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Al via i campi estivi dell’Opera per la Gioventù Giorgio La Pira

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At the start the summer camps Youth Opera Giorgio La Pira

Summer is coming and returning even in 2014 summer camps for Youth Opera Giorgio La Pira, Florentine association founded more than half a century ago by Pino Harpoons, who was also a contributor to the holy Mayor Giorgio La Pira, and who dedicated all existence to the integral formation of young people to the horror of war, da lui […]

Un libro per raccontare Pino Arpioni e il Villaggio La Vela

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A book to tell Pine Harpoons and the village La Vela

"Pino Harpoons and sailing. Sixty years of training camps "is the result of a work-book by journalist Claudio Turrini, on a piece of history of the laity that features a story of a man and an association whose activity is still today a point of reference for thousands of young people: the man […]