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Boom di visitatori al Cimitero Monumentale dell’Antella per le visite gratuite alle opere di Galileo Chini nel 150° della nascita

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Boom di visitatori al Cimitero Monumentale dell’Antella per le visite gratuite alle opere di Galileo Chini nel 150° della nascita

Galileo Chini, boom in attendance at the monumental cemetery of the Mercy of the Antella to visit the works of the artist of Liberty on the occasion of the,it,The next dates to score on the calendar to know a secret casket full of works of art of all kinds,it,marble,it,The initiatives of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Chini,it,Maximum Italian exponent of Liberty,it,Author of numerous works throughout Italy,it,Many of which are kept in the cemetery of Antella,it,where the artist is buried,it 150 years from birth. Le prossime date da segnare in calendario per conoscere uno scrigno segreto pieno di opere d’arte di ogni tipo – statue, ceramiche, vetrate, affreschi, quadri, marmi – are the 14 […]