim […]

Conferenza Stampa a tutto tondo del Cardinale Parolin Segretario di Stato Vaticano

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Nias sablaj ntawm txhua trades ntawm lub Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin

Txuas mus xyuas fiorentina, kawg 2 Lub peb hlis ntuj, lub Cardinal Secretary of State, Mons. Pietro Parolin, tuav ib lub rooj sib tham ntawm spirituality (pom peb lwm yeeb yaj duab featuring muab ib) rau lub zwj fiorentino, hauv rhiav, kuj qhib rau muam/viv ncaus thiab muab cov neeg, thiab muaj kev koom tes los ntawm ob peb journalists. Qhov kawg ntawm lub rooj sab laj, thiab ua ntej […]