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Aumento tassa di soggiorno: Stop di Federalberghi Firenze

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Increased tourist tax: Stop Federalberghi Florence

"In our hotels in a year 6,776 million visitors: as it would make the City increased by 50 cents per night? And as it would be used this treasure?"The President will ask Bechi a meeting with the commissioners of Tourism and the Budget, you say: "Ready to dialogue". “Ci siamo dichiarati e restiamo fortemente contrari all’applicazione […]

Lo sviluppo della meeting industry nella città metropolitana di Firenze

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The development of the meetings industry in the metropolitan city of Florence

Promote the development of the meetings industry in Florence is the purpose of the meeting place between the associations representing the tourism sector and the Florence Convention Bureau; a meeting that led to the establishment of a steering committee for the development of congress tourism, business and meeting industry, l’industria degli eventi, nella città metropolitana di […]