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Contratto per il fiume Arno

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Contract for the River Arno

The 2015 is an important one because it will be approved in December, after an extensive phase of public information and consultation, the Plan of water management in accordance with Directive 2000/60 / EC and the management plan for flood risk under Directive 2007/60 / EC. Two Plans that Europe requires all Member States to […]

Gli auguri natalizi del Corteo Storico della Repubblica Fiorentina

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Christmas wishes of the Historical Parade of the Florentine Republic

Traditional parade, on the eve of Christmas, on the main streets of the city center, the Historical Parade of the Florentine Republic for Christmas gifts Authorities Cities – Archbishop, Prefect, President Province – by the Municipality represented here by the President of the Historical Football Michele Pierguidi. Franco Mariani Dal numero 45 – The Year of 24/12/2014 […]

Lezione alle Cascine per 300 alunni per conoscere l’Arno

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Lesson for the Cascine 300 students to learn about the Arno

Three hundred children 11 classi delle primarie hanno fatto lezione non in classe, ma al Parco delle Cascine per conoscere l’Arno dalla sorgente fino alla foce, discover the many ways, evident or hidden, with which it has influenced, and still influences, the life of our city, such as floods past. Senza dimenticare gli interventi necessari per […]

Calcio Storico Fiorentino – Bandierai degli Uffizi saluto alle Autorità

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Calcio Storico Fiorentino – Uffizi Bandierai greeting to the authorities

Calcio Storico Fiorentino, saluto alle Autorità dei Bandierai degli Uffizi in occasione della seconda partita. Frank Mariani shooting. By the number 23 – The Year of 18/06/2014  

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